Chapter 12 - Surprise!

"Shh! Liam is sleeping", says Vida.
" So! Tell me, what can I do?", asks Niall.

"We are throwing a surprise party for Liam", says Vida.
" I thought we are celebrating mine and his birthday together?", asks Niall.

"Yes! We are, but, it's a surprise only for him", says Vida.
"What if he gets to know?", asks Niall.
"You better shut your mouth regarding this matter in front of Liam", warns Vida.
" I will, I promise ", says Niall.

" Good! So this is what we are going to do", says Vida.

Back in Vida's room, Liam suddenly gets up from his sleep.

"Where is Vida?", he asks himself.
He gets up from the bed and comes out.
" Vida?", he calls out. 

"Niall! Liam's here, I'll handle him", says Vida.
" What do we do now?", asks Niall.
Vida accidentally steps on Niall's foot.

" Ouch", shouts Niall.
Niall puts his hand on his mouth immediately.

They hear Liam's footsteps.
"What do we do?", asks Vida.
" I don't know", says Niall.
"Great!, says Vida sarcastically.

"Kiss him", says Niall.
"What?", says Vida.
" Yeah! Do that, who doesn't love that, a girl you love kissing you", says Niall.

Niall goes and hides behind the curtains.

Liam opens the room door.
Vida goes near the door.

"Hi love!", she says.
"Hi! What are you doing here?", asks Liam.

" Nothing! Just thinking", says Vida.
"About?", asks Liam.
" About...about how much I'll miss you when I'm not here, which will happen in a few hours ", says Vida.

" Vida! You are acting weird, is everything ok?", asks Liam.
"Yes! Everything is fine", says Vida.

Meanwhile, Niall starts chuckling.
" Wait! I just heard something ", says Liam.

Suddenly, Vida pulls Liam closer to her and kisses him.
Niall peeps from behind and watches them kissing.

" Why am I witnessing this!", he whispers to himself.

Suddenly, he sneezes. 

" That's it", says Liam breaking the kiss.
"There is someone here", he says.
"No! There is no one", says Vida.

Liam sees someone's hair through the little bit of light that was falling in the room.
" Oh my God! ", says Liam.
" What?", says Vida.

"Is Niall here?", asks Liam.
" What? No", says Vida.
"I can see his hair", says Liam.
"No, Niall is not here", says Vida.
"You are horrible at lying", says Liam.

He goes towards the curtains and pulls the curtains apart.

"Hi Liam", says Niall with a smile.
" Hi Niall", says Liam.

"What are you guys doing here in the middle of the night?", asks Liam.
"We were talking, contemplating life decisions", says Vida.

" Yeah! That is what we were doing", says Niall.
"What? In the middle of the night?", asks Liam.

" Yes! Niall was planning to come with me but I rejected that idea! There should be someone here to be you! ", says Vida.

"Niall! Why do you want to go?", asks Liam.
" I don't know, I just want to", says Niall.

"Listen, you and I will stay here and party, let my wife go", says Liam.

"Really?", says Niall.

"Yeah", says Liam. 

" Wait! Why would Niall want to come? He doesn't even know where are you going ", says Liam.
"No! I do", says Niall.

Vida and Liam look at Niall.

" Where are you going, Vida? ", asks Niall.
" See? You guys are hiding something from me, tell me now!", says Liam.

"Alright! We were planning a surprise birthday party for you along with Niall", says Vida.
"Really? ", asks Liam.
" Yeah!", says Niall.

Liam goes towards Vida wraps his arms around her and kisses her on her cheek. 

"You ruined everything", she says with a frown.

"I am sorry, but good try, I must say", says Liam. 

Niall chuckles. 

"So, where do you go when Vida leaves?", asks Niall. 

Vida gasps. 

She moves away from Liam.

" I'm going and sleeping", says Vida.

Liam chuckles. 

"I was thinking we should go to a club", says Liam. 

Vida turns around and says, "I hate you guys"

"Alright, we will plan after you go", says Liam. 

"Yes", says Niall. 

Vida walks out. 

"Goodnight Vida", says Niall. 

"I hate you", says Vida, loudly. 

Liam and Niall chuckle. 

*The next day* 

Vida was leaving along with Augustus.

" Bye! ", she says hugging Niall.
" Bye! Take care", says Niall.

Liam was standing behind Niall.

"Bye! Happy Journey", says Summer hugging Vida.
" Take care", says Vida.

"Guys! They are going only for two days, stop overacting", says Harry.
" True", says Liam.

