Chapter 10 - The Flashback

"So! Tell us your story", says Summer.
" Which story?", asks Ritu.

"Your friendship story", says Harry.
" There is nothing fun about it", says Ric.
"Oh come on!", says Niall.

" No! Liam! You told me that you will give me chocolate if I answer it right", says Vida.
"Yeah I did", says Liam sarcastically.

" Oh my God! When was the last time both of you had an actual adult conversation?", asks Niall.
"Hmmm...let me think....never", says Vida.
"That's not funny", says Niall.

" Yeah! As if this is an actual adult conversation", says Harry.
"I wonder what you guys did on your honeymoon", says Louis.
" We played board games", says Liam.

Everyone gasps.

"What? Who plays board games on their honeymoon?", asks Ric.
" Me and Liam", says Vida.

"That's so cool", says Ritu.
" Exactly!", says Summer.

"Briana did a big mistake by making these two kids marry each other", says Niall pointing at Vida and Liam.
" Whatever! Can we listen to Ritu's and Ric's story?", asks Vida.

"Ric and I just got along, we always got along, we were just acting like we hate each other", says Ritu.
" I wish Liam and Vida did that", says Niall.

"Mr and Mrs Payne, tell your story", says Harry.

" Please tell your ketchup story", says Louis.
"Ketchup story?", asks Summer.

" Yeah! During their vows, Liam told that I guess", says Ric.
"No! It's was Vida", says Ritu.

" Guys! They are right in front of you, why don't you ask them?", says Niall.
"You guys should guess", says Vida.

" I say, Vida", says Harry.
"I say, Liam", says Ric.
" Vida", says Ritu.

"None of them told that", says Louis.
" I guess it's Vida", says Summer.
"Vida! Definitely", says Augustus.
" My cousin for sure ", says Niall.
"So, who is it?", asks Ritu.

" Louis! You were sleeping during our wedding? It was me", says Vida.
"Yes!!!", says Ritu.
" Richard lost! Richard lost", dances Ritu.

Ric pushes her.

She lands on her arm.
"Ouch!", she says.

" I'm sorry! Did that hurt?", asks Ric.
"Uh-huh", says Ritu.


"This was officially the worst day of my life. I've two classes of law, it means I've bear that Richard Castle", thinks Ritu.

"God! I've to two law classes of law, I've to meet that stupid girl Ritu, she's fine but our ideas don't even match.
I don't know how will I manage the next whole year with her. I know that I told Mr Robson to make her my partner, she's not like the other girls who will do anything I say ", thinks Ric.

Both of them enter the class and take their respective seats.

" So! How was your day?", asks Ric.
"It was good! So far!", says Ritu.
" Class! You all have to stay for an extra class today, I'm sorry that I couldn't inform it before ", says Mr Robson.

Ritu gets irritated. She was pretending to go through a bad day.
Ric was frowning.

" Stop frowning and get back to work", says Ritu.
"Alright! So we are going to make a collage as the cover page of our project", says Ric.
" Hell no! We are just using a white sheet", says Ritu.

"No! Collage", says Ric.
" No! White sheet", says Ritu.
"The other sheets are white anyway so why do you want to use a white sheet again?", asks Ric.
" I like it when it is uniform", says Ritu.

"And I would like to see you two in detention", says Mr Robson.

 Ritu and Ric look at him.

"Mr Robson, this is a university, why will we have detention over here?", asks Ric.
"You will! Especially after that little conversation the two of you had", says Mr Robson.

The college and the extra class get over, Ric and Ritu were made to stay after college. 

" I hate this ", says Ritu.
" Well! I love to be with you", says Ric sarcastically.

"You sound like my best friend", says Ritu.
" Really? Who is that? ", asks Ric.
" You", says Ritu.

"That was a nice show", says Ric.
" Yeah! Paper fight, so, how do we start the project?", asks Ritu.

"I got the information", says Ric.
" And have the pictures, let's start it", says Ritu.
"Yeah!", says Ric.

" By the way! I hate this shirt you are wearing ", says Ritu.
"And I hate your bottom", says Ric.
" Thank you!", says Ritu.
"You're welcome", says Ric.

