Chapter 4 - 'Epic Fail'

*Ritu's POV*

This! Was the most horrible moment of my life. My parents were sitting on the couch opposite me and Ric.

We were just staring at each other for the past fifteen minutes.

"Can someone please utter a word?", asks my Mom.
"I will if Dad stops staring at my boyfriend", I say.

" Look! You two cannot live together", says my father.
"But why?", asks my Mom.

" I like Ric and I want him to stay with Ritu, I feel that I can trust him", says my Mom.
"No!", says my Dad.

"Dad! I'm comfortable over here, Ric and I are happy over here, just think about it", I say.
" Hmmm. Thought about it, still no!", says my Dad.

Ric sighs and says, "Mr and Mrs R, I don't mind if someone doesn't like me, but I promise you that I'll take care of your daughter well, as long as we're together", says Ric looking at me.

" We'll talk to you once we come back, Ric, can stay in his room tonight", says my Dad.


*Later that night*

*Vida's POV*

I wake up feeling thirsty. I walk out of my room and suddenly I trip down and fall.
"Ouch!", I say.

From where the hell did this huge box come? 

" Are you alright?", asks Harry.
"I don't think so, what are you doing here in the hall in the middle of the night?", I ask him.
" First, let me put you on the couch", says Harry.

He picks me and carries me to the couch and puts me down.

"Tell me, what are you doing?", asks Harry.
" Well! I was thirsty and I couldn't sleep because Niall and Liam are fighting in their sleep for my waist", I say.
Harry chuckles and says, " let me see what happened to your toe"
He examines it.

Suddenly, he twists it.
"Ow!", I shout and then cover my mouth with my hands.
" Shhh! Summer is sleeping", says Harry.

"Sorry", I say.
" Is it fine now? ", he asks.
" Yep, I guess", I say.

Harry runs into the kitchen and gets a glass of water.
"Aww! Thanks, Harry", I say taking the glass from his hand.

" Can I ask you a question? ", I ask Harry.
" Sure! ", he says.
" like Summer?", I ask.

"Hmmm....was expecting this question from you. I kinda like Summer, but the problem is that she's not the one for me and even she knows that I'm not the guy for her, it's as simple as that, I'm helping Summer not because I like her but because Louis asked me to, I know where are Louis and I'm not telling it to you", says Harry.

" I don't even want to know ", I say.
" Good! ", says Harry.
" Anyways! Can I know where is Louis?", I ask him.

"Vida! I'm not telling it to you because you'll tell your husband and your cousin, says Harry.
" Fine! Don't tell me", I say.

"Harry!", I say putting my hand on his hand.
" It's really sweet of you, what you are doing for Summer, it is something no one would do", I say.
"I know! I'm unique", says Harry.

I chuckle and say, " Yes! You are special and one in a million", I say.
"Yeah! Just like you", says Harry.
" We never had a conversation like this, did we? ", I ask Harry.
" Nope!", says Harry.

"Anyways! Let's go and sleep", says Harry.
" Harry! Stop diverting the topic and answer me, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?", I ask him again.

"Dammit! You remember it?", asks Harry.
I nod.
" I was thinking about Summer and Louis", says Harry.

"Well! You can think about it in the hangout room?", I ask him.
" Well! My brain connection with my thoughts was low over there, so I had to come here", says Harry.
"It's the brain, not WiFi", I say.

" Hahaaa! Vida! You've got a great sense of humour", says Harry with a fake laugh.
"Hahaa! I will not fall in your trap", I say with a fake laugh

"Fine! Louis is coming, he told he'll be here by two", says Harry.
I check the time, it was almost two.

" Oh! Then make sure you close the door properly ", I say.
"Ok!", says Harry.

" Wait! I can't sleep in my room, Niall and Liam already occupied the whole bed, I kept a pillow in my place and according to me Niall must me cuddling with it", I say.
Harry chuckles and says, "don't worry, you can sleep with me"

"You didn't allow Summer to sleep with you, why this special offer for me?", I ask.
" Because you're married to my best friend ", says Harry.

Both of us walk into the hangout room.

There were two couches, so I can sleep on the small one and Harry can sleep on the big one because he's tall.

" Good night! ", I say.
" Good night ", says Harry hugging me.

*Harry's POV*

Thank God it was Vida! For a minute I thought it was Summer. Louis would kill me if Summer would've got to know about this surprise.
Suddenly, I get a call from Louis.

" I'm coming ", I say.
I go and open the door. 

Louis and Augustus were standing there.
" Hi! Come in", I whisper.
"Where is she?", asks Louis.

"In the room on the left", I say.
" I'm hungry ", says Augustus.

