Chapter 11 - I'll Be There for You

Liam calls out "Vida! Vida! Vida!"
"I'm right here", she says.

" Did you just see that?", asks Liam.
"See what?", asks Vida.
" Summer's got a little bump", says Liam.
She chuckles. 

"What?", says Liam. 

"It's cute that you get excited about these things", she says.

" Anyways! I have an important meeting, I've to go", says Vida.
"Wait! Where are you going?", asks Liam.
" I've to meet someone ", says Vida.
" Who?", asks Liam.

"Augustus is coming with me", says Vida kissing Liam's cheek.
Augustus and Vida leave.

" That doesn't answer my question", says Liam.
Summer chuckles and says, " Liam! Relax, it must be office work, she's leaving tonight for that conference if you remember "
"Of course! I do", says Liam.

" So, you'll be growing fat?", asks Niall looking at Summer.
"In the next nine months, yeah!", says Summer.
"How are you going to deal with cravings?", asks Niall.
"I don't know", asks Summer.

"You can ask me for advice", says Niall.
"No!", says Summer.

"I am great with things like this", says Niall.
"No", says Summer.
" Why would you say that?", asks Niall.
"Because I want to be savage", says Summer.

"Why are you still having this conversation?", says Harry.
"Louis! You've got a weird one", says Niall walking away.

Summer gasps.

"Ric! We have to meet Joey and Miranda today", says Ritu.
"I have an interview today, I'll take you in the evening, I promise", says Ric.

"You are telling as if they are my friends and not yours", says Ritu.
"They are my friends, but this is more important, says Ric.
"Fine", says Ritu. She rolls her eyes.
Ric leaves.

"Nathan! No! I'm not listening to you, I'm not letting you get a shirt printed with your face for me", says Sydney talking on the phone.
" Why will my face be fine, I don't want a shirt with any face on it", says Sydney.

"How about 'I love Nathan' on it? Nathan, I don't want a shirt, I'll see you at dinner, bye", says Sydney cutting the call.
Louis and Harry started laughing.

" Did you ever have a taste of Sydney's punch?", asks Sydney.
"No, why?", ask both of them in unison.
" Because you will, now", says Sydney folding her fist.

"What's wrong with all the girls today? They are acting weird", says Harry.

"This is not the worst thing that could happen today", says Liam.
" So! Vida told you about Chris, huh?", asks Niall as he came and sat beside Harry.

"What. Chris. Thing?", asks Liam.
Summer throws her magazine about maternity on Niall.
" Wait! Don't tell me that Vida went to meet Chris", says Liam.

Liam looks at Niall.
"Niall! Say something", says Liam.
" You just told don't tell me, so I'm not telling ", says Niall running away.

" I'm sure she must have told everyone except me", says Liam.
"We all just got to know", says Harry.
" Then how are you guys so chilled about it?", asks Liam.

"One, because, we don't care about Chris and two, because Vida is only your wife", says Louis.
"It's not a big deal Liam, he's married", says Sydney.

"Wait! If all of you don't know about it, why did Summer throw her magazine on Niall?", asks Liam.
"It slipped out of my hand", lies Summer.
" You are lying ", says Liam.

" I'm not pregnant", says Summer.
" You are lying", says Liam.

" Why didn't Vida tell me? Why? I don't understand why? ", asks Liam.
" Simple! Because she knew that you'll do the thing which you are doing now", says Ritu.

Everyone looks at her.

"Sorry, I had to say it", says Ritu.
" I agree with her", says Harry.
" She should have told me", says Liam.

" Liam, it's fine, I am sure she has a reason to not tell you about this", says Louis.

Liam frowns. He was upset. 

" So, when are you applying for a job?", asks Harry diverting the topic.
"I've already applied for a job at two places and I hope I get a call for the interview ", says Ritu.

Liam walks out. 

Harry goes behind him. 

He stands on the balcony and sighs. 

"Are you alright?", asks Harry. 

"No! I am not", says Liam. 

"I am mad at her for not telling me that she's meeting him. I do not understand why he is trying to get back into her life", says Liam. 

"People who leave us when you need them the most, are the people we need to stay away from", says Liam. 

"That's true", says Harry. 

"I want to talk to her", says Liam. 

"Then you should. I am sure Vida has a reason to do this", says Harry.

*In the evening* 

Vida comes home. Liam was angry with her.
Niall was watching TV he was pretending to watch TV, he was flipping channels.

