Countdown to Nope

A/N: What's this!?  Another chapter?  So soon after the last!?  Fascinating.  Anyway, I haven't heard anything from you guys about either the art thing, fan theories about the characters or whatever, or anything about a possible crossover ship you might favour.  I've seen some comments about Jin/Muteki ships and Amaya/Mogui ships, but most of them are Amazu ships xD.

REGARDLESS!  Do enjoy, and comment, and vote and whatever else makes you happy :)

After that little announcement, Sokka started pushing on the girder the waterbenders had cut desperately. Mogui had joined him, and the two of them were now comically trying to push the severed girder.

"Come on, brace, budge!" Sokka grimaced.

"This is bad, really bad!" Katara worried.

"We put everything we had into these things," Mogui huffed, punching the brace then grimacing. "This is going to take too long. Too much heat, we flambe our asses, too little, and we wait hours before it even gets warm."

"Maybe we don't need to do it all the way!" Aang said, suddenly inspired. "Toph has been teaching me that you shouldn't give one hundred per cent of your energy into any one strike."

"Besides the obvious risk of overdoing it?" I muttered to myself as I checked the state of the other girders Mogui and I had... embrittled.

"Sokka, take a fighting stance," Aang said, as Sokka did as he was told. "You've gotta be quick and accurate," he hooked his foot around one of Sokka's ankles, pulling him off balance. "Hit a series of points, and break your opponent's stance," he hit Sokka with a series of pretend blows. "And when he's reeling back, you deliver the final blow," he bonked Sokka lightly on the head. "His own weight becomes his downfall. Literally."

Mogui snorted at Sokka, who fell over comically. "Take em down with bug bites. Standard procedure for big and tough opponents."

"So we just need to weaken the braces instead of cut all the way through," Katara concluded.

"Good thing we're already partway there," I pointed to the various braces that Mogui and I had embrittled. "Look how the ones we superheated then flash froze have begun to buckle under the pressure."

"Then we just need a few more," Mogui said.

"And then I'll go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow," Aang said, pointing above us.

"And BOOM," Sokka said, raising his arms, then made a sweeping motion down. "It all comes crashing down."

"Everyone inside that wall, the whole world, is counting on us," Aang said passionately.

"The whole world, minus the Fire Nation that is," Sokka added helpfully.

We all gave him an exasperated look when Mogui decided to pipe up.

"Well, he's not wrong," he pointed out.  
