Chapter 23 - What the Hell?

Everything starts with what happens after Vida's and Liam's phones are broken.

*At Summer's place*

"Why isn't Vida lifting the call?", says Summer.

*At Ric's place*

"Why isn't Liam lifting the call?", says Ric.

*At Niall's and Ashley's place*

"Ah!! This is so irritating, I told you Ashley that we shouldn't have sneaked out", says Niall, annoyed.
"What happened?", asks Ashley.

"I texted Vida like five in the morning. I didn't even get a reply", says Niall.
"Relax! She must have been busy", says Ashley.

*At Vida's and Liam's place*

Vida and Liam were sleeping.

*At Louis's place*

"What the hell is wrong with Liam? He's not responding", says Louis, frustrated.

*At Ritu's place*

"I've to call Vida, right now, I've to ask her about something and she's not lifting my call", says Ritu.

People were frustrated. 

Two people were happy apart from Vida and Liam.

"Life's so good right now", says Augustus sitting on Louis's chair in Harry's house.
"I know, I don't have to worry about anything", says Harry.

"I wonder what others are doing", says Augustus.
"I hope they are not fighting with each other", says Harry.
"It's annoying", says Augustus.

"Yeah! It was very weird that Vida just walked away", says Harry.
"You know that weirdest part is that I got a dream, about Vida", says Augustus.
"What? Even I got", says Harry.

"I could read people's minds in my dream, that's what I wanted", says Harry.

"I got Vanessa and Vida in my dream, they were together, enjoying", says Augustus.


*Later that day*

*Vida's and Liam's place*

*Vida's POV*

Niall comes and stands beside me and puts his arm around me.
"What?", I ask.

"Wifey! I want to do something for you", says Niall.
"What?", I ask.

"Let's do something, just the two of us", says Niall.
"Sure", I say.
"Tomorrow, lunch, at my place", says Niall.
"Just you and me?", I ask.

"Yep! It's been a long time since we had our Horan talk", says Niall.
"True", I say.
"What about me?", asks Liam.

"Please! We don't want a third wheel", says Niall.
"I think I should say that", says Liam.

"Louis! Can you call all of them here?", I ask him.
"Sure", says Louis.

I know what to do now. Patch up everything. Like Vanessa told me, I've to fix everything, I started with Liam, then Summer and Louis. I've to fix Ritu and Ric and Sydney and Kyle and thank Harry.

 Lots of work.

"I don't want my wife to go with you", says Liam.
"I don't want my cousin to have lunch with you", says Niall.

"She's my wife", says Liam.
"She's my cousin", says Niall.

"My water just broke", says Summer.
Louis leaves his phone so it ended up on the floor.
"Really?", says Louis.

"No! I was just joking so that they stop fighting", says Summer.
Louis rolls his eyes.

"I guess Louis also needs a new phone", I say.

Ric and Ritu came by afternoon. So did Sydney along with Kyle because he'd never leave her. Augustus and Harry also came.

"Vida!", says Harry and Augustus in unison.
"Hi!", I say.
"Harry! Thank you", I say hugging him.

He gave me a confused look and then hugged me back.
"For what?", asks Harry.

"Something, it's deep, thank you for being in my life", I say.

"You're welcome, I guess?", says Harry, confused.

Kyle was sitting in a corner alone. I think he will need some motivation.

"Hi!", I say sitting beside Kyle.
"Hi, Vida! I'm a huge fan of your photography", says Kyle pointing at the pictures I clicked.
"Thank you", I say.

"You look off today? Why?", I ask.
"Sydney has officially declared that she hates me, doesn't want to see me or talk to me, but her bad luck is that we work together", says Kyle.

"You know what Kyle? I think you should just state your intentions and see what Sydney does, following her everywhere isn't the right thing to do", I say.
"Maybe", says Kyle.

"Kyle?", says Sydney interrupting our conversation.
"I don't want you to come wherever I go", says Sydney.
She walks away.

"So, what do you suggest I do?", asks Kyle.
 "I think you should ask her out, be honest about your intentions if she does, you will know her intentions", I say.
"Maybe, you are right", says Kyle.
"There is no point of persuading someone when they are genuinely not interested in you ", I say.
"Wow! I'm pretty impressed", says Kyle.

