The Spirit Who Knew Too Much

Man, this is getting good. I'm already sure how this ends, but the process on getting to the Ending sure is tough DX

And when am I going to make the ship officially together? Maybe later. You guys will know soon ^^ Very soon...



"Uncle Koz! Uncle Koz!"

"Oh, hello little Jackson. What's the matter?"

"I made this picture of you, Uncle Koz!"

"...oh, that is... wonderful. But... why do I am I wearing... golden armor...?"

"Daddy says you used to wear shiny armor! He see it in history book!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Uh-huh! And Mommy says you look brave and handsome wearing shiny armor!"

"...well, as long as your mother thinks that then I guess it's fine..."

Jack snapped out of his daydreams the moment he felt his frost on the egglet he was holding. He looked down and panicked, clearing away the frost.

From across him, Aster had been watching the boy. He watched as the spirit lost himself in his thoughts, painting subconsciously and frosting the little googie in his hand. The Pooka was about to snap him out of it to help the egglet when the other suddenly snapped back into reality and began to clear the frost away.

He saw something. Aster knew he did. The distant look in his eyes gave it away, and the Pooka didn't like it.

"Got anotha' vision, Frostbite?"

"H-Huh?" Jack turned to him, looking startled.

"Can't fool me, mate," Aster shook his head with a frown. "What did ya see, Snowflake?"

"I... I don't know, really..." Jack winced as he turned away. "I think it's... a memory? S-Something like that..."

"Guess your memories are startin' ta come back naturally," Aster chuckled.

"But... I don't know if I understand what I saw..." Jack sighed. "All was so blurry..."

"Alright, but do you remember what you HEARD?" Aster questioned.

"...kinda," Jack shrugged. "I... I was with someone. It was a man... I called him my 'uncle' then I gave him a drawing... of him, I think..."

"Huh," Aster had his eyebrows raised on surprised. "No name or anythin'?"

"Koz," Jack answered. "I called him 'Uncle Koz', and he called me little Jackson,"

Aster froze in the spot, grimacing inwardly at the name.

Koz. It wasn't the full name, he could tell, but it was still a name. A VERY familiar name...

"I'm... I'm afraid to ask, but... do ya remember your uncle's full name?"

"Hmm..." Jack shut his eyes, a hand on his head before shaking his head. "Nope, sorry, Bunny. Can't remember anything else than 'Koz'. Why?"

"No reason," Aster slapped a hand down his face, shaking himself from the heavy thoughts weighing on his head.

'No, Aster, it can't be him... He... He's gone... An'... An' he's a goddamn traitor...'

Suddenly, a couple of egglets rushed to the duo. The googie in Jack's hand jumped down to join it's group then they ran in front of Aster. The Pooka looked down at them with concern as he watched them getting his attention.

"What is it?"

The egglets started to push the Spring spirit up, telling him to stand up and hurry.

Jack read their actions well and stood up from his spot. Almost immediately, the deafening ring from the memory returned through his head and ears, causing him to hiss and grasp his white locks.

"Aster, something's wrong,"

Aster's ear twitched in alarm, hopping to his feet. The googies then ran off, with the two spirits following them from behind at top speed. They were led to a huge globe full of lights. An egg-shaped glass stood below the globe as it glowed in various colors.

The colors of the Northern Lights.

"Uh oh,"


"We're here!" Tooth entered the Globe Room of Santoff Clausen, with Sandy not far behind on his cloud.

"Good, Good!" North clasped his hands together. "Now we wait for Jack and Bunny,"

["What's going on, North?"] Sandy signed as a question mark appeared above his head.

"Do you remember Jack's first believer, Jamie Bennett?" North replied. "Jack gave him emergency snow globe in case Pitch returns. He came here earlier to tell me that Pitch has new henchman. A young teenage demon spirit, who is disguising as human babysitter,"

"Pitch is back?!" Tooth gasped. "What does he want this time?!"

"That iz for us to theorize when Jack and Bunny get here," North sighed.

Not sooner had they spoken, a tunnel appeared on the floor, and out came the two last guardians. Aster had his arms crossed as he stepped forward while Jack gripped his staff, falling behind the Pooka's steps.

"What's going on, mate?" The Spring spirit questioned.

"Pitch iz back," North replied.

"WHAT?!" Jack shrieked. "How?!"

"We don't know," Tooth admitted.

"Your believer contacted us, Jack," North explained. "He told us what he witnessed, and Pitch iz no longer alone,"

"He's got a henchman workin' for 'im now?" Aster's eyebrows furrowed. "That ain't good,"

"Iz teenage girl, demon spirit. Disguised herself as babysitter to the Bennett Family," North went on. "She knows that... that Tooth gave Jack his memory box back. She flew off to tell Pitch news,"

["That's not good,"] Sandy signed, a sad face appearing on his head.

"We gotta get her and make sure she ain't spillin' much about the memories," Aster scowled.

"Where do you think she might be?" Jack asked.