Vida walks in.
" Hi boys! ", she says.
" Hi!", says Niall.
"Hi", says Liam, angrily.

"Niall! I told you to shut your mouth about this matter", says Vida.
" I'm watching TV, I cannot hear a word", says Niall.

"You met Chris! Why?", asks Liam.
" Because I had to", says Vida.
"Why?", asks Liam.

" Liam! I cannot tell you the reason ", says Vida going into her room.
" What is it that you are hiding from me? ", asks Liam going into Vida's room.

When Liam goes inside Vida's room, he finds her packing her bags.

"Trying to run away, as usual", says Liam.

Vida packs her bags and takes her luggage to go out of the room. Liam who was near the door closes it and locks it.

" Liam! Open the door now!", says Vida.
"Vida! I'm not opening the door till you tell me why did you meet that guy again", says Liam.
" Because he's my friend", says Vida.

"Wow! I never knew that that the same guy who insulted you in high school, suddenly becomes your friend again, he's the same guy because of whom you couldn't sleep for nights, he's the same guy who acted to be in love with you, he's the same guy who broke your heart, Vida", says Liam.

"How do you know about what happened between me and Chris? I never told you", asks Vida.
" I know a lot about you", says Liam.

"Then why were you asking me to tell you?", asks Vida.
" When you didn't tell me, I asked Augustus and he told me", says Liam.
"And you didn't tell me about that", says Vida.

" As if you told me about meeting Chris ", says Liam.
"Fine! I'll tell you why I met him", says Vida.
" Good!", says Liam.

Vida goes and sits on the bed, so does Liam.
"Do you remember the time when I was mad at you because you let Niall and Louis irritate me?", asks Vida.
" Uh-huh", says Liam.

"I went to pick up Summer and Augustus from the hospital, so this is what happened", says Vida.


*Vida's POV*

Liam, Niall and Louis are so annoying.
How could they do this to me?

I park my car and go inside the hospital.
I see Augustus.

" Augustus! ", I say.
" Vida", says Augustus hugging me.
"You look angry and annoyed, what happened?", asks Augustus.
" It's my husband ", I say.

" I knew it", says Augustus.
"And his friends", I say.
" I didn't know that", says Augustus.

"Where is Summer?", I ask.
" She is getting her scan done", says Augustus.

"Vida?", says someone from behind.
I turn around. It was the doctor who treated me when I got shot.
"Mr Hecklebuttons", I say.

Augustus starts chuckling.
" Vida! I told you not to call me that, call me Aaron ", says the doctor.
" Sorry! Aaron!", I say.

"Hey! Can I talk to you for a minute?", asks Aaron.
" Sure!", I say.

I go into Aaron's cabin and wait for him.
Aaron walks in.

"So! How are you?", I ask.
" I'm fine, my ex-girlfriend just got married ", says Aaron.
" That's bad, you still love her?", I ask.

"No! So, how are you? How is your shoulder?", asks Aaron.
" I'm fine, my shoulder is also fine", I say.
"That's nice", says Aaron.

" So, you are in charge of Summer, huh? ", I ask.
" Yeah! I just took some general tests for her to see if she is perfectly fine to give birth to a baby", says Aaron.

"What do the reports say?", I ask.
" She's healthy ", says Aaron.
" Wow! That's amazing ", I say with a smile.

" Vida! I wanted to ask you a question, you got married, right?", asks Aaron.
"Yeah!", I say.
" So, have you and Liam have any plans of having a baby lately?", asks Aaron.

"We just started having small discussions about it, why?", I ask.
" Good! That you didn't start doing anything ", says Aaron.
" What do you mean?", I ask.

"I'm sorry to say this Vida, but you cannot have a baby", says Aaron.
" What?", I say, shocked.

"Yeah! After you got shot, your body has become too weak to bear anything, so till the wound inside your body gets properly healed, you cannot have a baby and by chance, if you get pregnant, we have to do an abortion for you", says Aaron.

"So, how long will it take for my shoulder to heal?", I ask.
" We don't know, it may take five to six years and for some patients, it's a lifetime", says Aaron.

"Oh my God", I say.

"I'm sorry! If there is anything I can do regarding this, I will do", says Aaron.

I didn't know what to say or what to do, I was completely shocked.

" Vida!", says Aaron.
"Yeah?", I ask.