" Dude we just ate at the airport", says Louis.
"Really? I guess you didn't realise that you were the only one who ate, you took two muffins out of which you ate one and a half and gave me half", says Augustus.

" We have some food left in the kitchen. I'll give it to you ", I say taking Augustus into the kitchen.
" Wow! That's a lot", says Augustus looking at the food.
"Yeah! We didn't eat much today", I say.

" Wait! Did I just tell Louis that Summer is the left room?", I ask Augustus.
"Yeah I guess", says Augustus.

" Oh no! No! It's the hangout room", I say.
"So?", asks Augustus.
" Vida is sleeping there", I say. 

I cringe.
"You messed up", says Augustus.

" Wait! I think we should run to Louis", says Augustus.
"You think?", I ask.
"We should", says Augustus.

 Augustus and I run into the hangout room.
The room was empty.

" Did you guys plan of kidnapping Summer or something? ", I ask.
" Dude why are you asking this? ", asks Augustus.

" Because Vida is missing and Louis must have thought that she's Summer and he might have taken her somewhere ", I say.
" Really? I thought Vida can talk! ", says Augustus sarcastically.
" They'll be here, search for them", says Augustus.

"Augustus", says Vida.
She comes running towards him and hugs him.

" How are you?", she asks.
"I'm fine, how are you?", asks Augustus.
" Apart from being married and raising two children like Liam and Niall together, everything is fine", says Vida.

Augustus and I chuckle.

"Where is Louis?", I ask her.
" Oh! I just took him into the guest room, he wants to surprise Summer tomorrow morning", says Vida.

"What happened between you and Louis?", I ask her.
" He just came into this room thinking I was Summer, because of your wrong guidance, luckily, I was awake or else Liam would hang yours and Louis's bodies in the balcony, just like my clothes", says Vida sarcastically.

" Louis almost kissed you, didn't he?", I ask.
"Yeah! And you're the only member left to do that now", says Vida.

"Sorry!", I say. 

"It's alright", says Vida.


*Summer's POV*

"Summer! I'm sorry but I don't think that I can be the father of your baby", says Louis.
" Louis! But please listen to me", I say.
"No! I'm done with you", says Louis as he leaves.
Louis leaves my hand and goes away.
" I'm here for you", says someone from behind.

It was Harry.
I open my eyes and get up. I was breathing heavily.
Thank God! It was just a dream.

"Hi love!", says Louis.
" Louis! You came back finally, where were you? I missed you so much", I say hugging him.
"I've got a surprise for you, which, I'll give to you afterwards", says Louis.
" Ok!", I say.

"And, no matter what happens, I'll be there for you. I'm sorry that I left you in this condition", says Louis.

" Sorry! Doesn't bring back the time when I needed you. Thank God! That Harry was there for me", I say.
"That's because I told Harry to take care of you", says Louis.

" Really?", I asked surprised.
"Yeah! How do you think that I'll leave you all alone?", asks Louis.

"I was so worried. I thought you freaked out or you were not happy", I say.

"Summer! I'm fine. I'm happy for us. I'm happy that I'm going to be a father", says Louis.
I smile.


*That morning*

*Louis's POV*

The lads and I were just chilling at Liam's place.
Augustus took Summer to the doctor.

I'm kinda scared of doctors so, I didn't want to go.

"Guys! Let's play a game", says Niall.
" Which one?", asks Harry.
"Irritate Vida", says Niall.
" Alright", says Liam.

"Dude why do you want to irritate your wife?", asks Harry.
" I'm bored, so I've to do something and it's payback time for her", says Liam.
" Liam! You've to pretend that you broke the lens of one of Vida's cameras", I say.
"Are you serious? Because once I do that, I won't come back", says Liam.
" Why?", asks Harry.

"Because Vida would've killed me by that time", says Liam.
" Go do it!", I say.
"Fine! I'll do it", says Liam.

Liam goes into the hall grabs one of Vida's camera lenses, then goes into the kitchen and breaks a glass.
Then he comes out of the kitchen and puts the camera lens on the floor.

" What happened? ", asks Vida coming out of her room.
She finds Liam picking the lens from the floor.
She gasps.

" Liam! What happened? ", she asks.
"I'm so sorry Vida, I guess that I broke the lens of your camera", says Liam.

Vida stares at Liam angrily.
"Liam! That's not my lens, it's Andrew's, I borrowed it when I went to the conference, you've to pay him", says Vida. 

She goes and sits on the couch.
Liam puts the camera lens back into the box.
" You never know what your wife comes up with", says Liam coming and sitting beside Niall.

"That was an epic fail", I say.

"You could have done a better job", says Niall.
" Really? Then why don't you do it?", asks Liam.
"I'm going last", says Niall.