 "So, just go for it", I say.
"You know what? You are right, I am going to try", says Kyle getting up and walking towards Sydney.

I'm glad that I could do something about that.

"What? What did you say? I'm mad, no you are, go and check your phone, Kathy must be calling", says Ritu walking away from Ric.
Ric looked upset and annoyed.
Ritu goes into the balcony.
I go behind her.

"Someone looks upset today", I say.

"Kathy. That girl, is not leaving Ric, she's behind him every day and Ric is also going behind her", says Ritu.
"Did you see him going?", I ask her.
"No", says Ritu.

"Then how can you just assume that Ric would do that?", I ask her.
She didn't answer.
"You are looking at the thing only from one angle, look at it from the other angle, from his point of view. This stupid stuff won't even matter", I say.

I was about to leave the balcony, I turn around and find Ric standing.
"I'm sorry", says Ritu looking at Ric.
He opens his arms.
She goes and hugs him.

I walk away from there.

I go out and find Niall and Liam staring at each other.
They hate each other.

"Niall! Liam! Stop it", I say.
Both of them come and catch my hands. Niall on the left and Liam on right.
"Niall! Liam! Leave my hands, now", I say.

"She's going with me", says both of them in unison.

"What's wrong?", asks Augustus.
"These two are fighting for me", I say.
"Oh! What's the problem?", asks Augustus.

"Both of them want to spend time with me tomorrow, for lunch", I say.
"That's a problem?", asks Augustus.
"Yeah", I say.

"I can solve it", says Augustus.
"How?", asks Niall.

"Niall! Vida is always with you. Liam! Vida is your wife, so she's with you too, so leave her with me, I want to spend some time with my sister in law", says Augustus taking me away from them.

Liam and Niall were surprised by his answer.
"So honoured to be in demand", I say sarcastically.

"Fine! You can go with Niall", says Liam giving up.
"Really?", says Niall. 

"You guys should spend time together", says Liam.

"Thank you", says Niall hugging Liam. 

Liam hugs him back.


*The next day*

I was on my way to Niall's house.
I was so excited because we were meeting after a long time.

After reaching Niall's place, I go and knock on the door.
Niall opens the door. He gasps.

"Oh my god! Wifey! Is that you?", says Niall hugging me.
"I know! After such a long time, it's so nice to see you", I say hugging him tightly.
"I missed you so much", says Niall.
" I missed you too", I say pulling away.

"How's Liam?", asks Niall closing the door behind me.
"He's fine. He's relaxing at our place", I say.
"How's Ashley", I ask.

"She's fine, busy with work", says Niall.
"Wow! Long time, huh?", says Niall.
"Yeah", I say.

"When was the last time we saw each other?", asks Niall.
"Probably, ten hours ago", I say.
"I know, such a long time, you changed a lot by the way", says Niall sarcastically.
"I know", I say sarcastically.

Both of us chuckle.

"That was a good one", says Niall.
"I know! It's so weird us doing something like that", I say.
"I know", says Niall.

"So, what did you cook for me?", I ask him.
"You think I'll cook? I ordered food", says Niall.
"Much expected", I say.

" From Harry's house", says Niall.
"What?", I say.
"Augustus, Harry, Ric, Ritu, Summer, Sydney and Louis are having a feast today, so Harry will send food through..", says Niall.
"Through?", I ask.

"I don't know, I didn't plan till there, actually", says Niall.
"What?", I say.
"Yeah, but the food will come, chill!", says Niall.

"I highly doubt it", I say.

"Where is Ashley?", I ask him.
"Vida!", says Ashley from behind.
"Ashley", I say going and hugging her.

"I'm so glad that three of us going to spend time after a long time", I say.
"I am going to that feast, Sydney, Ritu and I will be going to parlour from there for some new haircut, do you want to come?", asks Ashley.

"I'd love to, actually I wanted a new haircut, so after hanging out with this huge mammal, I'll see you at the parlour, just give me a call once you reach there", I say.
"Hello! Huge mammal! Offensive", says Niall.
"Definitely", says Ashley.

