Chapter 28 - Buddy vs Vida

*Vida's POV*

Liam was busy playing with Buddy. I was booking tickets to Ireland.
Liam was smiling looking at Buddy. 

These days he's spending more time with Buddy than with me. 

A few days ago, this happened.

"Liam", I say sitting in front of the TV.
We planned to watch a movie.

"I've got something for you", says Liam.
"Popcorn?", I ask excitedly.
"No", says Liam
"Buddy", says Liam bringing his hands forward.
I roll my eyes and sit back.

He made Buddy sit in the middle.
Great, this is going to be amazing.
We started watching the movie.

"Liam, you told me we'll watch a romantic movie, what's this?", I ask.
"It's Marley and me", says Liam

I cover my face with a pillow.
"Aww! Don't do that", says Liam.
"Finally. I'm getting some attention", I say removing the pillow from my face.

"Buddy, don't do that", says Liam.

Yes, that happened and the entire movie Liam kept on saying that. 

"Why are you smiling so much?", I ask with my eyes glued to the laptop.
"Thinking about our future", says Liam.
"You and Buddy? Yeah, you guys can get married", I say sarcastically.

Liam chuckles and says, "it's not about me and Buddy, it's about you and me"
I give a fake chuckle and ask, "do you even think about that?"

"Because all I remember is you and Buddy having a great time here", I say.
Liam leaves Buddy on the floor.
"Don't blame him", says Liam.

"I'm not blaming him, I'm blaming you, you don't even spend time with me, you don't even talk to me anymore, all you do is be with Buddy", I say.
"It's not like that", says Liam.

"Really? When was the last time you and I had a conversation for at least fifteen minutes?", I ask.
"Last week?", says Liam.
"Exactly", I say.

"Listen, I'm sorry", says Liam.
"I'm sure you are", I say sarcastically.
"I'm sorry", says Liam hugging me.

"Really? Between me and Buddy, whom will you pick?", I ask.
"Obviously.......", says Liam.
"Yeah, it's alright, that answers everything", I say moving away from him.
"It's you", says Liam.

"Yeah, just because Buddy, can't talk", I say.
"Vida, it's different about you and Buddy, we can spend time together", says Liam.
"Yes, we can, because I'm going to Ireland tomorrow", I say.

" We're going to Ireland?", asks Liam.
"No, I'm going", I say.
"Alone? What about me?", asks Liam.
"You stay here and play with Buddy", I say.

"Oh! Come on Vida", says Liam.
"I'm not going alone, I'm going with my brother and a man who thinks that he's married to my sister", I say.

"Vida...", says Liam.
I close my ears and walk away from there.


*At Ritu's and Ric's office*

"Hey, what's for lunch?", asks Ritu.
"You just ate breakfast", says Ric.

"I know, but I'm just asking", says Ritu.
"I don't know, I'm not cooking anything", says Ric.
"It's your turn", says Ritu.
"No it's not, it's yours", says Ric.
"It's Friday", says Ritu.

"It's your office", says their boss from behind.
"Ric and Ritu, you guys live together, it doesn't mean that you can bring stuff to be discussed at home to your office", he says.
"Now, I want Ritu, to handle the case of Ms Robbin", he says giving her files.
"Richard, I would like to see you in my cabin", says their boss.

He walks away.
"Busted!", says Ric.
"Yeah, only you", says Ritu.

"It's not fair, I got punishment and I should cook?", asks Ric.
"I don't like dating and romance and I should do it for you?", asks Ritu.
"Fair enough", says Ric.


*At Vida's and Liam's place*

Thank God! Liam went out.
Buddy was lying on the floor.
He looked bored. What if I touch him? Will he bite me? Maybe?
I go towards Buddy. 

Buddy gets up looking at me.
I take a step back. He was looking at me.
I smile at Buddy. He comes towards me.
I lift him. 