" Fine! I'll go now", I say.
"What revenge do you have to take from her?", asks Harry.
"Some old one", I say going towards Vida.

I know that she has a favourite candle, which is kept in a glass.
I go into the guest room, take the candle, bring it into the hall and throw it down.
With the sound of the candle breaking, everyone in the house comes running towards me.
Vida gasps.

" Vida! I'm so sorry, Summer actually likes candles and I was just admiring it and it slipped and fell, I'm sorry, I promise that I'll get you a new one", I say.
Vida looked shocked.

"Dude", says Niall.
" Shh! Don't talk in the middle Niall, your cousin is upset, help her, console her", I say.
"It's ok! Louis, Niall already broke the old one, so he got three new ones for me, it's fine, I'll take a new one", says Vida.

"Also, guys, please clean up this mess", says Vida.
She walks away.

" Epic fail", say, Niall, Harry and Liam in unison.
"Harry! It's your turn", says Liam.

" I don't waste my time in stuff like this ", says Harry.
" Stop lying ", says Liam.

" Fine! I don't want to hear that word 'epic fail' in unison from your mouths", says Harry.
"But what's wrong in trying?", asks Niall.
" Fine", says Harry.
"Where is Vida?", asks Harry.

" In the place where my second girlfriend is made", says Niall.
All three of us look at him.
"That sounded wrong, didn't it?", asks Niall.
" Yes", say all three of us in unison.

"She's in the kitchen", says Niall.
" Much better ", I say.

*Harry's POV*

I go into the kitchen. Vida was washing her hands. I'm sure she cleaned up the mess Liam made by breaking the glass.
She was cutting vegetables.
" Hi!", I say with a smile.

"Mr Styles in the kitchen today, what a surprise?", says Vida.
" Yeah I know", I say.
"So what's the purpose of you being here?", she asks.
To torture you. I guess.

" Harry", she says snapping her fingers.
"Yeah?", I say.
" What are you doing here?", asks Vida.
"Me?", I ask.

" Yes! You!", she says.
"I came to help you", I say.
" Really? Do you even have any idea what am I making? ", asks Vida.
" Nope", I say.

"It's a tomato face pack", says Vida.
" A face pack, see I know", I say.
"I'm sure you do", says Vida.

" So, how does this help?", I ask her.
"It helps to retain the glow of your skin", she says.
" Oh!", I say.

*Niall's POV*

"No sound, no scream, not a single loud word", I say.
" Is he even doing something?", asks Louis.
"I don't think so", says Liam.

" Dude! You're a bad husband ", I say looking at Liam.
" Why? ", asks Liam.
" You're letting your best friends annoy your wife", I say.
"Oh my God! I'm a bad husband", says Liam.

All of us go into the kitchen.

" So, is this pack only for ladies? ", asks Harry.
" Nope, you can also put it if you want", says Vida.

"Great! We sent him as Harry but I guess he'll come back as Harra", I whisper.
" Shut up Niall", says Louis.
"Harry!", I say.
" Yeeaahhh..", says Harry.

"What are you doing mate?", asks Liam.
"Learning about this face pack", says Harry.
" What were you supposed to do?", I ask.

"Oh! I told you I was bad at this", says Harry.
" Epic Epic fail", say, Liam. 

"I agree with him", I say pointing at Liam.
Louis nods.
Vida walks out of the kitchen with the pack.

"See I told you I don't want to listen to 'epic fail' ", says Harry.
" That's the reason we told ' epic fail' ", says Louis.

"My turn now", I say.
" I'll surely win this", I say.

"Say no to overconfidence", says Liam.
" I will win! What will I get if I win?", I ask them?
"F", says Harry.
" Stop swearing ", I say.

" I meant food", says Harry.
"Done", I say.

I have a brilliant plan.
I'm surely going to win this.
We go outside.

I find Vida sitting on the couch and reading some magazines.
I look at Liam.

"Good luck!", says Liam.
I go to Vida.
I know I'm not supposed to do this but, I'm going to do this.
I lick her on her cheek.

Ew! What is this taste?
Vida gasps.

"Niall! What the hell is wrong with you?", she shouts at me.
I forgot that she had a face pack on.
She looked at me angrily getting up from the couch. 

I couldn't even open my mouth to say sorry because the taste was so bad.

" Yeah! He won", says Harry.
"I hope he'll be alive", says Louis.

" I've to wash my face with soap a hundred times now, Niall! Ew!", says Vida touching her cheek.
"She sounds like Taylor", says Liam.

All of us stare at Liam.

" Did I say that out loud?", asks Liam.

"Yes!", say all of us in unison.