"Have fun baby", says Ashley kissing Niall.
"Don't pass out in Harry's house", says Niall teasing her.

"Shut up! I was tired that day after eating two bowls of noodles, so I passed out", says Ashley.
"She ate my share", says Niall.
I gasp.

"You let her eat your share?", I ask him.
"Yeah! That's the reason you got less food, I took yours", says Niall.

"Wow! Thanks for informing me so early", I say sarcastically.
"Anyways, I'm getting late, bye guys, have fun, see you Vida", says Ashley leaving.
"Bye", say Niall and me in unison.

"I think Liam will be all alone. Should I ask him to go to this feast?", I ask Niall.
"I asked him already, he said he has no mood", says Niall.

"How's Grandma?", I ask Niall.
"She's fine, she's been going to the doctor once in every two days, I think we should go once to Ireland", says Niall.
"Yeah! It's been a long time", I say.

"Sometimes I wish that I met you before, we would have so much fun together", says Niall.

"I wish that our parents didn't fight, imagine us growing up together", I say.

I was sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, I felt water on my face. I open my eyes and find Niall with a jug of water in his hand.
He throws water at me.
I gasp.

"Niall!", I shout angrily.
Niall starts laughing.

His mom and my Mom came running into my room.
"What happened?", they ask panicked.
"Niall Horan threw water on me", I shout frustrated.
"Niall?", says his Mom angrily.

"What? We were getting late for school, so I had to do it", says Niall.
"Niall! Say sorry", says his Mom.
"Fine! Sorry", says Niall.

He's acting as if he's doing a big favour.

"It's fine", I say sarcastically.
"Being in high school you are acting like you are in kindergarten", says his Mom.

"Well! This great person in front of you quoted two days ago saying 'Never grow up' so I'm kinda following that", says Niall pointing at me.
"Vida! Get up, go and change, you are getting late", says my Mom.

"Niall will get no food today", says his Mom.
Niall looked sad. I give him an evil smirk.

"Now get ready to go to school", says his Mom.

After getting ready, eating breakfast, Niall and I go to school.
After reaching school, I get out of the car without talking to Niall.
Niall gets down from the car.

"My baby", says Taylor coming and hugging Niall.
Ashley came and stood beside me.

She liked Niall, so obviously she was sad looking at Taylor falling on Niall.

"Leave them, Ashley, you've got better people", I say taking her away from there.

"But, I like him", says Ashley.
"I know that but he's stupid not to realise your importance", I say.

The day was going smoothly.

During the lunch break, I was near my locker along with Ashley.
Suddenly, Taylor comes.

"Oh God!", I say.
Ashley hides behind me.
"You!", says Taylor pointing at Ashley.

"There is a thing called the name", I say.
"And who are you to tell me?", asks Taylor.
"Her friend", I say.

"What's your problem? You don't let people have what they want", she says looking in the opposite direction.
I turn around and find Liam staring at me.

Liam Payne! Where should I start about him? He's amazing. Taylor asked him to be her boyfriend once but he rejected her because he told her that he likes me. Which made Taylor jealous and made her love me more.

"You! Stay away from Niall", says Taylor pointing at Ashley.
"What's your problem? It's not like you are his girlfriend, he's single and he can do whatever he wants", I say.

"Really? And what are you to him? You are just his neighbour so he gives you a lift every day", says Taylor.

Yeah! Nobody knows that Niall and I are cousins, he says that he kinda finds it embarrassing that I'm his cousin, he never told that to me, but actions speak louder than words.

"You think that you know everything, don't you? Just stop being with Niall", says Taylor.
"I'm not interested in him", I say.

"Then whom are you interested in? Liam?", asks Taylor loudly.

At this point, I felt more than a hundred pairs of eyes looking at me. Including Liam's.

"You-", says Taylor.
"That's enough", says Niall.

"Baby! You are here, finally", says Taylor going towards Niall.
"Taylor, say sorry to Vida and Ashley", says Niall.

She chuckles and says, "Why? To that losers?"
"Yeah! Just say sorry to her, now!", says Niall.

