When the Avatars come calling...

AN: Okay... I don't usually do this, but a new year and new things can happen. I want to wish you all a happy new year firstly :D secondly, What do you think of some new characters joining us? Thirdly, comment some quotes you want us to throw in. As you probably know, We (Amaya and I) are writing this ahead of posting, and I'm up to the Blind Bandit episode, so it may be a little while before we can write your suggestions in, but we will try to get as many in as possible. Lastly... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (sorry about the length.)

"Can we talk about something?" Katara and Aang were just a small distance from me as I stared out at a rather good view of the sunset behind some mountains.
"Sure," Aang said numbly.
"Do you remember when we were at the Air Temple, and you found Monk Gyatso's skeleton?" Katara asked gently.
I turned to listen, having not heard this one yet. It seemed familiar somehow.
"It must have been so horrible and traumatic for you," she continued, staring at her feet. "I saw you get so upset that you weren't even you anymore. I'm not saying the Avatar State doesn't have incredible - and helpful power, but you have to understand," she turned to look at Aang. "For the people who love you, watching you be in that much rage and pain is really scary."
"And not just because you could demolish a mountain with a flick of your hand," I added, coming to stand directly behind Aang. "But because there is nothing we can do to make it better."

Aang bowed his head and spoke softly. "I'm happy you told me that," he was quiet for a long time before he looked back over the horizon. "But I still need to do this."
I sighed and shook my head.
"Don't say we didn't warn you," I said softly, turning away.
"I don't understand-" Katara started.
"No. You don't," Aang cut her off, and I paused as Aang continued. "Every day, more and more people die. I'm already a hundred years late. Defeating the Fire Lord is the only way to stop this war!"
"There can be no light without darkness," I said, my back turned to them both. "Just as there can be no life without death. That is the great Circle of Life. You can't change that, Aang."
"But I can stop people dying from a pointless war!"
"Not by being stupid about this," I snapped, turning sharply to face Aang. "Can't you see that I don't want you to hurt yourself!? It scares the hell out of me."
I ran a hand through my hair, which was now long enough that it brushed my ears.
"You lost everything once. And I get that you don't want it to happen again. I get that you feel responsible for some of this, but if you hurt yourself doing this... Or if it is like the last time you tried to use a power you weren't ready for... I'll hold myself responsible... You guys and Amaya are all I've got. You are my only Ohana left! I can't lose any of you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to wonder if Amaya is still ok? If she's not dead in a ditch somewhere or running for her life? I can't protect her," I threw my hands out to either side of me. "But I can protect you guys, and if that means I have to protect you from yourself, then that's what I have to do. Don't do this."

"I have to try it!" Aang pleaded. "I'm sorry, Mogui, but this is the only way!"
I shook my head.
"It's not 'the only way'. You just got scared, and now you're trying to take the easy way out. The right way was never easy, Aang. The nights darkest is just before the dawn, so stay the damn course!" I turned and left, tired of this argument already.
"I can't watch you do this to yourself," Katara added. "I'm not coming tomorrow. Goodnight."
Katara paused next to me and looked up at me with sad eyes. "Is there really nothing else we can do?"
"Nothing short of hog-tying him," I muttered. "And that's likely to trigger the damn thing."
Katara sighed sadly, and I put an arm around her in comfort. A flash runs past my eyes. Aang in the Avatar State, rampaging. Aang promising never to do anything like that again.
"Unfortunately..." I said sadly. "Our little Avatar needs to learn things the hard way before he'll listen to the people who care about him."
