
It didn't take long for the two of you to make it to the restraint. Pat was standing out side looking at the menu. When he saw you and Monty a huge smile spread across his face showing all his pearly white teeth.

"Hello friends! About time you showed up!"

"Sorry to keep you waiting darling but I just had to make sure my hair was just perfect."

"We sat in the car for 20 min while you made sure it was perfect." You smirked.

"Perfection takes time! Now. How about we get our table hm?"

"So which one is it?"

"The boss said the pretty one."

".....but they're both pretty..."

"The girl you idiot."

"Ouch! I'm just saying you need to be more specific."

"Shut up and focus. The other two look weak so this should be easy."

"Yea. We're not even in the U.S. anymore. Batman can't stop us now. Haha."


"Spaghetti!!! Monty they have spaghetti!!"

"Yes darling hats why I chose it now calm down before we are asked to leave."

"I bet their spaghetti isn't as good as mine." Pat mumbled under his breath.

"You cook?" You noticed Monty giving you a look and shaking his head desperately.

"Cook!? Why yes I can cook! I am a master at Spaghetti if I do say so myself."

"ANYWAYS! Darling look back down at this map so I can make sure you understand where we are going." Monty said quickly. He had a map laid out in front of you with red lines circling some areas.

"These show were the best stores are. These blue lines show the easiest way to get to them and the times next to the red circles are when they have discounts. They only last a short while so we have to be quick."

"I didn't think you cared about discounts."

"Oh hunny that's half the fun! Seeing all the money you didn't spend at the end of the day just fills me with joy. It's money I can spend latter at different stores in France." He giggled and you rolled your eyes.

"Here are your meals." The waitress said as she sat the food down.

"Thank you so much! Here is a tip just because I want to." Monty handed money to the waitress and she gasped. You couldn't see how much but by the way she reacted it must of been a lot. She said thank you and ran off.

"Money you saved hm?"

"Oh shush. You saw that smile right? It's totally worth it."

The meal went by quickly and it was filled with laughter and stories. Mostly about Monty and Pats family which you would love to meet someday because they sounded like fun.

"We better start our shopping spree!" Monty sang.

"Why are you going shopping again?" Pat asked. You three were standing outside now trying to not be in the way of the other customers.

"Y/n here has a date Friday. With Bruce Wayne."

"Oh...." Pat looked disappointed but smiled anyways.

"Bruce is a nice human I guess. I hope you have fun."

"Thanks." You said returning the smile.

"Would you like to join us dear?"

"Yea Pat! Why don't you come along?"

"Wowie well if that's ok?"

"Of course! More the merrier." Monty wrapped his arm around Pats arm and started to drag him down the sidewalk telling him about all the things you were going to do. You giggled and ran to catch up.
