We're going a-hunting for a pig with wings!

A/N: Morning, my mortals. Amaya wanted to know if anyone wanted an AmayaxZuko fic based on the events of the episode Zuko Alone. I was also wondering, how many of you were planning on writing those descriptions? Deadline is just under two weeks away, so better get cracking. We love you all, and you can message @AmayaDisapproves with any queries as well as me. She is amazing. WE LOVE YOU, AMAYA!!!

A/N: Anyone wondering what became of that Zuko Alone thing, there is a Lil chapter posted in the Blooper Reel over on Amaya's page! Enjoy, friends!

So we looked up the Beifongs, and apparently, they owned this huge place not too far from where we were staying.
"That's the flying boar from my vision!" Aang squeaked excitedly as we saw the crest over the gate.
"Yes, but it's locked up tighter than Azkaban," I said, semi-disheartened.
"What?!" everyone was looking at me again.
"Just figure out a way in. I'll stand watch," I said.
"You aren't coming in?" Katara asked.
I didn't respond. I just knocked the ice cast, and they understood. Heck, I'm lucky I still have my toes right now. Talk about freezer burn.

Aang and the others snuck over the wall and tried to convince little miss blind to be his teacher. Needless to say, it didn't go very well. So we went back to brainstorming. It turned out while Aang was on the run, he had a perfect idea.

We arrived back just before dinner time, and I knocked on the door. Some old butler guy opened it and asked, "Who do you think you are, knocking on people's doors like that!?"
"Who, us?" I asked. "Just your friendly neighbourhood Avatar and his Gaang."
I grinned at the old butler as he rushed off to tell his master. Soon we were eating the finest rice, soup and ramen meal I had ever tasted. Everybody was there. Mr and Mrs Bandit - I mean Beifong. The old guy who tried to teach Aang Eartheating earlier, the Gaang, of course, and Princess Blind was served a bowl of heavenly food. Her father chided the servant for making the soup too hot for her. Was that servant wearing a wig? That guy's wearing a wig. Wait! That's Mr Crimson! I should save my redhead greeting for later. He had hot food to deal with right now.
"Allow me," Aang said, making a miniature tornado and blowing it over her bowl, to which everyone clapped sophisticatedly. Everyone, except Sokka, who was too engrossed in his food and Toph, was too pissed off at our little hero.

"Avatar Aang, it's an honour to have you visit us," Sinora Beifong or whatever said politely.
"In your opinion, how much longer do you think the war will last?" her husband asked.
"I'd like to defeat the Fire Lord by the end of summer, but I can't do that without finding an earthbending teacher first," Aang looked directly at the little girl as he said the last part.
Toph looked annoyed.
"Well, Master Yu is the finest teacher in the land. He's been teaching Toph since she was little," Mr Beifong chuckled and pointed at Gandalf, the Asian, at the other end of the table. Wait, what?
"Then she must be a great earthbender!" Aang said excitedly. "Probably good enough to teach someone-"
The last part was lost as he pulled his chair closer to the table.
"Toph is still learning the basics," Mr old said.
"But sometimes, having one disability makes other talents shine so much brighter," I said softly, nodding towards Toph.
That got me a small smile from her.
"Yes," the head of the house said. "But sadly, because of her blindness, I don't think she will ever become a true master."
"Oh, I'm sure she's better than you think she is," Aang said before deciding to faceplant his soup. He must have been allergic to something in there cause he gave an all mighty sneeze.
"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!" Mrs grumpy asked Aang.
"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!?" he asked back.
"Shall we move into the living room for dessert?" Mommy asked.

The rest of the night went without a hitch. And Aang and Toph, I'm sure, kissed and made up. However, I wasn't sure about the kissing. The Earthbending master even agreed to make me a non-frostbite cast instead of my permanent log of ice. And just then, Mr Crimson walked in. I really should remember his name.
"Scuse me, sir," I said, stepping up to the giant. "May I speak to you in private for a time?"

"You look horribly familiar," Crimson said.
"One of those faces, I guess."
"Have I seen you at the gym?"
"At the gym?" I asked. When did I go to the gym?
"I don't go to the gym. I'm just naturally like this. Oh, well."
"Can I just speak with you?"
"Sure, Sash," he said back.
We left to an unoccupied room, and he closed the door.

As he turned around to ask what was up, I swung my fist into his face. Talk about sore. I think I broke a knuckle on that stone jaw.
"That was for what you did at the swamp."
"Never mind. Can't change the past."
"So why hit me?"
"Because you were annoying the hell out of me. See, I got this amnesia thing, and now I have no idea about anything from before joining the Gaang."
"You're in a gang?"
"No!" I exasperated. "The Gaang. Two A's. Aang's group. The Gaang."
"Get on with it."
"Anyhow, Caitlin, or Amaya, and I got sucked into this world, and I'm guessing that you're from the same place cause I had a vision of you in the magic swamp, and you wouldn't tell me your name, so. What the hell is your name, or I will Flambe your ass so hot you won't be able to crap for a year."

"What the hell do you mean, you can't remember my name?" he asked in shock horror.
"That's what swamp you said! That and you were singing a really bouncy song and skipping through the trees!"
"That sounds like me. What song?"
"Amnesia? Hello!?"
"How did it go?"
"It was about blood," I deadpanned.
"Blood?! By My Chem!? I LOVE THAT SONG!" he broke into the chorus at full belt.
I just facepalmed.

"Anyhow, I'm Tyler, but they call me Muteki. Also, you said Caitlin was with you. Where is she now?"
"Last I saw of her was at the North Pole, and she escaped with Prince Poopoo. Or was It Zazu? Zuzu? Anyhow, names don't matter as long as I got yours now. And I take it you haven't seen her since either?"
"Wait, how the heck did she end up travelling with Zuko? I mean..."
"That's the one! I think she likes him. And he just kinda picked her up the day we arrived in this place."
"I didn't think he was into picking up chicks.  How haven't they killed each other yet?"

"So," time to get all the facts in order now, I thought. "You are Tyler, from my world, you are an earthbender, and you get called Muteki. Also, we haven't seen Caitlin since forever."
"You didn't answer my question. How did one of the most up his own guys in the whole Avatar-verse end up picking up one of the most difficult chicks I know?"
"It's probably because she has one of the biggest crushes on him since the dawn of time. And if my guesswork is correct, she has gotten so fed up with him by now; she has slit his throat, taken all his gold and eloped with a mongoose."
"Isn't that called Marriage? Hold the eloping with a mongoose, of course," Tyler chuckled. "But seriously, how have they not killed each other before getting to the North Pole?"
"Beats me, Bro."
"Anyhow, we better get back to the others," Muteki said. "I've got a job to do."
"You playing Alfred?"
"No, I'm Toph's bodyguard."
"Sounds exciting," I grinned.
I was loving having my old mate back. If only I could remember him...