"Excuse me!", says someone.
" You've got a delivery from Nathan, this is for Vida Horan ", says the delivery guy.
  Liam goes inside the house.

"That's me", says Vida taking the flowers.
" That's so sweet", says Summer.

"Don't get so impressed, that's for Sydney actually, she didn't accept it so he sent it to Vida", says Augustus.
All of them look at Augustus.
" What? I see their drama every day with popcorn, you guys should join me sometime", says Augustus.

"Augustus! Can you take my luggage along with you? I'll just talk to Liam and come", says Vida.
" Sure! ", says Augustus taking her bag.

" So, Summer and I will be heading back to our place ", says Louis.
" Alright! ", says Niall.
"Harry! Are you staying?", asks Niall.

" Yes! ", says Harry.
"Okay! Let's wait for Liam, then we'll decide what to do", says Niall.
" Sure! ", says Harry.

Both of them go inside and sit in the living room. 

They see Vida going into the room.

Meanwhile, in Liam's room, Liam was near the bed, he picks up Vida's jacket.

" Liam!", says Vida as she entered the room.
"Why did you walk away?", she asks.

"I came to take your jacket, don't want you to be cold", he says. 

"That's very sweet of you", says Vida hugging him. 

"Sweeter than sending flowers?", asks Liam hugging her back. 

Vida chuckles. 

"Yes", she says.

"I love you and I'll miss you", says Liam.
"I love you too and I'll miss you too", says Vida.

Liam kisses Vida.

She kisses him back. 

*In the living room*

"What is taking him so long?", asks Harry. 

Suddenly, Vida comes out running as she wore her leather jacket.

" Bye guys", she says.
"Bye!", say Niall and Harry.

Liam comes out of the room.

"You are going to miss her, aren't you?", asks Niall. 

"Of course, I get bored without her", says Liam. 

"We wanted to talk to you about something", says Harry. 

"What?", asks Liam. 

Harry and Niall look at each other and look at him.

"How did you feel about not having a baby thing?", asks Niall. 

"We know how Vida felt, you did not say much about it", says Harry. 

"Honestly, I feel guilty, but as long as Vida is healthy, nothing is more important to me, not even becoming a father, I am sure when the right time comes, we'll figure it out", says Liam. 

"You guys will", says Harry. 

"Yes, let's watch something now", says Liam.


*2 days later*

" No! This is not happening ", says Liam talking on his phone.
" What's wrong? Why is he upset?", asks Niall.

"Someone is not coming to yours and Liam's party", says Harry.
" So, it's not the end of the world, who's not coming? ", asks Niall.

" Vida, she's stuck there for a day, so she'll be coming tomorrow", says Harry.
"Give me the phone, now, Liam how can she do this?", asks Niall taking the phone.
" Niall! I was talking ", says Liam.

" Vida! You have to be here, I don't care", says Niall.
"It's your cousin's and husband's party, you know 'husband' ", says Niall walking away as he spoke on the phone.

"I know! I cannot celebrate anything without my wife", says Liam.
"Then how did you celebrate your bachelor's party?", asks Harry mocking Liam.
" Shut up Harry! ", says Liam.

Summer and Louis walk in.

" Come on Louis! It's a good idea", says Summer.
"No! My mom says anything which comes to her mind", says Louis.

" What's wrong?", asks Harry.
"Louis's Mom gave us an amazing idea to get married", says Summer.
" What?", says Harry.

"Wow! That's nice, at least you will have your 'wife' with you", says Liam.
" What the hell is wrong with him?", asks Louis.

"Someone is not coming for their party", says Harry.
" So? It's not the end of the world ", says Louis.
" It's Vida", says Harry.

Summer gasps.
"Yeah!", says Harry.

Liam was upset. 

"Liam, cheer up, mate", says Louis going and sitting beside him.

"So, I see your bundle of joy has become big", says Harry.

" I know! It makes me so happy looking at this, we are going to have a little member amongst us soon", says Summer.

Louis looks at Liam. 

"I'll go and take the phone from Niall", he says leaving.

"Liam! Wait", says Louis going behind him. 

"I am so sorry about the baby thing, Summer shouldn't have spoken about our baby", says Louis. 

"Louis! It's alright! I am fine, if not her, who else will talk about it?", says Liam. 

"I know you always wanted to have one and I am the person, having one", says Louis. 

"Life's unexpected, isn't it?", says Liam. 

"Yeah, but, I want you to know that, no matter what happens, I am here for you. We are here for you", says Louis. 

"I know", says Liam. 

