Chapter 16

Delilah had a concussion. She was sleeping according to the doctor. It was her brain's way of healing. She would wake up when she was ready. Luke made the hardest phone call he had ever had to make. He called his parents in Georgia and told them their youngest was in a coma of sorts.

Even though they were divorced and had been for ten years, Tommy and Le Claire made the drive from Leesburg together and held onto each other as they watched over their daughter.

Cole held onto her hand as she slept. "Cole." He looked up and saw Luke standing there with a cup of coffee. He gratefully took it. "Thanks." Luke motioned towards the door. Cole kissed Delilah's fingers and stepped out into the hall. "Man, why don't you go get some sleep? I'll stay with her." Luke asked.

"I'm fine." Cole took a long swig of the coffee. "I want to be here when she wakes up."

"Cole, man, you haven't slept in two days and the doctor said she is fine. She'll wake up on her own. I promise to call you when she does. But you look like hell and you could use a shower."

He looked at Luke. "Alright... But just to shower. I'll be back in a couple of hours."

"I won't leave her side." Luke promised. Cole walked back into the hospital room. "Hey, it's me. I'm gonna go take a shower and shave. I'll be right back. Your brothers gonna stay here." He brushed hair back from her face. "I love you." He kissed her forehead.

Luke watched from the door way as Cole talked to his sister. His heart was heavy. He could see the worry and pain on Cole's face. He also could see the love in his eyes as he looked at her. He knew it was real because for  two days he had hardly left Delilah's side. They had to pry him away to make him eat.

Luke took the seat that Cole had vacated. "Hey, Liley. It's your big brother. I am gonna need you to open those blue eyes. Come on, Liley. Please. You're drivin everyone crazy. Especially Cole. He's a wreck. This is the first time he has left your side since he got here. He really does love you. It's written all over his face. I want you to open those eyes and tell him how much you love him." He smiled and dropped his head. "Please, Lila, just open your eyes and I'll buy you a brand new car. Whatever you want. I'll let you pick it out. Just open your eyes." He prayed and he held to her hand. "When you were born and mom and daddy brought you home from the hospital, I was seven so I didn't want another sister; I begged them to take you back. You were probably a week old when I finally realized that you were there to stay. Mom had put you in the bassinet in the living room. I went to get a better look at you. You were a pretty cute kid even though you were squishy." He smiled at the memory. "I reached down to touch your hand and you wrapped your hand around my finger. I was a goner at that moment. You have always had me wrapped. Come on, baby sister. Please open those eyes." He felt the tears fill his eyes. "Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?" He dropped his head to the side of her bed.

"I learned from the best...." He heard her croak out. He looked up to see his sister turn her head towards him. He squeezed her hand, "Liley?"

"That's my name don't wear it out." She opened her eyes and groaned. "Why the hell do I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck?"

"You don't remember?" Luke asked.

"No. Everything's kinda fuzzy. Where am I?"

"The hospital. You've been unconscious for two and half days. I need to get the doctor and call mom and dad."

"Wait." She grabbed his hand. "Is Cole here? I thought I heard his voice."

Luke nodded. "He hasn't left your side. I made him go shower. I'll call him."


Luke quickly found the doctor and called his parents who were in route back to the hospital. He then dialed Cole's number. It rang three times before going to voicemail. "Hey, it's Cole. Leave it at the beep."

"Cole. Get your ass back to the hospital. Lila just woke up. She's asking for you."

A few minutes later his parents were standing in Delilah's room. Her mom was clinging to her hand and their dad was standing watch over her.

"Well, Delilah, you're lucky. Do you remember anything?" Dr. Swanson asked.

"No. Everything's kinda fuzzy..."

"Ok. That's to be expected. It will start to come back slowly. You should be able to go home tomorrow if the CAT scan comes back normal. We'll get that scheduled for this evening. Take it easy for at least two weeks. You'll be sore for a while. The stitches will come out in ten days."


Luke walked out into the hall to try to call Cole again.

Cole was pulling his shirt over his head when his cell rang. "Yo."

"Get your ass back here now."

"Luke, what's wrong?" Cole's heart jumped.

"Lila's awake. Did you not check your voicemail?"

"I didn't know I had one. But I'm leavin now."

"Hurry up."

He quickly pulled on the flip flops and tossed a cap onto his head.

He probably broke ten different speed limit laws as he raced back to the hospital. He said a quick prayer to the Lord that she was awake.

He rushed down the hall and saw Luke leaned against the wall. "Hey."

"Well you look better." He joked.

"Shut up. Can I see her?"

"Yea. Mom and dad went down to get her something to eat. She's back to bein demandin."

Cole rolled his eyes. "You know as well as I do that we couldn't change her for anything."

He pushed open the door to her room. She smiled. "Cole." He went round to the other side of the bed and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "About time you woke up." He teased. "Thought you forgot about our agreement."


The next morning things started to come back. She woke up in a cold sweat with Cole holding her hand. He called Luke and told him she remembered the attack. They were eating lunch when there was a knock on her hospital room door.

"Mr. Swindell?" A man in a dark tee shirt and jeans open it.

"Yes?" He sat down on the bed beside Delilah .

"I'm Detective Miller. Robbery/ Homicide." He shook Cole's hand.

"I'd like to ask your girlfriend a few questions..."

Cole looked at Delilah. "You up for that?"

"Yes." She was clinging to him like her life depended on it.

"Miss Bryan..."

"Lila, please."

"Ok, Lila...can you walk us through what happened?"

She nodded. "I had just taken a bath. I went downstairs for a glass of wine. I heard a noise and something felt off. . I knew I needed to get to my phone. When I got to landing I heard the noise again. I ran up the rest of the stairs and locked myself in the bedroom. I called Cole. It went to voicemail." He squeezed her hand. "The person was trying to get into the bedroom at that point so I locked myself in our bathroom and called the police. He kicked in the door and took my phone. He drug me out of the bathroom by my hair...." Her voice broke and tears streamed down her face.

Cole struggled to control his emotions. His heart was breaking at the sight of her tears. He should have been home. He should have been there to protect her.

"He...He told me if I screamed he'd kill me. So I did what he asked. He wanted me to open the safe. I did. While he was getting the money out of there I ran for the door. He caught me and backhanded me across the face. He started ranting about how this was my fault and how I shouldn't have been there. The house was supposed to have been empty. I wasn't part of the deal. I asked him what he was talking about and he just freaked out. He started smashing the furniture. He ripped up the pictures. He kicked the coffee table. He made me give him all my jewelry. I shoved him and ran for the stairs. He caught me and we fell. He hit me with the butt of the gun and kicked me a few times and called me a whore and a stupid bitch when he heard the sirens. He ran out the back door.... That's when you guys kicked in the front door."

Delaney buried her face in Cole's chest. He looked at the detective. "She's tired."

"I think we have everything we need. I'll be in touch. And please call us if you think of anything else." The Detective handed Cole his card before showing himself out.

She was clinging to Cole like her life depended on it when the doctor came in with her discharge papers and instructions.

Cole helped her dress and saw her flinch when he touched her back. He knew something was on her mind and she was starting to distance herself. He just prayed she didn't shut him out.
