Chapter 2- Who is Pregnant?

*Ritu's POV*

"Mom, Dad! First of all, this guy here is not my boyfriend, he's my friend Joey", I say.
" Hi! Mr and Mrs....... Mr and Mrs...Ritu?", says Joey.

"I'm sorry that I never told anyone my surname and that boy at the door is my boyfriend Ric", I say.
My parents looked shocked.

"Hi! Ritu's mother and father", says Ric.
" Dude! You did a better job than I did by calling them Ritu's mother and father", says Joey.
"Thanks, bro!", says Ric.

" Mom, Dad, first come inside, Ric will put your luggage in the room ", I say.
"Alright!", says my Dad leaving the luggage near the door.
Both of them go into the hall.

"Ric! Come in now, Joey are you staying?", I ask.
" No!", says Joey.
"Good! So bye", I say pushing him out and closing the door.

Ric goes and puts my parent's luggage in the guest room.

" Mom, Dad, how was your flight?", I ask.
"It was good!", says my Mom.
" Don't ask me", says my Dad.
"Fine!", I say.

Ric comes back.
Ric and I sit on the couch and my parents sit on the opposite couch.

" So! Ric! How are you?", asks my mother.
"I'm fine, how are you?", asks Ric.
" I'm fine", she says.

" long have the two of you been in a relationship?", asks my Mom.
" Almost a year", I say.

My father was giving a death glare to Ric.

" So Ric, tell me about your family", asks my Mom.
"My father is a businessman here in London, my mother passed away when I was five and I have a brother, who is studying medicine in my college", says Ric.
" That's nice Ric!", says my Mom.

God! I hope it doesn't turn out to be awkward.

"So, now what?", asks my Mom.
" What do you mean by now what?", I ask my mom.

"I mean are you guys serious about your relationship?", asks my Mom.
" Yes! We are", says Ric.

"So, when are guys planning to get married?", asks my Mom.

She asked one question that I didn't want to hear. I knew that she'd ask this.

" Mom! We're not planning to get married", I say.
"But why?", asks my Mom.

"You guys said that you are serious about this relationship", says my father.
" Yes! We are, but I just got out of my college, so I've to plan my future, so no marriage right now", I say.

Suddenly, I get a text from my cousin.

Congratulations Ritu, I'm so proud of you!! Finally! One of our cousins is getting married!

"Mom! Why is Sandy congratulating me?", I ask.

My mom doesn't reply.

" What did you do?", I ask.
"Nothing, I just told you that you're engaged", says my Mom.

" What?", say my Dad, Ric and I in unison.

"Oh my God!", I say.


*A few days later*

*Vida's POV*

Going to Chris's wedding was the worst decision I had ever taken.
Liam also came to the wedding.

Chris was happy to see me.
We were best friends once.
But he did something really bad that broke my heart, but I forgave him.

He even apologised to me when I met him.
His wife Cary is a journalist. 

Liam wasn't talking much, but I knew he wasn't happy with the fact that I was meeting him.

Tonight, Liam and the boys were going to a party.
Liam was getting ready and I was sitting and looking at him.

" Liam", I say.
"Hmm", he says.
Niall walks in.

"Liam! It's time to go", says Niall.

Liam comes towards me and holds my hand.

" What happened? You look disturbed", asks Liam.
"I've to tell you something, important", I say.

" Not now, when I come back, I'll listen to every single word you'll tell", says Liam.
"You're not going to be alone, right?", asks Niall.

" Nope! Summer is coming ", I say.

Ric and Ritu were busy with Ritu's parents. Augustus and Sydney were busy with their jobs. Louis was going out with the boys so obviously, Summer would be alone, just like me, so I called her here.

" Bye", says Liam kissing me.
"Bye!", I say kissing him back.

" And remember no drinking too much", I warn Liam.
" Promise, I won't ", says Liam.

" Niall that rule implies to you as well, if you drink too much, you're not allowed inside the house ", I say looking at Niall.
" Hahhaa! I'm not like Liam", says Niall.

"That's the reason I'm telling you", I say.
Liam chuckles.

" Bye!", says Niall.
"Bye! Have fun", I say closing the door.

After a while, the bell rings.
I open the door.
It was Summer.