"And, I want you to be the Godfather of my child", says Louis. 

"Really?", asks Liam. 

"Yes, it was always you", says Louis. 

He hugs Louis.

Louis hugs him back.

*In the evening*

 The party starts.
Everyone was at Liam's place, except Vida and Augustus.

"I cannot believe that Vida won't be here tonight", says Liam.
"Vida hasn't come yet?", asks Nathan.

" No! She is coming tomorrow", says Liam.
"No! I have a strong feeling that she's going to show up and if she does, tell her to bring some good food", says Nathan.
" The food is good!", says Ric.

"There is nothing healthy in the food over there", says Nathan walking away.
" Nathan! Parties are meant for junk food if you want to eat healthy to go this address ", says Ritu giving him a card.

"There is a healthy food exhibition nearby? I'm going, I'll be back in an hour", says Nathan leaving.
" From where did you get that?", asks Sydney.
"I don't know, I just wrote some random address and gave it to him", says Ritu.

" So, there is no exhibition? ", asks Harry.
" No! We just got rid of him for an hour ", says Ritu.

" I love you!", says Sydney hugging Ritu.
"That was pretty cool", says Summer.

" Time to cut the cake", says Louis.
"I don't want to, can we cut it tomorrow?", asks Liam.

" Today! Means today!", says Louis.
"I wish Vida was here", says Liam.

" Guys! I don't have any mood to do anything, I'm going into my room", says Liam.
"What? No!", says Ric.

" Liam! Come on!", says Louis.

Liam closes his room door.

After a while, someone opens Liam's room door.

"Please leave me alone, I don't want to celebrate my birthday", says Liam.

"Liam! If you don't want to, at least take your gift, we cannot return it", says Louis.
" Come on! Liam", says Niall pulling Liam out of the bed.

Harry closes Liam's eyes.
"Yeah! I am a kid now!", says Liam sarcastically.

Everyone takes Liam into the hall.
Harry leaves his hands.

Ric switches on the light.
" Surprise!!! ", shout all of them in unison.
Vida was standing right in front of Liam.

" Vida!", says Liam.
"Happy Birthday!", she says.
Liam goes and hugs her.

" What are you doing here? You said that you were coming tomorrow ", says Liam.
" Yes! Just to surprise you, how can I miss your birthday?", says Vida.

"Where is Augustus?", asks Liam.
" I'm here in the kitchen, I was hungry but Vida didn't let me eat anything in the airport to reach here on time", shouts Augustus from the kitchen.

"Now, let's cut the cake", says Louis.
" Hell yeah!", says Liam.

"Augustus!", shouts Harry.
" I'm coming ", shouts Augustus.

" Happy Birthday! ", says Vida hugging Niall.
" Thank you!", says Niall hugging her back.

After cutting the cake, everyone sits down in the hall to give gifts to Niall and Liam.

"Niall! We'll give you first and then Liam", says Harry.
" Alright", says Niall.

Summer and Louis give a watch to Niall.
"Wow! This is amazing, thanks guys", says Niall.

Niall next opens Harry's gift.
" Seriously? Teddy bears gift wrapper?", asks Niall.

"That's not important, look what's inside", says Harry.
Harry gives Niall a picture of them.
" This is cute, thanks man!", says Niall.

Ric gives Niall a shirt that says 'Food is bae'
Ritu gives Niall a bracelet with golf charms on it.
"Wow! This is amazing", says Niall.

Sydney gives Niall a cap that has his initials NH.
"Forget about Nathan's gift", says Sydney.
" What is this? ", asks Niall.

" It's a pair of socks with carrots on them", says Sydney.
Everyone starts laughing.

Liam gives Niall a golf stick of a very rare collection.
"Hey! I always wanted this, thanks Liam", says Niall.

Augustus gives Niall a phone cover.
" I hope that fits my phone ", says Niall.
" It will", says Augustus.

Everyone looks at Vida.

"Vida! What did you get for me?", asks Niall.
" Niall! I don't have a gift for you", says Vida.
Niall's smile fades away.

"Yeah! Actually-", starts saying Vida but someone rings the bell.
" That's for me, I'll take it", says Vida going towards the door.
"She doesn't have a gift for me", says Niall.

Everyone looks at Liam.

" What? I don't know anything, we decided to give you gifts separately", says Liam.
Suddenly, the lights go off.
"Great!", says Niall sarcastically getting up.

Suddenly, someone walks in.
" Who is it?", asks Niall.

Augustus switches on the light.

