Chapter 9

"What are we doin, Cole? I mean... I know what is this?" She gestured between the two of them.

"What do you want it to be?" He crossed the room to caress her face. "I know how I feel, Lils. Question is do you feel the same?"

She swallowed hard as she looked in his eyes. She saw affection, laughter and love. "I tell you what...." He pulled her into his arms. "Let's just take it one day at a time. Let it lead us. No titles, not labels. Just you and me." He leaned his head onto hers.

For three days they spent time hanging out, having fun spending time together. They held hands and laughed. She was happy. Really happy. Cole made her comfortable. His kisses took her breath away and when he smiled it made her heart skip a beat.

Their last day Cole got a phone call. She was brushing her teeth in the bathroom. She stuck her head out of the door to look at him. "Yeah...sounds good. We'll be down in a bit." He smiled at her as he hung up.

"Who was that?"

"Silver. He and Jenna are in town. Somehow he found out you and I were here. He wants us to come down and join them at the pool. Have some fun."

"Ok. Sounds fun."

She dressed in a light pink bikini and threw a white cover up over it. She piled her hair into a messy bun and popped sunglasses onto her face. "Let's go."

Cole laced their fingers together as they walked towards the pool. She spotted the gorgeous blonde and the hunky DJ sitting at a table. "There they are."

Jenna jumped up to hug her. "Hey you."

"Hi." She hugged her friend. "How are you? It's been a while..."

"Good busy. You?"

"Same. The line's takin off so..."

"Still had time to land country music's sexiest bachelor." Jenna teased.

"Well...." Delilah blushed.

The four of them enjoyed brunch and a couple of drinks before the boys headed off to play golf. "Let's take a pic." Jenna pulled her phone out.

They wrapped their arms around each other. "I love this girl! @lilamb @ColeSwindell @djsilver2 #funtimes #vegas #partytime"

"One more." Jenna laughed. They leaned their heads together. "Every blonde needs a brunette bestie. @lilamb @ColeSwindell @djsilver2 You rock girl! He's lucky!! #friends #drinks #sunshine"

Jenna posted them to Instagram. "Come on let's go find those boys."

That night Delilah slipped her heels off as she and Cole entered the hotel room. "I have never had so much fun as I did today. Jenna is such a blast."

He grinned and unbuttoned his shirt. "You haven't had fun with me?"

She turned to him and ran her hands over his chest. "Of course I have. But you and I have a different type of fun." She bit her lip as he lifted her off her feet and they tumbled back onto the bed.

They kissed for a few minutes before she pulled away. "I'm gonna go get out of this dress. I'll be back in a sec."

She changed into gray Georgia sweats and a white tank. Cole was already under the sheet when she climbed into the bed. He pulled her into his arms. She traced circles on his chest. "Cole?"


"What happens when we get back to Nashville tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?"

"With us.... We're goin home tomorrow. Vegas...this has been great but we have to get back to reality tomorrow." She raised herself up on one elbow to look at him.

Cole brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "Like I said one day at a time." He pulled her down on top of him. "I just know I don't want this to stop. I don't want to be without you." He kissed her mouth. "Right now let's just concentrate on tonight."
