chapter 5

" you want to take a day out?" The queen asked rather surprised. " What's wrong are you sick ?"

" My parents......" Tsurugi didn't finish but the queen knew right away. " When do you want your break?" She asked. " tomorrow... If you can please"  he said in his soft voice.

" Ok then. " She stood up and went to her bed. She sat down at the corner before tapping two times signaling tsurugi. " Came here kyousuke" .  " Is that a order?" Tsurugi asked. " Deos it sound like one?" She asked back.

The knight was wearing his normal clothes as he walked to the queen before sitting. " You don't have to be so far you know" the queen pulled the boy into a half hug.

" How is work?" She asked. " Well I'm getting along with her I guess" he answered bordly. " Good. I knew you were the person. So how close are you. Have you already?..." " Don't say stupid stuff. We're not a couple" tsurugi pushed the queen's face away from his.

" What.... I'm disappointed" the queen showed her disappointed face. " Well whatever"

She then layed her chin on top of tsurugi's head. " Ahhhh im so sad" she half cried. " Do you really don't have a Change of heart?"

" I said give me time didn't I?"

" But I already gave you 2 months"

" Well.... I need more. It's not something I can just go and do.... Changing my family means abandoning the old. That's not something I'm yet ready to do"

" * Sad smile* I get it. I'll wait. * Hugs him* feel free to come to me anytime. I'll give my little baby a hug anytime anyplace."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

She rolled on her bed. " He's late" she whispered as jumped out of bed and went towards the cabinet. She wore a golden dress that matched her hair. She sweeped her hair little by little and got it tied. Kinako turned a few times to see if everything is good and left the room.

She walked and walked looking around searching for s person. " Princess?" She heard a voice. A knight walked towards her.

" Temma? Where have you been? I've been lonely without you" the princess words didn't compare to her happiness. " Sorry sorry. I had work. Still have a lot of left." Temma scratched his neck while said.

" Really? Well it can't be helped I guess. I did have that weird knight to keep me busy" the princess said as she put one of her arms behind her back and the other in her forehead. " But I seriously can't find him anywhere today"

" Sir tsurugi right?" Temma asked. " You seem close".

" Close isn't quite right. He's actually very cold and not cute at all but somehow he has this really kind side to his. This one time we both went out..." She paused. Wait if I tell temma there is a chance he might tell my parents. And if that happens.... " No nothing. So how is work?"

" I saw you yesterday with him..... Under the tree" he ignored kinako's question.  " You saw us? Then why didn't you come and say hi" the princess didn't get the point at all. At least that's what temma thought.

" Do you like him?" Temma asked out of the blue. " No not at all" and her answer was quick. " Then what were you doing yesterday?" Temma suddenly shouted.

" I was helping him sleep. Because of me he didn't get any sleep" kinako said as temma shouted " PRINCESS!"

She didn't get why he was so mad. She didn't do anything wrong yet here she had to be treated this way. " I don't know what your mad about but I didn't do anything wrong?"

" How long are you going to act like a child.? Grow up will you.  You being close to a unknown person is just....." Temma paused. " Just what? He's not a unknown person. He's my bodyguard. I don't have a problem with it so why do you have one. Or is it that you don't like me being close to other men?" She asked it out of anger but the answer was given to her by temmas face.

" I'm going. Please be safe" kinako turned and took a step but couldn't take anymore as a pair of hands wapped around her neck. " Princess I know how selfish I'm being but my love for you will never weaken. I tried so hard to hide it but after seeing you yesterday I realized.....that I don't want any one to have you."

His hands slipped away from her neck with his step to the back. " My apologies for the trouble I caused. Ill be leaving. " With that the foot steps began to fade in time.