" Hi", she says hugging me.
"Hi!", I say.

" We've to do a lot tonight ", she says.
" I know", I say.

After a while, someone rings the bell.

"I'll open the door", I say going towards the door.
It was Ritu.

" Ritu!", I say hugging her.
"I'm tired can we go inside and talk?", she asks.

" What a surprise? What are you doing here?", asks Summer.
"Well! My parents went to my relative's house, so Ric decided to go to that stupid boy's party and Liam told me to come here, so I came here", says Ritu.

" You look exhausted", says Summer.
"Yeah! My parents are driving me crazy, my Mom told all my relatives in India that Ric and I are engaged", says Ritu.

Summer and I chuckle.

"That's the reason I'm not feeling well from the morning, I guess ", says Summer.
" Parents are like that, my Mom and Dad gave a surprise visit because Niall called them without telling me and Liam and my Dad was asking Liam about our honeymoon, which was six months ago", I say.

"My father is giving death glares to Ric", says Ritu.

" Really? My Mom got Liam to Chris's wedding ", I say.

" Who is Chris? ", ask Ritu and Summer in unison.
" My ex-", I start saying but Summer interrupts saying "boyfriend?"
"No! Best friend", I say.
" Oh!", says Ritu.

"Tell us about him", says Ritu.
" Fine!", I say.


*The next day*

*Liam's POV*

Harry came home today. Vida went to some important conference along with Andrew and Louis.

"Last night the party was epic", says Niall.

" Thank God Vida slept by the time we came home, I was drunk and Liam was also drunk, if Vida was awake, we wouldn't have a house to stay in today", says Niall.
"But! I feel bad, I broke my promise", I say.
" Did you feel bad while breaking the promise?", asks Harry.
"No!", I say.
" Then why are you feeling bad after breaking it!", says Harry.

"That's a great question", says Niall.
" I know that you feel bad Liam, but I'm sure Vida will understand ", says Harry.

"I hope so, let's do something for her to convince her and to make her happy", I say.
" How about calling Chris?", says Niall.
"I'm sure she will be happy, but I won't be", I say.

" Chill! He's married", says Niall.
"You guys keep deciding, I'll just come", says Harry going into the guest room.
" Emergency take off I guess", says Niall.
"You're right, Niall!", says Harry out loud from the guest room. 

" How about gifting her a cat or a dog?", says Niall.
"She doesn't like cats and dogs, takes a lot on maintenance, bad idea", I say.
" Get her a new camera", says Niall.
"She has two cameras, Niall", I say.
Harry comes back.

" Liam! I guess I know what you can give her", says Harry.
"What?", I ask.

He takes out something from his pocket. It was a pregnancy test.

" A pregnancy test? ", I ask.
" Harry! Vida will kill Liam if he gives that to her", says Niall.

"No! It's used and.....", says Harry.
" And?", I ask.

"It's positive, I found it in the bathroom", says Harry.

" That means-", I say.

"Vida's pregnant", says Harry.

" That's the important thing she was trying to tell me last night, oh my god! I told her that I'll talk to her later, she was trying to tell me that she's pregnant ", I say.
" I'm going to be Uncle", says Niall.

"Yes! Congratulations Liam", says Harry.
" Thank you! I still cannot believe it, let's do something for her", I say.


*Louis's POV*

The conference was over, Vida, Andrew and I were going home.
"I'm feeling weird from morning", says Vida as she drove the car.
" Are you alright? ", asks Andrew.
" I don't know", says Vida.

Suddenly, I get a text from Liam.

Louis! Vida's pregnant, she doesn't know that I know, so don't tell her that I know!

Wow! That's awesome.
I show the text to Andrew.

"Wow! When did this happen?", says Andrew.
" What happened?", asks Vida.

"Nothing, I was showing him a picture from the party last night", I lie.
" Oh! I'm sure that you guys got too drunk", says Vida.
"Yeah! We did", I say.

Vida stops the car. We drop Andrew at his place and now we are heading back to our respective homes.
" Even Liam got drunk?", asks Vida.

"Yeah! A little, the party was amazing and there were girls and we had fun", I say.
" Girls?", asks Vida suspiciously.