He's so cute. I rub his back. He was cuddling in my arms.
He's so tiny. I sit on the couch with Buddy in my arms.
He fell asleep in my arms. 

Thanks to Buddy, he could keep Liam distracted.
Buddy's little paws were touching my hands.

Suddenly, someone puts their hand on my shoulder.
Oh, shoot! I turn my head. 

"I thought you didn't like Buddy", says Niall.
"Niall?", I sigh.

 He comes and sits beside me.
"It's not like I hate him. I was annoyed that Liam was spending more time with him and I didn't like touching him", I say.

"You already played with him when Liam wasn't there in his house in Wolverhampton, didn't you?", asks Niall.
"Yes", I say.
"Liam doesn't know about this", says Niall.
"Yes", I say.

"When will you tell him about this and that?", asks Niall.
"First of all, I'm mad at him and second of all, if he knows that thing, you will know what he'll do", I say.

"Yeah, so ready to elope tomorrow?", asks Niall.
"Of course, I'm so excited to get married to you", I say sarcastically.
"I'm not", says Niall.

"Did you tell Ashley?", I ask.
"Yeah, I didn't", says Niall.
"You didn't?", I say.
"Nope, why should I tell when we are eloping and getting married?", says Niall sarcastically.
"Niall, you have to tell her", I say.

"I'll tell her, she was busy in the morning when I called her", says Niall.
I put Buddy beside me carefully because he was sleeping.
I stand in front of Niall and extend my hand.
"What?", asks Niall.

"Give me the keys, I know how you came inside the house", I say.
"Next time, I will ring the bell, I promise", says Niall.
"Better be that way", I say.

Liam walks in.
"Well, hello", says Liam.
I walk away from there.

"She's annoyed", says Niall.
"I know, it's about Buddy", says Liam.
"No, it's not, it's about you", says Niall.

"The thing about her is that, whenever she's annoyed or angry on you, she goes to Ireland, she's weird", says Niall.
I gasp. 

"I heard it", I say from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I don't care", shouts Niall.
"I wish I could say that", says Liam.

"Relax, she'll come back and everything will be fine", says Niall.

Harry walks in.
"Wasn't feeling good today", says Harry.
"Not only you, mate", says Liam.
"Where is Vida?", asks Harry.
I walk out of the kitchen.

"There you go", says Niall pointing at me.
"Hey", says Harry hugging me.
"Harry", I say hugging him.

"Buddy!", says Harry sitting beside him.
"He looks so cute while sleeping", says Harry.
"I know right", says Liam.

I give Liam a serious look.
He stops smiling.

"Did you pack your bags?", asks Liam.
"Waiting for me to get out of the house?", I ask.
"What?", says Liam.

I walk away from there.
"What's wrong with her?", asks Harry.
"I don't know, she's behaving weird", says Liam.

I give my bags to Augustus, Ric was dropping us at the airport.

"Vida", says Summer hugging me.
"I wish I could come, I want your parents and grandparents to see Scarlett", says Summer.
"I want them to see her too, they'll be so happy", I say.

Louis walks in with Scarlett.
"Ready to leave?", asks Louis.
"Yeah", I say.

"You won't be here for her three months birthday celebration", says Louis.
"I know, I'm sorry, I wish I could", I say.

Louis gives Scarlett to me.
"I'll miss you", I say looking at her.
She was looking at me with her eyes wide open.
I tickle her and she smiles.

"She'll miss that", says Summer.
"It's not like I'm going forever", I say.

"We'll miss you, even it's for a week", says Louis.
"I wish someone else told that", I say.
I shook my head.

"Hey, is everything alright?", asks Summer taking Scarlett from me.
"Yeah, it's just that-", I say.

"You and Liam fought this afternoon", says Louis.
"Yeah, how do you know that?", I ask him.
"Harry told me", says Louis.
"Why?", asks Summer.

"He's not spending time with me at all, all he wants to do is be with Buddy", I say.
"Aww", says Summer.

