Gentle training, phew!

A/N: Hey guys, that's us all caught up now. So, yeah... This is as far as it goes for a while. Amaya and I will still be writing, but the posts won't be as frequent or regular as before. We may have to slow right down to maybe one post a week again. I is so sorry. I do still love you all, but writing is hard. I'll see yous fellahs soon. :) Sorry :(

Finally, I could sit down and do my breathing exercises. I was sick of getting beaten up and just wanted to relax a little. I wandered away from the group a bit and found a nice rocky outcrop to sit on. Which I promptly did, crossing my legs and placing my hands on my knees.
'In... Hold... Out... In... Hold... Out...'
Honestly, this was as calm as I could get. 'Let go of all my stress and... Is that Sokka down there?'

"Okay, karma person or thing," Sokka said loudly. "Whoever's in charge of this stuff. If I can get out of this situation alive, I will give up meat and sarcasm. Okay?"
His warrior's wolf tail got munched on by a little puppy or something.
"Ow! That's all I got. It's pretty much my whole identity: Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy. But I'm willing to be Sokka, the veggies and straight talk fellow. Deal?"
Just then, Aang showed up.
"Aang!" Sokka yelled. "Thank goodness! Have you got any meat?"
There goes promise number one!
"Sokka! Are you okay?" Aang asked before trying to pull him out.
"Aggh!" Sokka yelled. "Stop, stop! You're going to pull my fingers off, and I don't think the rest of me is coming!"
Was that sarcasm? Not quite. I'll let him keep that one. Anyhow, I should go and give these two a hand.
"Don't do it, Mog," Jin warned, suddenly appearing by my side. "Aang has this. Just give him time."

"Hmmm," Aang tried looking at it from a new angle. "I bet I can airbend you out of here."
He blew up a gust of wind, but Sokka remained trapped.
"You sure, Jin?" I asked. "He looks like he needs help."
"Just stay put, you fool of a Took!" Jin growled back.
 I chuckled, but I don't know why.

"Seriously, Aang, I know you're new at it, but I could use a little earthbending here," Sokka suggested. "How about it?"
"I can't do it."
"Well, if you can't earthbend me out of here, go get Toph."
"I can't do that either."
"You can't? Why not?"
"It would just be really uncomfortable."
"Uncomfortable? Well, I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable."
And that's the sarcasm promise down the hole. Karma never gonna let you out now, boy.

"Thanks, Sokka," Aang said, sitting down next to the sunken boy. "This whole earthbending thing really has me confused. There's so much pressure. Everyone expects me to get it right away. It puts me in a really awkward position."
"Awkward position, I think I know the feeling," Sokka was really laying on the sarcasm thickly.
"If I try, I fail. If I don't try, I'm never going to get it. I feel like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place."
"Hmmm... how about that," Sokka said as the puppy thing meandered over again. "Aang, this is my friend, Foo Foo Cuddlypoops. Foo Foo Cuddlypoops, Aang."
"Awww, what a cute name for a baby sabre-tooth moose-lion cub."
"Really? He looks nothing like a sabre-tooth moose-lion."
"It's hard to tell before their giant teeth and horns grow in. What are you doing out here, little guy? Did you lose your mama?"
Suddenly, a large moose-lion appeared out of the bushes.