"Nothing happened Vida, relax, no matter what happens Liam will take good care of you", I say.
" I promise that I'll make sure Liam does that", I say.

Vida stops the car in front of my apartment.

"Louis! What's wrong? Why are you talking like this?", she asks.
" Nothing, I'm just happy for you two that you're married", I say.

"Really? Then you have to promise me that no matter what happens, you'll take care of Summer", says Vida.
" I promise", I say.

"So, I'll see you at dinner? We've to write about today's conference", I say.
" Yeah! Bye", says Vida hugging me.

"Bye!", I say hugging her back.

I go into my penthouse. As soon as I go inside Summer comes running towards me and hugs me.

" Aww! I missed you too! ", I say.
" I've to tell you something, important", says Summer excited.
"Yeah! I know", I say.

" You know?", asks Summer excited.
"Yeah! I'm so happy", I say.
" Me too!", says Summer.

"I mean I thought that you'll make a huge issue out of it, I didn't know that you'll take it so well", says Summer.
" Why would I be serious if Vida's pregnant?", I ask.
"What?", says Summer.

" Yeah! Vida's pregnant, Harry found her pregnancy test in the bathroom", I say.
"Louis! Vida's not pregnant", says Summer.

" Summer! Vida is", I say.
"No! She's not", says Summer.
" Yes! She is", I say.

"No!", says Summer.
" Yes! ", I say.

"No! She is not", says Summer.

" Then who is?", I asked frustrated.

"Me!", says Summer.


*Vida's POV*

God! What is this weird feeling?
I'm really tired, I hope Liam made dinner because I don't have any energy to do it myself.
I open the door to my house, it was dark.

" Liam?", I say as I switch on the light.
"Surprise!", scream Niall, Liam and Harry in unison.

I scream. 

"Oh my God! What is this?", I ask.

" Congratulations Vida", says Niall hugging me.
"Vida! Congrats", says Harry hugging me.

" You should name your baby Niall if it's a boy", says Niall.

"Why would I do that?", I ask.
" What happened?", I ask.

Liam comes towards me and kisses me.

He pulls away.

"I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you, I should have understood, when you told me that it was something important and I'm so happy for us", says Liam.
" Why?", I ask.

"What do you mean why? You're pregnant, right?", asks Liam.

I look around the house, there were so many gifts for me.
Oh my God! Do they think I'm pregnant?

" Liam! It's very sweet of you to do all this, but I'm not pregnant ", I say.
" What?", say all three of them.

"Yes! I'm not pregnant", I say.
" Then whose pregnancy test did I find in the guest bathroom? ", asks Harry.

" It's Summer's, she felt weird and she was vomiting, so I gave her the tests I had, which turned out to be positive", I say.

"Oh my God!", says Harry. 

Liam's smile fades away.

"Does Louis know this?", asks Niall.
" Yeah! I guess Summer must have told him by now", I say.
"Now what do we do?", asks Niall.

I looked at Liam, he looked hurt.
"Let's open the gifts you guys got for me? I hope they are not related to pregnancy", I say.
" Most of them are, don't worry, they will be parcelled to Summer ", says Niall.
"Show what you got for me", I say.

Both Harry and Niall go to get gifts.
Liam was quiet the whole time.

" Liam! I'm sorry that you thought that I'm pregnant ", I say.
" I was hoping for something", says Liam.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm ready for this right now, especially when I'm busy with work", I say.
" What was the thing you wanted to tell?", asks Liam.

"It's about me and Chris, you wanted to know about what happened between us, so wanted to tell you that", I say.
" Fine! Just say it", says Liam.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings.

"I'll take it", says Harry.

Harry opens the door. It was Summer.
"Summer?", says Harry.

Summer walks in.
" Guys! Did Louis come here?", she asks.
"No!", I say.

" Did you tell him about your pregnancy?", asks Harry.

"Yes! I did after that he just went out of the house without even uttering a word", says Summer.
" I tried calling him, but he's not even picking the phone", she says tensed.
"Louis just left you and ran away somewhere?", asks Harry.

" Maybe", says Summer.
Tears start rolling down her cheeks.

I go and hug her.

"I guess he wasn't ready for this", says Summer.
"Nobody is ever ready for anything", I say.