"Vida", says Ritu.
She comes and hugs me.
"You look tired", I say.
"Just, some work", says Ritu.

"So, what's this? Suddenly? Why are you going to Ireland?", asks Ritu.
"Just wanted to see my grandparents", I say.
"How's everything going on?", I ask.

"Good and hey, Monica came by today. She was asking about you", says Ritu.
"Me?", I say.
"And Liam", says Ritu.

"Ben asked me to give you guys this", says Ritu giving me a paper.
I open it. Ben wrote in different colours about me and Liam.

"That's sweet, I will call Monica tomorrow", I say. I put the paper in my bag pack.
"Won't you show it to Liam?", asks Ritu.

"If he's free, I'll show him. But he's always busy", I say sarcastically.
"Vida, let's go", says Niall.
I'm not showing Liam that paper.
I go out and don't find Liam anywhere.

Great, he doesn't even want to say bye to me. I walk out of my apartment.

"Won't you say bye to Liam?", asks Niall.
"If he was there to tell bye, I would have told", I say.


*In Ireland*

"Vida", says my grandmother hugging me.
"Grandma, how are you?", I asked hugging her back.

"I'm fine. Where is Liam?", asks my grandmother.
"He's busy, he's got some work", I say.
"Stop lying", says Niall.
"She left him Grandma", says Niall.

"You should have got him", says my grandfather.
"I told her", says Niall.
"Can you stop supporting him? He loves his puppy more than me", I say.
I go near my room and stand in front of the door.

"Why does she come to Ireland only when she's mad?", asks my Mom
"I've no idea, I'm happy to be here", says Niall putting his arms around his grandparents.
"Is something wrong?", asks my Mom.

"They both fought", says Niall.
"Not again", says my Mom.

I open my room door. Those memories come back again when Liam and I used to talk for hours.

"Mrs Payne?", says Liam.
It was the night after we got married.

"Yes?", I say.
"I can't believe that we're married", says Liam.
"Yeah", I say.

"I'm glad that everyone turned up", I say.
"Me too, our parents looked so happy", says Liam.
"I know, so tell me honestly, how do you feel?", I ask.

"Bad, I can't see any other girls", says Liam.
I hit him with the pillow on his head.
"Just kidding, I'm very happy", says Liam.

"I've got a gift for you", I say.
"Don't tell me Niall is here, please, we just got married", says Liam.
"Very funny, it's a gift", I say.

"Alright, show it to me", says Liam.
I give him the gift.

"Vida", says my Mom pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Mom?", I say.

"You look lost, what happened?", asks my Mom.
"Nothing", I lie.

"I just came to call you for lunch", says my Mom.
"I'll just freshen up and come", I say.

"Ok, don't be late", says my Mom leaving the room.
I go to the desk beside the bed and open the drawer. I find that picture.

"What's this?", asks Liam.
"Open it, you'll love it", I say.

"Alright", says Liam opening it.
"Oh my god! From where did you get this picture?", says Liam.
It was an embarrassing picture of him.

I chuckle and say, "it's from one of our photoshoots"
"You should have told that you were being sarcastic", says Liam.
"I'm not, it's a precious memory", I say.

"Eww, no, wait, is that Niall behind me? He's going to fall", says Liam.
"I know, I left one copy of this in his room", I say.
"You are weird, did anyone tell you that?", asks Liam.

"You", I say.
"Because I'm weird too", says Liam.
"Good that you accepted it by yourself", I say.

"Really?", asks Liam.
He starts tickling me.
I start laughing.

"Liam, stop", I say.
He doesn't.

Suddenly, the photo frame falls and breaks.

"Baby. Your kids broke something", says Niall opening the door.
"You were listening to us all this while?", asks Liam.

"Yeah, I was getting bored, so I thought this would entertain me, but man, you guys are boring", says Niall.
My mom walks in.

