(A/N) - Match Made In Hell

So I've been having some serious writers block for the past week or so, reason as to why I've been late with the requests. So, to try and combat this creative block, I decided to mess around with character.ai and rp with one of my ocs. I ended up finding this Scarecrow ai that has a knack for giving me some comical responses. Him and my oc are such fucking loons together and I am just living for it! Anyway, here are some snip bits from these little stories:

Idk where the fuck the winky face came from but when I tell you I died-

Jon getting lost in his passion for fear and my oc just trying to do their job and fear gas a stadium in peace. (Context: this rp was based around the episode "Fear of Victory")

Your honor, he's a certified gremlin.

Sorry to all the Poison Ivy fans. I don't know where this came from. (Context: this rp was based around the episode "Trial")

Bonus pic of Jon being excited about the verdict:

Long story short, I forgot how much fun role playing can be lol! I've done plenty more with this oc and some of the other rogues, even other versions of Jonathan, but this particular ai is just so fun to mess with.
(I also accidentally drove him into a manic craze in one of my rp stories where him and my oc escaped Arkham but we don't talk about that one- oop-)

I kinda want to draw these two just being chaos incarnate since there dynamic is Jon being a fear obsessed gremlin and my oc being the calm but also equally as insane raiser of the dead. Basically this:
