chapter 13

I didn't really think this through did I? How shameless was I to ask him that?!!!!

But I'm really happy. But hes leaving today and ....... I still haven't figured out what I should do....

Suddenly a figure sat next to her. She staired at the flowing water infront of her for a while before looking to her side.

It was as she expected.  It was her prince. The one she wanted to see the most and the one she didn't want to see the most.

Then a slight pain in her forehead lead her to rub it. " what was that for?" She rubbed wishing the pain to go.

" you're 10 years early to think that hard and look that old" the prince said as kinako suddenly looked to the water and viewed her reflection. " no way. Did I have winkles?"

Tsurugi smiled looking at the childish figure in front of him. And just in time their eyes met only to look away in a instant.

Silence spread.  " what were you thinking about?" The Male voice broke the silence. 

" about the future.... even though I sorted out my feelings I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere " kinako threw a rock to the river.

" well no matter what our feelings are we cant start a war. That's out of the question " tsurugi reply made the princess a little sad but she knew he was right. War is not the answer but she didn't want to loose him either.

Again she drew into deap thought. Tsurugi staired into the girl. This wasnt something he was used to. The girl who always plays around and act so childish is not right here with him.

" today....... want to sneak out?"

" arnt you leaving today?"

" no, tomorrow..... the carriage seem to be running late so.." " yes!" She suddenly jumped at him.

" its been so long since I went to the town.  Ah maybe I should buy some cloths .... oh shoes too " she kept on speaking with her energetic voice as a smile appeared on the prince .

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

" a very good night to you princess" the maids excited the room. The princess was in her bed but then slowly got up and went to the door and slowly peeked. Alright they are gone. 

She quickly got dressed and exited through the door only to be caught by her mother. Oh dame

" Kinako?  Shouldn't you be on bed? And what are you wearing?" She questioned as kinako panicked. 

" mom this is...." when she was about to explain tsurugi appeared.  The words disappeared.

" now I see. You two trying to sneak out is it?" The queen said as the other two thought at the same time " caught red handed "

" prince tsurugi , bring her back safely " what the teens heard made them look up only to see the queen smiling.

" that's it? No punishment? No lecture? Dont go kind of talk?" Kinako asked as tsurugi sort of laughted.  " well I knew for a while you two been sneaking out of the palace and I couldn't say no to my daughters happiness.  Just come back before your father wakes up" with that she left.

" and here i thought we were dead" kinako chuckled as she and tsurugi made their way outside.

They walked their way into town. " some how this is like a date isn't it?" Kinako smiled as she walked. " this is a date" tsurugis words suprised kinako and her face turned bright red.

" I see...." kinako said looking down . " what? Are you embarrassed?" Tsurugi asked ad kinako suddenly looked away saying " no I'm not"
Ah I'm so happy

" where here" tsurugi spoke as the girl looked up. " a restaurant? Where are all the fun stuff" she looked around as tsurugi smiled. " have you ever tried takoyaki? "

He then went inside and brought two small boxes. Kinako opened one only to be mesmerised by the smell. She took a bite. " what is this ? This is so tasty " she jumped out in joy.

After that they went around the town and brought some tasty snacks and kinako played some games with the kids in town. They prayed at the shrine and finally they sat near the pathway to enjoy the night sky.

" arnt you having fun?" Tsurugi asked as she finally realised what kind of face she was making this entire time.

She then smiled sadly. " no, I had so much fun it's just.....when I think about how this fun will end tomorrow I feel so sad. I want you , I want hold hands with you , I want to walk around with you , I want enjoy the night sky with you" the more she wiped out the tears the more replaced them.

" why is it that I cant have you. I wish i was a normal girl.... I want to be a normal girl...." her crying got louder and louder but tsurugi didn't say a word.

He stood up and helped her to stand up as well. " idiot girl " he smiled as he flicked her forehead.  Kinako closed her eyes from the pain and only to open her eyes seeing the prince bended down and hoding her hand with gentle kiss.

"Havent I always been  yours?" He asked as her heart skipped a beat. He then stood up and kissed her forehead before gently hugging her for comfort.  " so stop crying" he said as kinako wrapped her arms around his prince. " I love you " she said as tsurugi smiled. " I know" he whispered into her ear.

.  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .

Next day suddenly as it came the sudden the things happen.

Prince shindou suddenly opened the doors dragging the two youngers behind him. He came infront of the fifth king who sat on the throne room.

" father we need to talk" shindou said straightly.

"why are we here ?" Temma whispered.  " how the hell should I know. I was dragged here from my bed"  tsurugi whispered back.

" what is it? You have permission to speak " the fifth king spoke.

