More explosions...

A/N: Morning, folks. Just wanting to say that tomorrow, I have a full day of work, so that means no uploads tomorrow. I will attempt to make it up to you guys later, but right now, Work comes first... Sorry...

"Why can't I do it!?" Zuko yelled.
I was busy practising some flowing arm thing. You know, trying to become graceful. I'd say I'm about.... 1/10 of the way there! Yes! Break time. I should reward myself for doing so well.
"Instead of lightning, it keeps exploding in my face!" he continued as I sat down near Mangy. "Like everything always does!"
"Wow, that wasn't at all," I muttered, rubbing the Ostrich Horse's beak.
"I was afraid this might happen," Iroh said gently, walking over to his nephew. "You will not be able to master lightning until you have dealt with the turmoil inside you."
"What turmoil!?" Zuko snapped.

"I think I just got singed with that angry fire you just spat," I drawled before flopping down on my back. "Chill out, Zuko, you're going to give yourself a heart attack if you're always so angry."
"I'm perfectly calm!"
I rolled over and gave him an 'is that right?' look, which he glared at.
"Zuko," Iroh cut in. "You must let go of your feelings of shame if you want your anger to go away."
"But I don't feel any shame at all!" he insisted. "I'm as proud as ever!"
"Prince Zuko," Iroh continued. "Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame."
Zuko mumbled something to Iroh, probably something along the lines of 'my life has been nothing but humbling lately', but I was busy stretching like a cat, totally bored with myself.
Then Iroh suggested teaching Zuko something he invented that Azula didn't know, and Zuko was back to smiling. Guess that means break time is over.
