Chapter 13

Heather stepped out of the room and pulled her phone from her pocket. She dialed the number she knew by heart. He answered on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Hey it's me."

"Hey, what's up?"

"You need to get down here."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Ryan is here."

"Son of a bitch." Cole sat up on his bed. "I'll catch the first flight out."

Delilah was standing by the window when Heather came in. "Hey, you wanna go get some food?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Lils, you've been locked up in here for hours. I thought you weren't gonna let him ruin this for you?"


"Come on..." Heather pulled her towards the door.

They went down to have dinner. Gemma and Kevin joined them. "I am so sorry, Lila. He's a nut case." Gemma squeezed her hand.

"It's ok. I'm ok. It was a shock. But I won't let him ruin this."

"Good." A voice spoke from behind her. Heather grinned. Delilah turned in her seat to see Cole standing behind her with his suitcase.

"Cole." Tears pricked her eyes as she stood up. He pulled her in for a tight hug. "Don't cry."

"Happy tears." She whispered. "What are you doin here?"

"Heather called. I jumped on the first flight." He pecked her mouth.

She stepped out of his arms and faced her friends. "Cole, this is Gemma and Kevin."

He shook their hands and sat down beside her. The waiter came over. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Miller Lite please."

He draped his arm over the back of Delilah's chair. "Where is the douche anyway?"

"With his fiancée." Heather sipped her wine.

"Oh really?" Cole raised his eyebrows as his beer was put in front of him.

"I'm glad you're here." Delilah leaned into him.

"Me too." He took a pull from his bottle.

After dinner they went back up to Delilah's room. "So..."

"So?" She asked with a grin.

"What now?"

"You come over here and kiss me like you mean it." She fisted the front of his shirt and pressed her mouth to his. He deepened the kiss as her hands slid under his shirt to touch his skin. "Lila." He said against her mouth.


"You don't really want to do this." He leaned back to look at her. As much as he loved her and he ached to make love to her he knew they needed to wait. They had agreed to wait until the time was right. She was hurting and he wanted to take away her pain but not like this.

She stepped back. "You're right...and that's why I love you."

He pecked her mouth. "But it doesn't mean we can't kiss and hold each other."

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed."

The next morning they held hands as they rode the elevator down to breakfast. There was a couple's boat ride scheduled for after breakfast. She had dressed in a pink bikini and thrown a white cover up over it. Cole was dressed in blue board shorts and a white tee shirt. Reagan eyed Cole as they approached the table. "Lila...who is this?"

"Cole, Lila's boyfriend." He wrapped an arm around her waist.

"I thought you were workin..." Daniel responded.

"I was. But I couldn't stand to spend another day without her. So I caught a flight out and got here last night." He nuzzled her head.

"That's sweet. I am assuming you'll be joining us for the boat ride?"

"Yes." Cole smiled.

They boarded the yacht and Cole kept her close. "I've got you."

"I know." She tilted her chin so he could kiss her mouth. "You always do."

The ride was peaceful for the first thirty minutes. Kevin looked at Cole. "So how long have you and Lils been together, Cole?"

"Three months. But I spent three trying to get her to give me a chance." He grinned.

"Oh hush." She laughed. "It was not three months."

"Ok more like two. But we've been friends for a few years." He kissed her temple. "Now that she's finally given me a chance, I won't let her get away. She's mine."

"Always." She smiled up at him.

"So how does it work? I mean I understand that you work for Luke. He's traveling... does Lila stay at home?" Ryanbutted in. "You leave her alone?"

Delilah's skin crawled. Cole saw the look on his face. "No. Typically Lila comes out with us. There are a few times where she's at home. But she's never alone. Heather is with her or she's out at Luke's with Caroline."

The boat pulled to a stop. "We're goin swimming." The captain announced.

Cole pulled her close. "Look at me...."

"Hmmm..." She looked up at him.

"I really don't like that guy. And I wanna show him what he lost. What he screwed up. You wanna give him a show?"

She saw the look in his eyes and grinned. "Yes."

"Then let's do it." He kissed her mouth.

She pulled her cover up over her head and bit her lip. "You like?"

"Oh baby." His hands landed on her hips. "You have no idea." He caught her mouth as the others looked on. "I'd much rather take you back to the hotel but..." He gestured around them. "That will have to wait."

