Chapter 5

"You guys sounded great!" Delilah said lowering her camera. She had snapped a few pictures of Luke's sound check.

"Thanks, little sister." Luke wiped his face with a towel.  He picked up the water bottle. "Are you enjoying the tour?"

"Of course." She grinned.  "I can't wait to upload these pictures and get them published to your website. "A backstage type view."

"How about you put the camera down for a while and you and I go have some lunch?" Luke flung his arm around her neck. "Just you and me."

"Sounds like a plan."

Luke scrounged up sandwiches and chips before heading back to the bus. Delilah was already sitting cross legged on the couch, editing pictures on her laptop. "I thought I said no work?"

"I know, I know but these are Caroline's maternity pictures I am editing." She laughed.

"Ohhhh can I see?" Luke tried to peek over the top of her computer but she shut it before he could. "No.... you can see once she has seen them. No peeking, Luther."

"You're no fun." He pouted.

"Oh stop." She shoved him playfully. "Where's the food?" He pointed to the counter. "Right here. I got ham and cheese on wheat for you and trio meat on white for me."

Luke waited until she was chewing before he spoke. "So how are things with Cole?"

Delilah nearly choked on her sandwich. "What do you mean?" She asked hoping he didn't hear the change in her tone.

"I mean, you two are really close. Just wondering if things were still ok." He shrugged.

"Yea, we're good. Actually I was going to talk to you about that...." She picked at her napkin, tearing it into tiny shreds.

"What?" Luke watched his sister. She seemed nervous.

"I was thinkin about hangin out at the merch table while you do meet and greets. Just see the fans, take some pics, hang out with Cole. If it's ok with you."

"I don't have a problem with it...." Luke swallowed more water. "Just be careful. Some of the fans get a little nutty."

"I know.  I am aware of your fans, Luke...." Delilah rolled her eyes. "I can handle them."

"Ok. Just check with Cole before hand. Make sure he's ok with you hanging out there."

"I will."

Cole was setting up the tables when his phone went off. "Hey you want some company tonight for a while?"

He grinned. "Only if it's Kate Upton." He sent back the text.

"Well sorry she was busy but would you settle for me?"

"I guess if I have too...."

"Well never mind. I'll just stay at meet and greets."

"You know I am kiddin. Of course you can come hang out."

"I know. I was comin anyway. Just wanted to make you feel bad." Was her response.

"See you in a bit."


Delilah's camera snapped away at the fans buying Luke Bryan tee shirts, cozies and hats. It still amazed her that people wanted a tee shirt with her brothers face on it. It finally calmed down after an hour or so and she was able to put the camera down. Cole grinned and handed her a bottle of water. "Havin fun?"

"Of course." She twisted off the top. "I'm actually gonna be a little sad when I have to go home in a couple of days."

"Me too. It's been fun havin you out here with us."

"When the tour takes a break we're goin down to Florida for family time."

"Yea Luke told me. He actually invited me to come along." Cole took a pull from his water.

"Really? You should come." Her heart skipped a beat at the though of Cole coming to the beach with them.

"I might. I told my mama I would come home for a visit. But I might come down for a couple of days afterwards."


"So you wanna hang out on the bus later? When we roll out? We could watch a movie or play cards...."

"Sure. I'll let Luke know."

"Ok. I'll have to make sure everything is loaded onto the trailers. Say about 11?"

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled. More fans showed up to buy gear and she picked up her camera. She snapped a shot of Cole smiling as he handed a little girl about four a tee shirt.

He was great with the fans. Hell, he was great with her.  He tossed a her a wink and her stomach jumped. She frowned. Why was she getting butterflies? Cole was her friend. Her brother's best friend. She had no business getting butterflies around him. None at all.

Luke was wrapping a towel around his neck when his sister approached him. "Hey. Have fun with Cole?"

"Yup. Got tons of pictures. In fact, I'm gonna stay on his bus tonight. He asked me to watch a movie."

"Ok. I'll see you at the next stop." He dropped a kiss onto her head. "Behave."

"Always." She rolled her eyes.

Cole let her chose a movie. Naturally she chose "The Notebook." He grinned and handed her the bowl of popcorn as he sat down on the couch beside her. "Really?"

"Yes. Girls want that, Cole."

"A guy to buy them a house? To wait for them?"

"No. A love like that. Someone who knows you better than you know yourself. Someone who loves you no matter what. That will be there everyday until time runs out. Someone who makes you so frustrated but at the end of the day, he still loves you more than anything. Even if that means letting you go."

"I see.... you want that love?"

"It's better than someone who thinks controlling you is love.." She said softly.

"I see." She didn't know he saw the tears in her eyes. He didn't say a word. Just put his arm around her and pulled her back to lean against him. "Stop hoggin the popcorn."
