Chapter 10

Cole was sipping a beer at the bar when his phone went off. He pulled it from his pocket. "Hey you."

"Hey urself. Whatcha doin?"

"Oh just finished editing some pics. Just wanted to see what you were up too."

"Havin a beer at the bar with the guys."

"Sounds like fun."

"Y don't u come join us?"

"Naa. You have fun with your boys. Call me tomorrow."

"I have a better idea. Y don't I come by ur place when I'm done here?"

"Will you bring me ice cream? I'm out.... Lol."

"Deal. See u in twenty." He tossed some cash onto the bar and downed the rest of his beer. Joel looked at him. "You leavin?"

"Yea... I'm just not feelin it." He fished his keys from his pocket.

"Tell Lila I said hi." He grinned.

Cole's mouth fell open. He and Lila were keeping their relationship low key. A few people knew but they wanted to be sure it wasn't just a fleeting thing before they went public. "How did you know?"

"Dude.... She came by the studio during rehearsals yesterday and the way you hugged her.... It was plain as day. She looked at you like you were the best thing since sliced bread."

"Joel..." Cole started.

"It's cool... I love the two of you together. She makes you happy and the smile on her face is undeniable."

"Just do me a favor and keep it to yourself. We're keepin it low key for a while."

"No problem." Joel slapped him on the back. "Like I said I'm happy for you."

Delilah opened the door and smiled. "Get in here."

Cole stepped into the house and shut the door behind him. "I got your ice cream. But first...." He pecked her mouth.

She wrapped her arms around him. "Hi."

"Hi yourself." He handed her the bag. "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough."

"You're the best boyfriend ever."

"Boyfriend huh?" His eyes twinkled as he pulled his jacket off. She got a spoon from the drawer. "Yea. You got a problem with that?"

"Nope. Not a one." He tossed his jacket onto the counter as she headed for the stairs.

"Where are you goin?"

"The bedroom. I was watchin a movie..." She called over her shoulder. "Aren't you comin?"

He found her curled up on her bed eating ice cream watching "Somethin to Talk About." He grinned and kicked his shoes off before climbing onto the bed beside her. "Aren't you gonna share?"

She stuck the spoon into the ice cream before holding it out. He opened his mouth for her. They cuddled up on the bed and ate the ice cream. They finished it before the movie was over. She slid off the bed. "I'm gonna go throw this away. Be right back."

"K." He stretched out on the bed.

He opened his arms as she came back into the bedroom home. "Come here, darlin." She smiled and laid her head on his chest. Before she knew it she was fast asleep in his arms.

When she woke the next morning he was gone. She frowned and padded down the stairs to the kitchen. There was fresh coffee and strawberries on the counter with a note taped to the fridge. "I hated leavin so early but I had to be in the studio this morning. You looked so peaceful I couldn't stand the thought of wakin you up. I made you coffee to make up for sneakin out. Dinner tonight? You can crash at my place.... Talk to you later, C."

She had to smile. He was so thoughtful and considerate of her feelings. She picked up her phone and typed out a text. "Again... best boyfriend ever. I was mad that you left without tellin me until I saw your note. I wish I could do dinner but I have to pack for Florida. Family vaca. How about breakfast tomorrow before we leave?"

Thirty seconds later her phone went off. "U deserve the best. Breakfast works for me. I forgot about Florida. How long r u gone?"

"Ten days."


"I know. But you'll be busy in the studio so time will go quick."

"Hopefully. Text u later?"

"You better. Have a great day! Muah!"

"Right back at ya."

She poured a cup of coffee and went into the laundry room to start a load of clothes. She was smiling. Really smiling. Cole made her feel different. They would hang out and watch movies or go to dinner. She would sleep over at his place and he hers. Nine times out of ten she would fall asleep with him holding her. Sex was never brought up. He knew she wanted to wait and he was patient with her.

She packed and went down to start the dishwasher. Her phone went off as she hit the start button.

"I miss u already."

"I miss you too."

"Breakfast @ 7?"

"Works for me. We're leavin at 9."

She fell asleep dreaming about him. Her alarm went off at 6am and she stretched. Her heart was bursting. She dressed in cut offs and a pink tank top. She didn't bother with makeup since she was going to be in a car for seven hours. She took her suitcase downstairs and opened the front door. It was already warm in Nashville and it wasn't even 7 am. She made sure the lights were off and the alarm was set before locking the door behind her. Her phone went off as she started her SUV. "Bongo Java?"

"Works for me. Headed that way now."

"K. See u in a bit."

She sang along with the radio as she pulled into a parking spot. She killed the engine and headed for the deck. Cole stood up. "Good morning."

"Morning." She smiled as he pecked her mouth.

"Even at 7 am you're breathtaking." He murmured.

"And you're sweet." She laughed.

"Want some coffee?"

"Of course." The waitress placed the breakfast menu in front of her.

An hour later he walked her to her car. She unlocked the door and turned to him. "So..."

"Yea... I guess I'll see you in 10 days..." He licked his lips.

"I'm gonna miss you." She pulled at his shirt.

"Me too. Have fun but not too much." He teased.

"I won't." She wrapped her arms around his neck.

He kissed her mouth. "Call me when you get there."

"I will."

"Miss me."

"Every day."
