chapter 6

The boy ran next to the wall. " Did I come to early?" He looked around. No one was seen. He then rested his back against the wall. " Seriously what am I doing?" He questioned himself. " If someone found out I'll be in big trouble but..... Princess looked down and her experience in the outside is close to zero too so ... I'm basically doing nothing wrong. All I'm doing is helping a sad girl cheer up" he convinced himself but again sighed. " But that won't change my punishment"

" Tsurugi..." A soft female voice. " Sorry I'm a little late." Her energetic voice was long gone. I know what I'm doing is wrong but looking at her..... I feel like I should do it. " Princess.... Shall we go then?"

Her nod gave the answer. Jumping over the wall we both reached the town. " The shrine Should be this way" tsurugi pointed as kinako looked infront and then to the left and to the right. " Are there always this many people around?" Her question was a stupid one but obviously that's what you normally hear from her... Stupid questions. " Well this is the middle of town"

Walking across the town came a lonely road. Not many people were there. It was dark and silent. Tsurugi stopped. " Let's go inside". Kianko followed the knight. " Is this what a shrine looks like? " She asked. " Well normally I guess..." Tsurugi didn't have perfect answers when it came to the princess questions.

" First pull this rope and ring the bell" tsurugi pointed up and kinako pulled the rope and sound of a bell came. " A bell" her eyes regained a spark.

" Then you put some cash in here" he gave some money to the princess hand. "In here?" She asked as she pushed the money into the box. " Then clap your hands twice and make your wish" his instructions were clearly and easy. The princess nodded out of nervous as she clapped twise.

" My wish...." She whispered. My wish huh..... Wishing like this in a shrine. If i had never met him then I probably would never had this experience. Being here is not so bad when it comes to being with him. Her eyes turned towards to boy. I sometimes wanted to wish that being here being like this ...... If I can always be with him.....

She suddenly snapped " ahhhh" she half cried and screamed " I made a wrong wish". " What?" Tsurugi asked not understanding the situation. " I just randomly thought it out and I wished it" she suddenly went back to depressed mode.

" Then why not make one again?' tsurugi asked. " That's not ok. Gods will think I'm greedy" kinako played with her hands. What annoying princess. Tsurugi sighed " what's your wish?" He asked.

" I want gods to help on dealing with temmas situation. So everything will go okay" her honest feelings were out. The tsurugi dropped some money in the box. He clapped twise " um...... What was it again..... Oh yeah, please make whatever the heck this annoying princess wants happening. Let the general and the princess's relationship go well or something like that"

At that moment her heart again started to feel tight. She was feeling something but...

" Um also I want a free expensive meal everyday " he continued. Her smile returned. " Your being greedy you know" kinako smiled.

" Being greedy sometimes is good" tsurugi turned. " So if you want something then you should tell it. And be a little selfish. Even if it is with your best friend"

" Yeah.... I'll face this problem and I'll face temma" kinako smiled " after all now that I have god's help I'm sure it will work out" kinako closed her while saying and opened them once again only to find tsurugi gone. She looked towards the exit. He was walking with out her saying " god's don't excite."

" Hey don't say such mean words. You just mad a wish yourself" kinako ran to him complaining.

They both walked side by side. Ones eyes focused infront and the other down at her foot.

She looked at her feet. They moved one at a time. Left right left right. " Are we going to go somewhere like this...." She didn't finish as tsurugi's arm rapped around her upper body and pulled her towards him.

Two people passed. " Look infront when walking princess" he advised. Kinako felt her heart beat fast. Her face burned. " Your face is red... Are you cold" he asked as he took of his black court and covered the princess.

" What about you?" She asked. " I'm use to it don't worry" his worm words..... Kinako looked back the the two she almost bumped into.

A lady and a man holding hands and laughing. " Why are they holding hands?" The princess asked. " Ah.... They must be a couple" tsurugi answered looking at the couple.

" Deos that mean when you become a couple you hold hands?"

" Well yeah.... Normally"

" They look happy" her voice sounded lonely. " You'll find one someday too. " Tsurugi patted kinako's head as he continued to walk again.

Both of thire eyes were now focused front. Then tsurugi's eyes turned to the princess. He scanned her. When she wears normal plain dresses she really do looks like a normal girl. " What was your wish?" His mouth opened. " Huh" kinako showed confusion. " You said you made a wish accidentally. What was it?" He asked again.

" Uh well that was...." She paused " I wished that I can always be with you" the moment she said it tsurugi's legs froze.