Cole slipped into the water and waited for her to join him. She executed a graceful dive and surfaced a few feet away. He smiled at the water in her eyelashes. He pulled her close. "You are so damn beautiful." He kissed her again. "I love you, you know that."'

"I love you more." She wrapped her arms around his neck. He found the spot on her neck that made her heart race. She closed her eyes and sparks danced on her skin. Cole knew how to touch her to get a response. His mouth was heavenly and his touch sent her to the moon. Even treading water he was turning her on. She wanted him desperately. She wanted his mouth on hers.

He gave her what she wanted. She sighed against his mouth. "Cole."

"What?" He leaned his head against hers.

"I'm tired of waiting."

"Waitin on what?"

"You know..." She gave him a look. "I love you and I want to be with you. In every way."

He swallowed hard. "Baby..."

"No. Listen to me.... We've been together for six months and we've never takin it past making out. I want to touch you. I want you to touch me. I want you. And I know you want me...."

"This isn't really the time or the place to talk about this, Lils." He replied.

"I know.... I just wanted to get that off my chest. The way you just kissed me...."

"I love you." He pecked her mouth. "I would say let's get out of the water but...."

"But what?"

"I seem to be havin a little issue since your confession." He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh...." She grinned. "Sorry."

"Never be sorry about that. You've done it to me for six months now. Nothin a cold shower won't cure."

She burst out laughing. "I'm getting out of the water. I'll see you on the boat after you handle your issue."

A few seconds later Cole boarded the boat and Delilah handed him a towel. "You ok?"

"Yes. Just needed to get away from you and that sexy as hell biniki."

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "If you thought the bathin suit was sexy wait until you see tonight's dress."

She dressed in the pink silk halter dress and piled her hair into a messy bun. It was the last night of the trip so everyone was meeting for dinner at the restaurant. She slipped into silver four inch strappy sandals. Her make-up was light and the diamonds her brother had given her for her birthday were in her ears. Cole stepped from the bathroom and let out a low whistle. "Damn..."

"Told you." She smiled.

"Maybe we should order in." He nipped at her bottom lip.

"We can't." She giggled. "And you don't look so bad yourself."

Cole was dressed in khaki shorts and a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had Nikes on his feet and his hat on. "Let's go before I have to go take another cold shower."

Cole laced their hands together as they met Heather in the hall. She was dressed in a blue A- Line dress and was toting a red plastic cup.

"What's in the cup?" Cole asked as he pressed the button for the elevator.

"See for yourself." She passed it over. Cole took a sip. "Ah... Patron."

"Want some more?" Heather pulled a bottle from her purse.

"Yes." Cole tossed back the rest that was in the cup. He turned to Delilah. "Here, baby, have a taste." He pressed his mouth to hers letting her taste the Patron that was on his tongue. She sighed. "Cole."

"Later." He whispered in her ear.

They walked down to meet the rest of their group. Dinner was quiet and Cole's mind kept going back to Delilah's confession from earlier. His body was on fire and he knew he wanted her. He leaned over. "Let's take a walk on the beach."


"If you'll excuse us..." Cole stood up and helped Delilah to her feet.

"Leavin?" Ryan sipped his Jack and Coke.

"Just a walk on the beach."

Delilah slipped her shoes off and carried them in one hand as her other was in Cole's. They walked in silence for a few moments before he spoke. "Lila..."


"About earlier..."

"What about it?"

He stopped walking and turned to her. "I don't want you to think that I don't want you or I don't want to make to love to you because, baby believe me.... I do. I just want to make sure...."

"Cole, I meant what I said. I want to be with you. I love you. Even more for not pressuring me the past few months. You're a man and you have needs so I know that this has been rough."

"Darlin, I'll wait forever if that's what you want. You're worth the wait. My need is for you to be happy and ready. For you want this as much as me."

She smiled. "Cole, I am happy. Happier than I have ever been. And I am ready. So ready."

He searched her eyes in the moonlight. "Are you sure? I mean once we do this we can't take it back. I don't want you to have any regrets."

"What I'm gonna regret is if you don't take me back to the room." She played with the buttons on his shirt. "Cole, I love you. I've never been surer of anything in my life."

He kissed her softly. "Then let's go back to the room."