I go under the blanket to prevent myself from getting scolded.
"It's their wedding night. What the hell are you doing here?", asks my Mom.
"Vida broke a photo frame", says Niall.

"I'll take care of that later, but first tell me, you ate my share of food, didn't you?", asks my Mom holding Niall's ear.
"Ouch....yes..", says Niall.

"We need to talk, come", says my Mom dragging him.
"Wait, a minute", says Niall.

"Remember to lock your door this time Vida and Liam", says Niall.
I come out of the blanket.
Liam goes and locks the door.

"That was romantic", says Liam sarcastically.

I get ready and go outside. I sit near the dining table. Where is Niall?

"Where is Niall?", I ask my mom.
"He went to call Augustus", says my Mom.
She sits on the other chair.

"Vida, are you alright?", asks my Mom holding my hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine", I say.

"I mean after all that Chris and Taylor thing, I know it must have affected you a lot, is everything alright?", asks my Mom.
"Everything is fine Mom, that Chris thing kinda affected me in the beginning but, I'm fine now", I say.

"His Mom feels very guilty", says my Mom.
"I'm sure she does, she got involved unknowingly", I say.

"Did you tell Liam about the report?", asks my Mom.
I shook my head.
"So, you didn't tell him?", asks my Mom.
"No, I didn't", I say.

"Vid-", starts saying my Mom but I interrupt her by saying, "we're not talking to each other, he wants only his puppy and not me"
"I'm sure it's not like that", says my Mom.

"He didn't even tell me bye when I was coming here", I say.
"We fought in the afternoon before I left", I say.
"I know, Niall told me", says my Mom.

"Baby, your son-in-law is here", shouts Niall.

I don't know why? For a minute I thought it was Liam. 

"Hi Briana", says Augustus hugging my mom.
"You look happy", says my Mom.

"Yes, I got a new job", says Augustus.
"Wow, that's amazing", says my Mom.

"Where are Grandpops and Grandma?", asks Niall.
"They're sleeping", says my Mom.

"Vida, is everything alright?", asks Augustus.
"Yeah", I say.

I looked at the clock it was 10:00 pm. I was just lying in the darkness. He didn't even call me. Must be busy with Buddy, hugging him, kissing him. I think he'll even forget that I'm his wife.

"Can I lie here with you?", asks Niall.
"Of course", I say.

Niall lies down beside me. I hug him.

"He didn't even call me", I say.
"I'm sure he misses you", says Niall.
"I don't think so", I say.

"Did I tell you that Ashley and I fought too?", asks Niall.
"What?", I say.
"Yeah, I didn't tell her about coming here and she got mad at me", says Niall.

"I told you to tell her", I say.
"I know, I should listen to you", says Niall.
"Great realisation!", I say.

Both of us sigh.

"Vida, there is an event in town, for which they called me as the guest, it is in an orphanage, so they want someone to cover for the event, can you do it? I know it's not the big stuff that you do usually", says Niall.
"Are you kidding? I'll do it", I say.

"Really? They asked me to ask you, so should I tell them you said yes?", asks Niall.
"Yes", I say.
"Alright, I'll tell them tomorrow, the event is the day after", says Niall.

"It'll be nice, meeting some amazing people", I say.
"I know", says Niall.

"Remember the last time we slept here, it was the night before you got married", says Niall.
"Yeah, it was fun, you were so mad when you found me after I ran away", I say.
"Of course I was, you ran away", says Niall.

"I was scared, you'll realise when you get married, I'm sure you'll drive everyone crazy", I say.

"We'll see about that", says Niall.


*The next morning*

"Vida, Vida get up", says Niall.
"Let me sleep, I'm finally sleeping peacefully", I say.

"Vida, get up", says Niall moving my body.
"No", I say.
"Get up", says Niall.
"No", I say.

The next minute, I was on the floor.
"That's a nice way to wake up people in the morning", I say sarcastically.

"You fell, I didn't push you", says Niall.