"Ew! No way, do you like her or something?", asks Taylor.
"No", says Niall.
"Then why do you care about her?", asks Taylor.

"Because she's my cousin", says Niall.
Everyone gasps.
Including Ashley.

Nobody knew about us.

"What?", says Taylor shocked.

"Yeah! Her full name is Vida Horan", says Niall.
"And I'm not interested in you, so just mind your business", says Niall.

"Fine, sorry", says Taylor leaving the place with embarrassment.
Niall and I were staring at each other.
He just walks away.

"You are his cousin?", asks Ashley.
"Yeah", I say.
"Why didn't you tell me?", asks Ashley.

"He told me not to tell anyone", I say.
"Wow! Now can you help me to get closer to him?", asks Ashley.
"Of course! I will", I say.

"Thank you", says Ashley hugging me.
"I'll see you in the cafeteria", says Ashley walking away.

Finally, Niall told everyone. I feel happy. But why did he tell it to everyone? I thought he didn't like people knowing that we're cousins.

Someone clears their throat.

I turn around. It was Liam.

"Liam?", I say nervously.

"So you are Vida Horan, huh?", asks Liam.
"Pretty obvious after what your best friend told", I say.

"So! Now that Niall before will start being protective about you as a typical brother, can I ask you out? We can go out this weekend?", asks Liam.
"Are you asking me out for a date?", I ask him.

"Whatever you think it is", says Liam.
"I don't accept invitations for dates", I say.

Liam's smile disappears.

"Unless! It's from a guy called Liam Payne", I say.
He smiles again.

"So, I'll pick you up, Saturday", says Liam.
"Sure", I say.

I was so happy. I went home with Ashley. I didn't meet Niall after that Taylor episode.
Finally, I got rid of her.

I was waiting for my mom to serve me food.
My mom serves food on my plate.

"Mom! Where is Niall?", I ask her.
"He's out, on the stairs, his mom's not giving him food for today, at least not lunch, I'll convince her for dinner", says my Mom walking into the kitchen.

I take my plate and go out.
Niall was on the stairs playing with a ball.
I go and stand in front of him.

"If you got to show off that you can eat and I cannot, I'm going to ruin your date with Liam", says Niall.
"Well! I don't think it's fair on my aunt's part to cut lunch from my cousin's appetite for a day, so I got to share it with him", I say sitting beside him.

He smiles at me.
"Thanks for today", I say.
"Don't thank me, I've had enough of Taylor anyways", says Niall taking a bite of the food.
Even I take a bite.

"Did you see everyone's face when you told me that I'm your cousin? They were speechless", I say.
"I liked all that attention", says Niall.

"How did you know that I'm going out with Liam?", I ask him.
"I have got an eye on you, always", says Niall.

"Creepo", I say slapping on his shoulder.
"Ouch! That hurts", says Niall sarcastically.

"You are not the only one going on a date by the way", says Niall.
"Oh my god! Finally, you asked Ashley on a date", I say

"How do you know that's Ashley?", asks Niall.
"Do you think you are the only one who can have an eye on others?", I ask him.
"Smarty!", says Niall.

Both of us chuckle.

" Damn! That was good imagination", says Niall.
"I know", I say.

Suddenly, I get a call, it was from Louis.
"Hello?", I say.
"Vida! Summer's water broke, we're taking her to the hospital, come to the hospital now", says Louis.

"Oh my god! Wow! I'm coming", I say cutting the call.
"What happened?", asks Niall.
"Summer's water broke", I say.

"Wow! Yay", says Niall.
"Let's go to the hospital", says Niall.

"You go. I'll take Liam and come", I say.
"Alright", says Niall.

I go out and start driving to my house immediately.
I was happy. Happy for Summer and Louis, their baby girl.

The thing Niall and I imagined was amazing.

I reach home and I go up immediately.
I was so excited to tell you this news to Liam.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw someone unexpected.

Do you know how we want our imagination to turn into reality? This was the one, I did not want to come true. 

 There was Taylor in front of me with her hands on Liam.

"What the hell?", I say.