"So how about dinner?", asks Ric.
" Sure! Chinese? ", asks Ritu.
" Chinese it is!", says Ric.

On the same day, this is what happened with Vida and Liam.

"Hello cousin", whispers Niall in Vida's ear.
" Hi Niall", says Vida.

"So! How was your day?", asks Niall.
" It was good! Until the demon in black walked in", says Vida looking at Liam who was talking to Harry.

Niall chuckles.
"Why do you hate him?", asks Niall.
"I don't hate him, he hates me, he'll be fine as long as I'm not around him, as soon as he sees me, he'll start acting weird", says Vida.

" It's nothing like that, he likes you", says Niall.
"I don't care about him. God bless, his future wife", says Vida.

" What if, it is you?", asks Niall.
"Ew! I'm never going to marry him, never!", says Vida.

" Vida! ", calls Andrew.
" Yeah?", she says.
"You have to stay back today with Niall and Liam and explain to them about the shoot tomorrow", says Andrew.

" What? I said I want Niall or Harry or Louis", says Vida.
"Or Liam", says Andrew.
" No! No, Liam, that's the reason I didn't mention his name", says Vida.
"I'm sorry, but you signed the paper yesterday, right? So, I thought you saw it", says Andrew.

" Louis, gave me the paper, he said it was him and Niall", says Vida.
"What's up?", asks Louis interrupting the conversation.
" Louis! You made me sign that paper didn't you?", asks Vida.
"I'm sorry! But which paper?", asks Louis.

" Regarding the shoot", says Andrew.
"No! I didn't", lies Louis.
" Yes! You did ", says Vida.

" I'm sorry Vida! You have to take Liam and Niall", says Andrew walking away.
"I hate this", says Vida.
" Hey! Don't worry, I'm here", says Niall putting his hand on Vida's shoulder.
"Right! The best friendship session starts", says Louis.

"Louis! I'll deal with you later", says Vida.
"Don't worry sweetie, you have a bigger problem to deal with", says Louis pointing at Liam.

"Yeah! It's the demon in black", says Vida.

"Niall! I'll see you in the conference room, tell your friend to come", says Vida as she walked away.

" No!", says Liam.
"I'm not working with her, I told him I want Andrew", says Liam looking at Harry.
" Don't worry, she's very nice", says Harry.

"Really? I thought she'll kidnap me and slaughter me", says Liam sarcastically.
" Liam! Relax! I'm here", says Niall.
"Yes, Niall! You are my only hope", says Liam.

" Dude, she won't eat you up", says Louis.
"I don't care, I'm not coming", says Liam as he walked away.
"Something is going to happen, for sure, are you thinking what I am thinking?", asks Harry.
" Yes!", says Niall.

" Yes! Liam should stop wearing black", says Louis.
"Louis! Please don't use your thinking skills in this matter", says Harry.

After everyone leaves, Vida and Niall stay back to discuss the shoot.

" Where is Liam?", asks Vida.
"I don't know", says Niall.
" Is he going to turn up?", asks Vida.
"I don't know", says Niall.

" Why does he do like this? ", asks Vida.
" I don't know", says Niall.
"Do you have any intention to call him?", asks Vida.
" I don't know", says Niall.

"Do you have any other answer apart from I don't know?", asks Vida.
" I don't know", says Niall.

Suddenly, Andrew comes. 

"Niall! Here's your sandwich", says Andrew.
" Thanks, man", says Niall.

"Hey! Where is Liam?", asks Andrew.
" He-", starts saying Vida but Niall covers her mouth with his hand.
"He's on his way", says Niall.

" Good! I want you all to be in the studio by ten, sharp!", says Andrew as he leaves.
Niall removes his hand.
"Thanks for being Liam's security guard", says Vida.

Niall chuckles.
"You are funny", says Niall.
" I know", says Vida seriously.

"Hey! I want ketchup, can you go and bring it, it's in the pantry", says Niall.
"I don't expect Mr Payne to turn up anyways, I'll go and get it", says Vida.
Vida leaves the room.