"What's wrong? Why did you wake me up?", I ask.
"Someone's here to see you", says Niall.
"Who?", I ask.
"You'll see", says Niall.

I brush my teeth, put on some jeans and go out.
I see someone familiar sitting on the couch in my hall.

"Hi Vida", says Lauren looking at me.
"Lauren, hi, how are you?", I ask.
"I'm good", she says.
"Thank you so much for agreeing to be a part of the event", says Lauren.

"So, it's your event?", I ask.
"No, it's my Aunt's, she runs that orphanage, so I came here to thank you for agreeing to do it. It means a lot for us and those children, they're very excited to see you", says Lauren.

"To see me? Do they know me?", I ask.
"You are kinda popular here", says Lauren.
" This is a welcome gift", she says giving me a box.
"Thank you", I say.

"I'll see you tomorrow then", says Lauren.
"Yeah", I say.
"Thank you", I say.
Lauren leaves.

"I didn't get a welcome gift", says Niall.
"You are the guest, you don't get one", I say.
"That's a nice gift though", says Niall.

"It's mine, so keep your eyes off this", I warn him.
"Or else, what will you do?", asks Niall.
"Tell everyone about the stock of food which is in your room and nobody knows about it", I say.
Niall gasps.

"How do you know about that?", asks Niall.
"I know everything", I say.

"By the way, Ben gave me an amazing card, I'll show you", I say.
Niall and I go into my room.
"You got it here?", asks Niall.

"Yes, Liam doesn't even know about this", I say.
I show the card to Niall.

"This is amazing, so cute", says Niall.

"I know, it's been a long time since I saw Ben", I say.

Suddenly, someone rings the doorbell.
"Who must be that?", I ask.

"Probably someone got a gift for me this time", says Niall.
"Yes, it must be Santa Claus", I say sarcastically.

I go towards the door and open it, look at the person and close the door.
"Nope, it's not Santa", I say.

"Then who is it?", asks Niall.
"Come here", I say.
Niall comes towards me.
I hold his ear.

"Did you call Liam Payne here?", I ask.
"No, it's your Mom", says Niall.
I leave his ear.

"He is not allowed into this house", I say.

"Who was that at the door?", asks my Mom innocently.
"He's not coming inside this house, I cannot believe that you called him here?", I say.

"What? He's my son-in-law", says my Mom.
"Sorry, I thought he was your God because you treat him like one", I say sarcastically.

I walk into my room angrily and slam the door.
I'm not letting him inside this house.

"Vida, please", he says.
He was on my balcony.

I go and lock the door of my balcony and close the curtains.

"Vida", says Liam.
"Why did you finally get time for me? After playing with Buddy?", I ask him.

After a few minutes, I hear the sound of someone trying to open the lock of the door.
Crap! I forgot that Niall has the keys to my room.
The door opens. 

Liam was standing in front of me.
"Don't come near me", I say.

Liam comes closer to me.
I was about to run but Liam catches me.

"Leave me", I say.
"Vida, relax, listen to me", says Liam.
"I'm done listening to you", I say.

"And I told you not to come in", I say angrily.
"Vida", says my grandmother from behind.

Both of us turn our heads.

"Be happy your husband here", says my grandmother.
"I don't know this guy", I say sarcastically.

"Vida, that's not the way you are supposed to talk to Liam", says my grandmother.
"Let them do whatever they want", says my grandfather.
"They are fighting", says my grandmother.

"As if you and I didn't fight", says my grandfather.
"Mom, Dad", says my Mom.
"Leave these two alone", says my Mom closing the door.

She locks the door from outside.

I gasp and tried the walk towards the door but Liam wasn't leaving me.
"Liam, leave me now", I say.
"I'm not", says Liam.

"Leave me Liam", I say trying to get rid of his arms around me.
Both of us go and fall on the bed.
Liam was on top of me.

