One fabulous meal later...

"Thank you for the duck it was excellent!" Iroh said cheerfully as Song's mother handed him the leftovers.
"Thank you very much, ma'am," Jin and I chorused, doing a little bow.
"You're welcome!" Song's mother chuckled. "It brings me joy to see someone eat my cooking with such... gusto."
"Much practice," Iroh smiled, patting his belly.

Zuko started walking away, and I cleared my throat loudly.
"Junior, where are your manners? You need to thank these nice people," Iroh reprimanded.
Zuko turned around stiffly and bowed slightly.
"Thank you," he muttered.
"I know you don't think there's any hope left in the world, but there is hope. The Avatar has returned!" Song chirped up in the hopes of raising Zuko's hopes.
You couldn't tell, but I was facepalming. Course, she had no idea that was touchy subject number alpha, but it was still silly.
"I know...." Zuko muttered as he walked off.

While Zuko and Iroh walked off, I turned to Song's mother.
"Thank you again for everything. I swear that someday I will repay you properly," I bowed low to her and then smiled up at her.
"It was no trouble," Song and her mother stepped inside, and Jin and I went to catch up with the guys.

"What are you doing? These people just showed you great kindness!" Iroh sounded appalled.
I knew it! I knew that jerk would steal it.
"They're about to show us a little more kindness," he was holding his hand out to me, and I stared up at him with my arms crossed. "Well?"
"You're an idiot," I snapped. "For your information, asking someone is better than just stealing."
I turned and stalked down the road, Jin following close behind me.
"And Iroh, don't worry, I paid for the ostrich horse. So technically, he's stealing my beasty."