" Huh?.... What did you wish?" He asked again. " I wished that I can always be with you. Why is something wrong?" The princess asked. This princess deos she really not get it..... What a dull girl. " Um princess you do know what that means right?" Tsurugi asked.

" Well yeah. If I can be with you then I can go out of the palace and have lots of fun" the princess finished as tsurugi again started walking a little faster. " Yeah right that's what you meant" he said half covering his face. I can't believe I thought of something misunderstanding. Of course this princess would say something like that. I know that yet I thought of something so stupid.

" Tsurugi thanks" kinako out of the blue said having a tint red in her face. " Thanks for being there for me. Supporting me"

" Don't worry about it. I'm only doing my job to protect you and besides..... Soon you'll be going back to the rimon kingdom anyway. And after that we won't meet again " kinako stopped in her track but tsurugi just kept walking. She staired into his back. That's right..... I'll be going back to rimon again soon and after that...... I won't be able to experience these kind of things....... I won't be able to see him..... She touched the court she was wearing. I don't want that. I want to be with him..... That's not it.... That's not's not the outside world..... I don't want to be away from him.

Next day

The knight sat down and rested his back against the wall. He yawed expressing his tiredness. His eyes expressed his sleepiness thanks to a someone form a somewhere taking him every night to some place.... Well not everyday but it was still tiering for the little knight. The wolf who always sleeps 12 hours a day is now only sleeping for 2 hours or less.

" Come on princess anytime now" he said a bit loud as the girl infront of him peeking next to the wall suddenly turned. Her finger on her lip " ahhhhhhhhh" she signaled. " He'll spot us"

" ' I'll face him. I'll face Temma" kinako heard her own words from yesterday from another person's mouth. " Is what you said remember?" The boy questioned. " Of course I'll face him. I'll just looking for the right moment" she puffed her cheeks in anger as she went back to spying.

" Well whatever.... I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when you FIND THE RIGHT MOMENT " he highlighted that part as he closed his eyes.

" I will" she pushed her thong out. " You big meaniiiii" she finished.

" Princess?" The sound from behind cought her off gaurd. She jumped up while turning. She didn't open her eyes but she knew who it was. " H-hi temma. How are you?..." Her fake smile was obvious.

" I'm doing very well but princess what are you doing?" Temma asked. ' he's acting like nothing happened. Compared to me temma is....... Kinako looked down. " I'm training"

" Training? For what?" Temma now had a confused face. " Of course that's a secret but you'll soon know" kinako regained her childish act. Her words made the general laugh.

" What are you laughing at?" Kinako puffed her cheeks. " No it's just .... princess you really haven't changed have you?" Her soft eyes landed on the princess's eyes.

" Well whatever. What about you?! You were so joyful and cute when you were little but now you are acting so adult like" she complained.

" Well I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable but princess" kinako's hand was pulled as she felt a soft lips touching her skin. " I am a man " he finished as he pulled back and returned the princesses hand.

" But seriously he really deos do his job deosent he" he used sarcasm to ease the tense.

" Well then I'll going" temma turned to leave and took a few steps but stopped after hearing the princess call him. " Temma"

" Wait for me" she stood strait. " I'll give you a proper answer but I need more time so wait for me" right now this is all I could say

Temma turned to her bad smiled. " Right. I'll be waiting". He again turned and started walking. Soon he was gone. Kinako sighed in relief. It was hard for her but she managed to give a proper answer to her friend with out breaking their friendship.

She then turned to the sleeping knight. " Seriously what is with you." She bended down infront of him. " Sleeping so nicely when I'm in trouble". Her hand moved on its own. She moved his hair from his eyes. " What kind of dream are you having? When he's sleeping he looks so ..." She suddenly realised. Her face turned red. ' what the hell am I doing?' her thoughts repeated.

" What kind of pervert thoughts are you getting" the boy smirked. " You were awake?!" She backed away.

" Well of course anyone would wake up if a pervert women was touching his face and stairing at it while doodling" his playful smirk appeared. " I'm not a pervert and I wasn't doodling" she defended.

" Oh? So you do admit that you were stairing" he stood up as the princesses face turned bright red. Her embarrassment was off the charts. Suddenly a sight pain was felt on her forehead. " Relax I was joking. You don't have to be so embarrassed"

" I- I wasn't e-embarrassed."

" What a tsundera"

" Shut up"

" Princess nanubane?" The man called. " Yes that would be me" the princess answered taking this opportunity to calm her heart down. " Um the queen has called you your highness" he bowed.

" Eden queen? But why?"
