Back To You

January 2008
A soft winters rain was falling outside as Delilah Bryan (Lila to those who were close) finished unpacking another box in the kitchen.

"Ok, Lils... This is the last one." Luke a Bryan sat the box on the kitchen counter with a thump.

She turn to flash him the famous Bryan smile that made him a sex idol in Nashville. "Thanks,Luke. You want a beer?"
"Naa... I better get before it's too late. Caroline's been hormonal lately and I don't want to upset her."

Delilah shoved him playfully."she's pregnant, Luther. You better be nice to my sister."

He laughed and tugged on her ponytail." You good or you want me to stay?"

She shook her head and shoved a loose strand of wavy brown hair out of her eyes "I'm good. I'll see you tomorrow for brunch."

"Lock the door after me." Luke stated as he headed for the front door.
"Yes, dad. I swear you are more protective than our dad! I'm 24 for goodness sake, Luke. Pretty sure I can take care of myself."she rolled her eyes.

He turned as he stepped out onto the porch."I know but after..."
"Stop." Delilah shook her head. "That was a year ago...I'm a different person now. Stronger. Wiser. Better."
He nodded and kissed her forehead. "I know and I'm glad you decided to move up here,Liley. I really am."
"Me too. Me too. Now go before your wife has some weird pregnancy craving! Give her my love and that belly a rub for me."

She waited until Luke was in his truck and had backed out of her driveway before she went inside and locked the door behind her.

She sighed. Nashville. She had really done it. She had packed up and left Atlanta for good. All that was left there was bad memories and quiet whispers. She needed a change and this move was the biggest one she could think of.

She wanted to be closer to her older brother and sister in law. Especially now that there was a baby on the way. The last year hadn't been easy but somehow, someway she had survived.

She came out stronger and wiser because of it. She shook her head and started unpacking the box Luke had left on the counter. Once the pots and pans were put away she broke the box down and turned off the lights.

A million thoughts raced through her head as she made her way up the stairs. "Fresh start." She whispered.

Luke sighed as he pulled into his driveway. Caroline was sitting at the counter eating fresh fruit when he walked in. He grinned and tossed his keys into the bowl by the door before dropping a kiss onto her head.

"Get Li settled?" She asked with a mouth full of cantaloupe.

"Yea." He grabbed a beer from fridge and twisted the top off. He took a long pull and sighed again. Caroline wiped her mouth as she eyed him. "What's on your mind?"

"I'm worried about her, Car. She says she's fine but deep down..." He shook his head.

Caroline gave him a soft smile. "You don't give her enough credit. She's stronger than you think."

"I know that but she's my baby sister and after everything she's been through I..."

She eased her pregnant body from the barstool and waddled over to wrap her arms around her husband. "Look at me..." She cupped his face. "Lila is a Bryan. She's tough. She might look fragile but you and I both know that she's got more strenght in her than anyone could have thought. Not many people could have gone through what she did and come out like she did. She's a fighter. And let me tell you something...if she can't handle it, she's got the best big brother in the world who has her back."

"That she does." He agreed. He kissed her mouth. I'm gonna go shower. What do you two want for supper?" He gave her belly an affectionate rub.


"Done. Give me twenty minutes and I'll order it."