The princess stayed silent, Not moving a inch. She took a deep breath and took a step one after the other before coming across the tree tsurugi slept yesterday. She turned her course and went to the tree. She sat down in the shade that gave her peace in mind. The refreshing wind blew dancing with her hair. She pulled her legs to a hug. Her long dress covering her legs made it impossible to her to feel them.
She rested her forehead on her knees. " What do I do? I didn't think this would happen.." her whisper spread.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

A pale blue hand put down some beautiful flowers infront of a grave. His eyes showed nothing but sadness yet no tears. " If I get adopted?..... Will you be mad mom? Dad?" His soft voice spoke. " I don't know what to do anymore. My head is a mess. Sometimes I just want to give everything up and come to you....but" he kept his silence for sometime.  The wind blew as tsurugi looked up the the sky. " The wind.... Some how i feel like someone is calling me " his lips curved. "I'll come again. " His last words to his parents grave gave back the loneliness it had.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

The sun was almost gone. The orange sky slowly started to get darker.  " What are you doing?" His question was the same as she asked herself. Just what am I doing?

" Go away let me be depressed" she pulled her legs closer. " I heard that you've been sitting there mumbling since morning. " She only heard his voice. " What happened? Did someone do something to you?". Kinako lifted her face by only a inch so he can only see her eyes.  And she can only see him.

" Someone hit one me" she said in a childish voice.

In tsurugi's mind

" Please princess I love you" the man pulled the princess into a hug. " Noooo" the princess screams. " I cannot live without you please be mine" the man smirked as he grabbed the princess chin and forced a....

Back in reality

The idea left his mind as the princess hit him in the head saying " I don't know what your imagining but that's definitely not it".

" But what's so depressing about someone hitting on you? Did you broke his heart or something?" The knight questioned.

The princess again hide her face in her legs. The knight sighed and sat besides the princess. " I don't know what's going on but you will feel better if you talk about it. I'll hear you out?"

" Have you ever been confessed?" The princess continued after a small pause. " By someone who is like a really really close friend?"

" Could it be that the one who confessed was general temma?" To the knights question  she could only nod. " What did you tell him?" His questions continued. " I didn't say anything...." The princess said in a soft voice.

" I don't know anything about romance and I never really looked at anyone that I was really surprised when temma said that" kinako said as she felt a little better like tsurugi said. " Romance huh? It's like that isn't it. Your heart beats fast and you turn red. Everything he/she says makes you happy and you always wanted to be with them or something like that..... Do you feel that way towards him?" He asked and the princess said it with no hesitation " not at all"

" Then there you have it" the knight stood up. " Easy for you to say. I don't want temma to hate me. So I have to think about it more" her answer was expected.  " Sure gets me down. I wish god's could help me such situations"

" Then why not visit a shrine?" His sudden answer suprised her. " You mean that legendary shrine that you wish on and it comes true" her eyes sparkled in joy and excitement.

" What happened to depression? And legendary? Just how locked up were you?" The knight Messed with her hair. " If you want I'll take you there."

" I want to... Today" she stood up. " Fine meet me at the wall" he said as he grabbed kinako's hand and pulled her along. At that moment her heart.....

" Now then go off and wash that ugly face of yours. " Tsurugi said as he looked back the at Princess he was dragging along. " What's wrong" he suddenly stopped as he saw the princess holding her heart.

" My heart hurts.." the princess whispered. " But it's not like hurt painful. It feels tight and ...." She stopped after seeing the worried face he was making. Why don't I.....want to see him making such a face but..... Somehow I'm happy.
" You got it wrong? It must be because I didn't eat lunch. If it gets worse then I'll get it checked" the princess smiled. " Are you sure?" He asked. " Yeah" she smiled.

" Ah thank god. If something happens to you......" His words made her blush. " I thought you might appear on my dreams everyday and hunt me till I die" then again it didn't.

" Is that so" her face turned in to anger mode. "Well then sorry for making you feel that way. If I do die. I will never hunt you till you due. I'll kill you right there bad then" she ran to her room and slammed the door.

" So childish..." His eyes softened as he smiled. He then turned only to see a someone resting his back against the pole. His eyes part angry.

" If you try hard you might get her but don't be so selfish. If you do anything to make the princess cry" he paused as she passed the person. " As her bodyguard I will not keep my mouth shut"

" As her bodyguard? That's some fine excuse you got there" temma said as he turned. " Same goes for you sir tsurugi"