" You can meet one of my patients, who has a different problem but the same situation, it's my ex-girlfriend, she found out that she was pregnant and she and her boyfriend just got married after getting to know that she's pregnant, so you can take suggestions from them about how to face Liam because I know that how difficult it will be for both of you", says Aaron.
"Sure!", I say.

"He's waiting outside ", says Aaron.

" You are amazing Aaron! You are helping your ex-girlfriend", I say.
"Thanks", says Aaron.

When we walk out I get the shock of my life.

" Vida?", says Chris.
"Chris?", I say.
" You guys know each other?", asks Aaron.

"Cary is your ex-girlfriend!", I say.
" Yeah! This is her husband", says Aaron.

"Chris, yeah I know, I went to their wedding", I say.
I did not want to be around Chris. But I did not have a choice. 

"Congratulations. I am happy for you", I say. 

"Thank you", says Chris.

"And I'm sorry about what happened to you, I know about it, Aaron told me", says Chris.

Augustus comes running towards me.
"What's wrong?", asks Augustus.
"Oh! Chris! Hi", says Augustus.
" Who is he?", asks Chris.

"He is Vanessa's husband", I say.
" She got married? ", asks Chris.
" Yes!", I say.

"You guys keep talking, I'll go and check on Summer", says Aaron.
" Aaron! Please don't tell Summer about this ", I say.
" I won't ", says Aaron and leaves.

" What happened?", asks Augustus.
"Vida! Call me when you are free, I'll talk to you at that time, right now, Cary needs me, bye", says Chris.
" Bye!", I say.

"What happened?", asks Augustus.
Tears start rolling down my cheeks.
I hug Augustus.

" What's wrong? ", he asks.

I tell him everything.

*End of Flashback*

"That's the reason I met Chris today, I couldn't keep it inside anymore, Chris gave me suggestions about how can I face you", says Vida.

" It's nothing like I want him in my life, it's just the situation. I did not know whether you would understand if I told you", says Vida.

"Of course I would! Vida, nothing is more important to me than you", says Liam.

"So, we cannot have a baby?", asks Liam.
"Yeah", says Vida. 

Liam pulls Vida closer to him.
Tears start rolling down Vida's cheeks.

"It was never like I didn't want to have a baby with you, it's just that I cannot", says Vida.
" I'm sorry!", says Liam hugging her.

"I'm so sorry! It's all my fault, that Taylor thing, it's my fault that we can't have a baby", says Liam.
" Even if you say that it will be because of me, Liam", says Vida hugging him.

"No, this is not your fault", says Liam. 

Vida cries even more. 

"Shh! Don't cry! We'll find a solution for it, I promise, I'm here for you", says Liam holding Vida's face.
"Yeah!", says Vida.

He kisses her and hugs her. 

" Does Briana know about this?", asks Liam.
"No!", says Vida pulling away.

" Only you, me and Augustus and Summer, maybe", says Vida.
" We have to tell everyone", says Liam.
"No! We are not telling this to everyone", says Vida.

" But they will get to know someday, Vida", says Liam.
"Fine! But I don't have the strength to face everyone", says Vida.

" That's why I'm here for you, I'll be there right by your side through this!", says Liam kissing Vida's forehead.
"Ok!", says Vida.

"Now wipe your tears, we'll go out and tell this to everyone", says Liam.
" Alright!", says Vida wiping her tears.

Liam and Vida go and open the door.
Everyone was standing outside the door.

"I guess, you don't need to face them Vida", says Liam looking at her.
" What were you all doing?", asks Vida.
"Checking what you guys are talking and guess what, you guys had an actual adult conversation, yay!", says Niall.

Vida smiles.
" See! I know what to make my sister smile", says Niall going and hugging Vida.
"Everything will be fine!", says Ric.

" We promise that we'll be with you guys through all this", says Harry.

All of them go and hug Vida and Liam.

Sometimes you need people who know you around to share your bad experiences, your good experiences, your happiness, face your fears, make you smile and get you through all the days of your life with laughter, and lastly, make the best memories. But most importantly, you need people who understand you, who know what exactly you are and I'm sure you'll be able to know the difference between the people who understand you and who don't.

Author's note:
This is the last year of high school, so I'd like to dedicate the last paragraph to my friends for always being there for me!!
Thank you! marcelline123 and Fariha for your incredible support!! :) :)