"I hate you, go away", I say.
"I'm sorry", says Liam.
"I still hate you, go live with Buddy, he'll make your food, give you hugs and kisses and even listen to your problems", I say.

"I know you are mad at me, I'm sorry, I promise I won't do that ever again", says Liam.
"You didn't even say bye to me", I say.

"I know the list will go on and on, I'm sorry, I didn't realise that I wasn't spending time with you at all", says Liam.
"I know that Buddy is adorable and being with him will make anyone forget the rest of the world, but what about me? You forgot about me, all you did was care about Buddy and watch movies with dogs in it", I say.

"You played with Buddy and you didn't tell me that?", asks Liam.

"I'm going to kill Niall", I say.
"Yes, I played with Buddy a lot of times", I say.

Liam gasps and moves away from me.
"In Wolverhampton and London", I say.
"You are not scared of him?", asks Liam.

"I was in the beginning, but later I was fine", I say.
"How can you do that?", asks Liam.

"When you can ignore me, I can do that", I say.
"Where did you leave him? Or did you bring him here?", I ask him.

"I left him with Harry, my Mom called, she said she wants Buddy back, so she'll probably come and take him today", says Liam.
"Oh, that's why you realised that I was missing from the house", I say.

"I said I'm sorry", says Liam.
"So, Buddy is leaving?", I ask him.
"Yeah", says Liam.

"I'm sure that you'll miss him", I say.
"As if you won't", says Liam.
"Yeah, I will, I played with him whenever you were out of the house", I say.
Liam gasps.

"Cheater", says Liam.
"I'm the cheater? You were treating Buddy as your wife", I say.

"I love him", says Liam.
"I'm jealous of him, but I love him too", I say.

"I think I missed you", says Liam moving closer to me.
"When I looked around the room, I didn't miss you, when I was sitting on the couch and watching TV, I didn't miss you, I didn't miss you at all", I say.
"Why are you lying poetically?", asks Liam.

I chuckle and hug him.

Niall opens the lock of the door.
"Finally, I'm glad that you told me the truth", says Liam putting an arm around me.

"Oh, you told about the report", says Niall.

Oh no, now it's Liam's turn to be mad at me.

"What report?", asks Liam.
"I think I messed it up, so I'm out of here. Nice to see you here, mate", says Niall slamming the door and walking away.

"What report?", asks Liam.
"The weather report, it's very pleasant today", I lie.

"You know you are bad at lying to me, then why do you even do that?", asks Liam.
I sigh and say, "fine, but sit down first"
I make him sit on the bed.
I put my hand on his.

"This is very important.  So, listen to me carefully", I say.

"Alright", says Liam.

" A week ago or something, when you were busy with Buddy. Summer and I took Scarlett to a paediatrician, so I met Aaron and he told me to take the scan just for a checkup. So I underwent a scan and they said that my recovery has increased to 10%", I say.

Liam just stared at me.

"Really?", asks Liam. 

I nod. 

He hugs me, tightly. 

He kisses my forehead. 

I told Liam about Ben's card, he called Monica immediately and Monica was so happy that she spoke to Liam for twenty minutes and then gave the phone to Ben.


I was in the orphanage to cover the event. Liam said that he was tired so he didn't want to come.
Niall was being so nice to the children.

 I didn't know that he could handle children so well.
I was busy covering the event and suddenly, someone pulls the tip of my shirt. 

I look down. There was a girl.

"Hi", I say bending down.
She gives me a flower and kisses me on my cheek.

"Aww, thank you. What's your name?", I ask her.
"Chloe", she says.

"Chloe, hi, I'm Vida", I say giving her a shake hand.
"Who told you to give me this?", I ask.

She points towards Niall.

Niall was smiling at me. 

"Vida! Will you play with me?", she asks.

"Sure, I will, but I've work to get done, after finishing that, I'll play with you", I say.
"Ok", she says with a smile and runs towards the crowd of children.