Niall takes out his phone immediately and calls Harry.
" Dude! She's on her way, send Liam", says Niall.

After a while, Liam walks in.
"Wow! Here comes the lion for hunting after its prey left", says Niall.

" I decided to co-operate ", says Liam.
" She left ", says Niall.
" She left? Wow! Couldn't she wait for a while?", asks Liam.

"No! I sent her home, I'm taking her out today", says Niall.
" What?", says Liam.
"Yeah!", says Niall.

Liam looked upset.
"And why are the colours of your face flying away after I mentioned that?", asks Niall.
" No! Why will I feel bad?", says Liam.
"Because you are falling in love with her", says Niall.
" No, I am not. We're not even friends. Do you like her is that why you are taking her out?", asks Liam.

" We are just friends, I'm just taking her out", says Niall.
"Anyways! Can you go and get ketchup for me, it's in the pantry", says Niall.
" Sure!", says Liam.

Liam leaves the room.
Niall calls Harry again.

"Harry! Targets are at their destination, I'm coming to the security room", says Niall.

Meanwhile, Vida keeps searching for the ketchup bottle in the pantry.
Suddenly, she gets a call from Niall.

" Niall! I cannot find the ketchup", she says.
"You will! It will be there and just be careful, the door has a problem, once someone closes from inside you get locked, some other person must open it from outside", says Niall.

Vida turns around immediately.
" Thank God! I left it open, anyways I'll get it, bye", says Vida.
"Bye", says Niall.

Vida keeps searching for it.
She doesn't find it.

Suddenly, Liam enters.
" What are you doing here?", ask both of them in unison.
"I came for the ketchup", say both of them in unison.

" Niall told me to get it", says Vida.
"No! He told me", says Liam.
"Fine! You want to search for it, then search", says Vida.

She was about to leave but Liam stops her.

" Why do you call me demon in black?", asks Liam.
"Why? Don't you call me the devil in blue?", asks Vida.

"So, you heard the conversation between me and Harry", says Liam.
"So! You heard the conversation between me and Niall", says Vida.

"You have this weird habit of eavesdropping, don't you?", asks Vida.
" Look who is talking ", says Liam.
" I don't eavesdrop", says Vida.

"Then even I don't", says Liam.
" No! You do", says Vida.
"Then even you do!", says Liam.

" Why didn't you turn up on time?", asks Vida.
"It's my wish", says Liam.

Suddenly someone closes the door.
" Oh no!", says Vida.
"No! This is not happening", says Vida.
" What happened? It's just the door that got closed, it's not the end of the world", says Liam.
"Being stuck with you over here, is the end of the world for me", says Vida.

Liam tries to open the door.
"Are we stuck over here?", asks Liam.

" No! I just did a magic spell on the door to get stuck, so that I can be here with you", says Vida sarcastically.
"I knew that from before", says Liam.

"We are stuck here because of you", says Liam.
" And the blame game begins", says Vida.

"Try to call Niall, Louis or Harry", says Liam.
" Fine!", says Vida.

Vida tries calling Niall, he doesn't answer.
Liam calls Harry, even he doesn't answer.

Harry, Louis and Niall were watching Vida and Liam through the CCTV camera in the pantry.
Louis's phone starts ringing. Louis wanted to answer the call.
He couldn't control it so he answers the call.

"Louis! Thank God, you answered the call, I'm stuck here with....with Vida in the pantry, can you come and open the door", says Liam.
" I-", starts saying Louis but Harry takes the phone and cuts the call.
Harry and Niall slap Louis's arms.

"Ouch", says Louis.
"I wasn't supposed to answer the call, isn't it?", asks Louis.
" Uh-huh!", says Harry.

"Sorry! I couldn't control", says Louis.
" Because of your uncontrollable habit, they will get to know that we planned everything ", says Niall.
" Sorry ", says Louis.
"Hey! Let's go and have Pizza, I'm hungry", says Niall.
" Yeah!", says Harry.

"Wait! What about Vida and Liam?", asks Louis.
" Who are they? ", asks Harry.

"We don't care about them, we didn't do anything", says Niall.
" Yeah!", says Louis.