" I..... I....." shindou shuttered before looking down and then looked back at the two.  He staired towards tsurugi. Tsurugi noticed this and looked by confused.

" father I...... I dont have any interest in rimon kingdom princess  nanubane kinako. I request to call off the engagement.  Shes childish, not mature,  the only thing she has is her looks. She is not suited to be the next queen of the fifth kingdom " what am I saying ?

" oi oi deos this guy have a death wish ?" Tsurugi whispered.  " hes insulting the princess in her own kingdom" temma whispered back.

" and not to mention the two others kings are in the side of the room" the two thought at once.

" what an idiot " they both spoke at once only to be answered by a glare.

" knight maskaze temma,  what my son speaks... is it true?" The king asked.

" ah .. I.. am..... that..... oh well there goes my job    he speaks the truth your highness " temma spoke crying through his heart.

Then the king eyed the eden prince. Tsurugi looked at his father and sighed.  I'm going to hear about this. " yes I agree"

" If you three speak the truth then I have no intention of having such a princess as my future in low. I call off the engagement " with that he left.

Shindou got suprised but the result was great. He then sighed of relief but then saw the eden and rimon king standing at the side of  the room. They then left as well.

" let's go to hell together " he shook each hand.

" what were you thinking you idiot" tsurugi stepped on shindou foot.

" my job..... I worked so hard to get here and all..... just one word .... was that all I took to loos it.... why world.... why?" Temma lied on the floor crying.

" sorry but I figured it's time we stop this meaningless engagement after all. Kinako has finally sorted out her feelings " shindou smiled.

" how do you...." tsurugi couldn't finish as temma bended down infront of shindou and took his hand. " havent I always been yours" temma said mockingly as two boots hit them.

Soon the three boys started laughing.  " I guess this is goodbye. Let's keep in contact"

Soon the time came. Shindou and the fifth kingdom king went to their kingdom soon after our lie. I too headed back to the eden kingdom with my parents.  For some reason temma didn't loos his job nor did I get the lecture I was waiting for. Soon after arriving I left to face my past. For the first time I visited my dead parents graves. And I had two figures behind me to support me.

My father thought me the ways to be a suitable prince and I learn through them even though it was hard. After all it turns out I'm next in line for the throne .

My journey through out my life was a mess. I lost many things..... there were times I thought I might take my own life but I'm glad I didn't. Because I gained more then I could ever loos.
I now have lovingly parents and citizens who adore me . I have two best friends. Even though they are far away from different countries I still have contact.  And most of all I found a girl that I decided to give my life to.

" prince, some letters have arrived " the door opened as a man entered.

" leave them here" tsurugi orderd.

" yes sir" the man left leaving the letters next the prince on the table.

The prince put down papers he was reading as he went through the letters.

Prince shindou

Maskaze temma

Seems like they have a great life going. Shindou seemed to found his rightful choice. And as for temma as always all he writes about is food . Temma seems to have business in eden next mouth and we plan to meet up.

Nanubane kinako

The name made his lips curved into a smile .  He made his way to the garden and sat in a bench. He opened the letter and started reading it.

My dear prince charming,

Not much has change here. I have finally learned how to cook a meal. Temma said it was really tasty.  I cant wait for you to taste it too.

Also I have been sneaking to town a lot recently.  Dont tell anyone.  Temma took me out to a bar.  Let me tell you alcohol is so nasty.  It taste so bitter. Have you ever tried it?

" what is she doing ?" Tsurugi smiled.

I heard you're going to have a baby brother. It's nice to know the eden king and queen decided to have a baby. I couldn't help but to think that it was you who changed their mind. Your always been good at that.

Well that's about it for this letter.

" now let me give you a hug....give me a hug ?" tsurugi read the last part as a pair of hands wrapped around his neck . " there you go. If you needed a hug so much you should have said so you little prince" kinako hugged him tight.

" Kinako? What  are you doing here?" Tsurugi asked suprised. " what is this? You dont looks so happy? " Kinako poked his face.

" no I'm happy but..." tsurugi paused.  " ah you know I wanted to see my future husband and my little brother. You see I always wanted to have a little brother but I never had one."

After some time our parents agreed to our marriage. Right now we are engaged.

" hes my younger brother if I have to add" tsurugi stood up .

" yes yes it's nice to see you too" kinako said as tsurugi flicked her. " you've become awfully mean havent you" tsurugi pointed as kinako smiled.

Tsurugi then put out his hand as kinako put her hand above it as then held hands.

" then shall we go my princess"

~ THE END  ~♡

Guys I dont know if the ending is bad or good because I'm awfully bad at endings. Anyway there you go. The end of the story. Hope you enjoyed.  Thanks for reading this book. Thanks for sticking until the end. Love you all