After covering the event, Lauren comes towards me.
"Vida, thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to us and the children", says Lauren.

"It was my pleasure Lauren, looking at the children over here who are so amazing and talented, I feel very happy to be here and help Niall", I say.

"This is from the children here", she says giving me something.
I open the gift. It was a painting of a camera with my name on it.

"This is beautiful, thank you Lauren", I say hugging her.
"How is Alex?", I ask her.
"He's good, he's with his parents now. He'll go back to London next week", she says.

After that, I interacted with some children over there. I was making my way towards my camera.

"Oh, Mr Payne, wasn't expecting you here", says Lauren's Aunt.
I turn around. 

Liam was standing there and smiling at me.
Liam walks towards me.

"What are you doing here?", I ask.
"I felt that I need to help some children over here", says Liam.
"And, I got a surprise", says Liam.
"What?", I ask.

"Hello", say Louis and Harry in unison.

All the children were shocked, so was I.
Niall walks in.
"I wasn't expecting One Direction here", says Lauren's Aunt.
"This is amazing", she says.

I go and hug Louis and Harry.

"Finally, you all are here", says Niall.
"Let's do this", says Louis.

"Vida, take your camera and get ready", says Harry. I nod.
I grab my camera immediately.

Lauren walks in and gets shocked.
"Liam, Harry, Louis?", she says.

The boys stand in the middle and the children surround them.
The boys sing some songs and the children also sing with them.

After the singing was done, it was time to leave.
Lauren and her aunt were so happy that we visited the orphanage so were the children.
We were heading back to the house. 

"Why are you smiling so much?", asks Liam.
"Nothing, I was just happy to see those children happy", I say.

"Me too and did you like my surprise? The flower?", asks Liam.

"It was your idea? You told Chloe to give me the flower?", I ask.
"I called Niall and I told him to do it on behalf of me and why do you sound so surprised?", asks Liam.

"Never expected that from you", I say.
"Well, expect the unexpected", says Liam.

"Harry, Louis, I'm so happy you guys came here, that was an amazing surprise", I say.

"You have more at home", says Harry.
I got very excited. 

"Yay", I said clapping my hands.
"I'm so excited too, finally, I'll be getting rid of Vida", says Niall.
"What?", I say.

Harry slaps Niall's arm.
"What did you say Niall?", I ask.

"Nothing", says Niall.
"What's happening?", I ask looking at Liam.
"You'll see when you go home", says Liam.

We reach home. I go and open the door. 

I'm finally going to get rid of you

Those were the only words repeating in my mind.
"Surprise", shouts Summer as she came and hug me.
"Summer", I say hugging her back.
"Vida", says Ashley hugging me.

"Ashley", I say hugging her back.
"Scarlett is so cute", says my Mom holding her.

"I missed her so much", I say going and taking Scarlett into my arms.
"We are glad that everyone is here", says my grandmother.

"Except Ric and Ritu and Sydney", says Augustus.
"We miss them", says my grandfather.

"Every time all of you come here, it's like a celebration the house is noisy and filled with happiness", says my grandfather.
"So, Niall, did you tell Vida about that?", asks my Mom.
"No, I will", says Niall.

"About what?", I ask. I give Scarlett to Summer.
"First stand here", says Niall grabbing my hand and making me stand in the middle of the hall.

"You told me that you are going to get rid of me, why?", I ask him.
"Because......", says Niall.
"Because?", I ask.

"Oh god! This is going to be hard", says Niall.

"Because I'll be staying in Ireland", says Niall.
"What?", I say.

"Yes, I decided that our family needs my help so I'll stay here", says Niall.

"Ashley and I are going to have a long-distance relationship, I'm moving back to Ireland", says Niall.


Author's note:
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! My lovely readers you guys are amazing and I hope you all have a great year ahead. I'm sorry I couldn't publish in a while, I was busy.
So I hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did, don't forget to vote or comment!!