Harry, Louis and Niall leave the place.

"You can sit down, it's not a punishment", says Liam. 

Liam was sitting down in the pantry. Vida was standing.
" Being here with you is nothing less than that", says Vida as she sat down.
"You hate me, don't you?", asks Liam.
" As if you like me", says Vida.

"Yeah! We have mutual feelings for each other", says Liam.
" Why do you irritate me, always?", asks Vida.

"As if you do something less than that, salt in my coffee, hiding all the forks", says Liam.
" Really? Shaving cream instead of face wash, broken chair, was that me who did that?", asks Vida.

"You remember the time, you kept hair oil in place hair gel, I got so angry", says Liam.
"That wasn't me! Who dropped iced tea on my jeans the very next day at Harry's place?", asks Vida.
" That was so much fun", says Liam.

"See! We can have a conversation without fighting", says Liam.
"Yeah! You remember the time I kept toothpaste on a pastry as icing and Niall ate it", says Vida.
"Yeah! We were at Niall's place, that was for me, wasn't it?", asks Liam.

" Yeah! But what can I do if Niall ate it", says Vida.
"So, tell me something about you", says Liam.
" About me? What do you want to know about me?", asks Vida.
"Something", says Liam.

" That means everything ", says Vida.
"I'll start first, let's start from the beginning, I'm Liam and I'm a singer", says Liam.
"I'm Vida and I take my salary from your management", says Vida.
Liam chuckles.

"My favourite colour is grey", says Liam.
" Black ", says Vida.
"Classy", says Liam.

"I love Harry Potter", says Liam.
" I'm not such a huge fan of Harry Potter", says Vida.

"You are not a human being", says Liam.
" Yeah! I know that I'm a vampire, now give me your blood", says Vida pulling Liam's hand.
"Someone please save me", says Liam.

" You sound like a girl", says Vida.
"You sound creepy", says Liam.
"I have a lot of tattoos", says Liam.
" That's visible, I've zero", says Vida.

"You should try one", says Liam.
" I love Niall, so I'm not going to do it", says Vida.

"Really? Justify that line", says Liam.
" Fine, I'm scared of needles", says Vida.
"Was expecting that", says Liam.

After one hour, Harry, Louis and Niall come back.

"That was some good pizza", says Louis.
" Yeah!", says Harry.
"Wait! We are forgetting something", says Harry.

" Oh my God! We forgot about Vida and Liam", says Niall.
They look at the screen.

"Where are these two?", asks Louis.
" Our bad luck is that the camera is facing only one side of the pantry, so I guess they are sitting under the camera", says Niall.
"Let's go and see them", says Harry.

They rush towards the pantry and open the door. Liam and Vida come out laughing.
" What got inside them?", asks Harry.

Vida and Liam kept on laughing.
"Was there laughing gas or something in there?", asks Louis.
" No", says Vida.

"Stop laughing, tell us why are you laughing", says Harry.
" We-", says Vida but starts laughing.
"Vida, I'll drop you home", says Niall.
" Yeah!", says Vida.

"Hey! Liam! You can join us if you want", says Vida.
Harry, Louis and Niall gasp.
"No! It's fine, I don't want to be the third wheel", says Liam.

" No! You are not, Harry and Louis were also coming ", says Niall.
" Then, why wasn't I invited? ", asks Liam.

Niall, Harry and Louis look at Vida.

" Oh my God! You guys had dinner plans and didn't call me?", asks Liam.
"Actually, I thought to tell Harry or Louis to ask you at the last minute, but now you can come", says Vida.

" Wow! Thank you for your royal invitation ", says Liam sarcastically.
Vida hugs Liam.

" I want you to come to dinner with me and I'm sorry, that I didn't invite you", she says.
"It's fine", says Liam hugging her back.

" Will you help me to select a dress?", asks Vida.
"Sure!", says Liam.

Both of them walk away.

" What the hell is happening? They just walked off ", asks Harry.
"If it is going to be this way from now onwards, I'm seriously going to separate them", says Louis.
"We're still talking about Vida and Liam, right? ", asks Niall.