"Happy Birthday Niall", says Ashley standing in front of him.

Vida was standing beside her. 

" Ashley", says Niall looking at her.
"Hi Niall!", says Ashley.

Everyone was completely shocked.
" Ashley! ", says Niall.
" Niall!", says Ashley.

Both of them hug each other.

"I missed you so much!", says Ashley.
" I missed you too!", says Niall.

Tears start rolling down Niall's cheek.
"I thought I won't see you anytime soon and you came here for my fake birthday I'm so happy", says Niall.

"You should thank someone else", says Ashley looking at Vida.
"It was her idea to surprise you like this", says Ashley.
"Vida", says Niall.

" Remember the time you told me that you wanted to see Ashley", says Vida.
Niall goes and falls on Vida.
" I love you! I love you so much, it's the best gift ever", says Niall hugging Vida.

"You're welcome, it's never like you ask for something I won't bring it. Honestly! Niall! You have given me so much without me asking anything, you made sure that I was comfortable with everything even before we got to know that we were cousins and you are my cousin, my bestie, my brother and I love you so much! I knew that bringing Ashley back would bring a smile on your face, so I just did it", says Vida.

" So, you went to Manchester just to bring back Ashley but not for the conference? ", asks Louis.
" No! It was a coincidence that I had my conference and your birthdays", says Vida.

"So, Ashley what made you stay there for such a long time?", asks Harry.
" My boss! He just drove me crazy, he took away my phone, so couldn't contact anyone of you, I'm sorry", says Ashley.
"It's not your fault", says Niall.

" So, when are you going back?", asks Harry.
" I am not, I quit my job", says Ashley.
" What?", says Niall.

"Yeah! I was not happy so quit my job and guess what? I got my job back at HATW", says Ashley.
" Wow! That's amazing ", says Ritu.

" I know right! That was Vida's idea", says Ashley.
"Vida! Can I talk to you, privately?", asks Niall.
" Sure!", says Vida.

They walk away from everyone.

"Summer!", says Ashley hugging her.
" Ash! I missed you ", says Summer.

" Look at you with a little bump", says Ashley.
"We missed you, Ashley! We are glad that you are back", says Ric.

" I missed you guys so much", says Ashley.


"Vida! What the hell? You got her, her job back in HATW?", asks Niall.
" First of all don't freak out, I spoke to Kevin and he was ready to give Ashley her job back", says Vida.

"Her job is to act like Kevin's ex-girlfriend", says Niall.
" Niall! Kevin is getting married in three months and Ashley is going to work as their chef not as his ex-girlfriend", says Vida.
"Oh!", says Niall.

" She just got back, let her do whatever she feels comfortable doing", says Vida.
"Yeah! You are right", says Niall.

After everyone leaves, Niall and Ashley stay at Vida's and Liam's place.

" I'm so proud of what you did for Niall!", says Liam.
"Thanks, love!", says Vida.

Liam smiles at her.

" Seriously! Thanks, Vida ", says Niall.
"Hey! That's fine! You should thank Augustus also", says Vida.

" So, Niall! Are you planning to stay here or move back to your place?", asks Liam.
"I haven't thought about it yet!", says Niall.

" I want to stay here for a few days with Vida", says Ashley.
"Ok! We'll stay here", says Niall.

"Just like our old days, we'll have some fun", says Ashley.
" Yeah! We can call Summer too as she's like our neighbour", says Vida.

"We can have a girl's night actually and push Niall and Liam out of the house", says Ashley.
" I would love to do that, these two teased me a lot so they deserved to be kicked out, at least for a night", says Vida.

"That's true", says Niall.

Suddenly, Ashley's phone rings.
It was Neo. 

" Guys! I've to take this call", says Ashley going into the guest room.
"I'm very sleepy, I'm going from here", says Liam going towards his room.

" My wife is welcomed to join me", shouts Liam.
"She's on her way", shouts Vida.

"Good night Niall!", says Vida hugging Niall.
" Night! Night! Sister", says Niall hugging her back.

"Oh! By the way, Ashley once told me that Neo had a crush on her, so all the best Niall", says Vida moving away from Niall.

" No!", says Niall with his eyes wide open.

It's always fun to have surprises in life. Giving someone happiness is one of the amazing qualities which a human can have.
That's what Vida did for Niall.

There were days when Niall cried for Ashley, Vida always stood by him and that day she made him so happy by bringing Ashley back, so sometimes in life, little things do matter and people can get happiness from these little things. If don't know what gives you happiness, just take out some time from your life to find out what makes you happy!