"Well," North turned to grab a scroll from the nearest desk. "based on time zone of Burgess, it iz early Winter morning. Still Christmas break. Children should be playing outside, and as babysitter, this demon spirit might be with them. If not, we can ask Jamie where she might have gone,"

"I'll go to Burgess," The Winter spirit stepped forward, gripping his staff. "I know where the kids usually play,"

"I'll go with you, Frostbite," Aster offered. "You'll need back-up, just in case,"

"Good," North nodded. "Jack and Bunny will go get the spirit. The rest of us need to stay and watch the globe, in case Pitch makes attack on other children,"

"Alright," Jack gave a nod then he grinned at the Pooka. "Race ya there, Cottontail?"

Aster smirked. "Never race a rabbit, mate,"

"I doubt it!" Jack then flung himself out an open window, the Wind catching him to fly.

"HEY!" Aster growled then he tapped on the ground twice before disappearing into a tunnel.


"SNOW DAY FUN!" Gia screamed, followed by the cheers of the children running to the snowy park.

She beamed at the joy of kids running around, making snowmen and having snowball fights. She clapped her hands cheerfully and happily jumped.

She loved snow days. She grew up in a place with no snow whatsoever. The first time she had felt snow was when her parents were gone, and she was left on her own. She didn't, though. She was an happy-go-luck introvert, anyway (she gives joy to a crowd, but she loves to be left alone).

She watched over the younglings, running around and having fun. She looked around and frowned to see one child not having as much fun.

"Aw, Jamie," she went near him, making him jump. "why aren't ya playing with your friends?"

"I... I'm not in the mood," Jamie fiddled with the zipper of his puffy winter vest, obviously not comfortable around the girl, but she ignored it.

"Not in the mood? Don't be ridiculous, Jam!" Gia pulled the child into a tight hug. "Come on! Let's play snowball tag!" She then turned back to the rest of the children. "HEY, KIDDOS! LET'S PLAY SNOWBALL TAG!"

"YAY!" The kids cheered.

"Um... snowball tag?" Jamie looked confused and unsure.

"The one who's 'it' will use a snowball to tag someone," Gia giggled before pulling the boy closer to whisper, "Lighten up, Jamie. We still got time before Jack and Bunny get here, you know,"

What she said made his blood freeze. He stared at her, eyes wider than the moon as she gave him a cheeky grin. His throat went dry before swallowing as much as he could.

Gia took this (in a playful way) as a sign to put him down. She then raised a hand full of snow and turned to the kids.

"I'M IT!" She cried out then the children ran off, screaming with happiness and excitement.

She ran off to follow, leaving Jamie behind.

The boy stood where he was placed, staring inquisitively at the girl, a.k.a the spirit that he KNEW was working for or with Pitch.

He couldn't trust her, he had to know better. North had told him to be careful and be wary of her, but it was difficult when she was a teen with the mind of a child. It was like she was reliving a childhood she never had. (Sadly true)

But if that were the case, why was she there? If she had been with Pitch then where was she last time? She seemed to know what will happen at the exact time, in the exact place. How was that even possible?

His thoughts were interrupted, however, when a snowball hit him from behind. He jumped at the cold before turning and smiling to find a familiar face.


"Hey there, kiddo!" Jack laughed, patting the child's head. "How's it going? Loving the snow?"

"I would," Jamie sighed as he turned to the teenager running around with the other kids. "if it wasn't for the fact that my babysitter is a demon spirit,"

Jack followed his gaze, and an eyebrow was raised at the sight of the cheering teenage girl. "Wait, SHE is the spirit with Pitch? And I thought she was just a tall kid!"

"She's 15, and yeah, she's the demon spirit," Jamie nodded.

"Since she's your babysitter, think you can get her to follow you to the trees over there?" Jack asked, pointing to the nearby forest.

"I'll try," Jamie gulped, but he managed a smile before running off to teenage girl.

He found Gia in the middle of making a snowman, with Sophie. Well, a snow-bunny to be more specific. Both girls were laughing, with his little sister squealing like tomorrow while their babysitter had a smile so wide that it could rival Sophie's.

"And... done!" Gia placed sash-like rope around the snow-bunny. "Is this what the Easter Bunny looked like, Soph?"

"UH-HUH!" Sophie clapped her hands together. "Bunny! Bunny! Hop! Hop!"

"Yeah!" Gia giggled, placing her hands on her hand to imitate bunny ears as she began to hop on the snow. "Bunny! Bunny! Hop! Hop! Hop!"

Sophie laughed harder, knocking herself back on the snow. Gia joined in her laughter as she slumped down beside the child with laughter just as hard.

Jamie stared down at them, unsure if he was worried that Sophie was getting along with someone who was dealing with Pitch, or that he was worried that what he saw the previous night was just a trick of being sleepy but not able to get to sleep.

Still. He knew what he saw and heard, so why shouldn't he try?

"Hey, Gia!"

"Huh?" Said teen sat up straight and beamed at the sight of the boy. "Oh, hey, Jamie! They here yet?"

Jamie stiffened. 'Definitely a spirit working for Pitch. But how in the world does she keep KNOWING what was going to happen next???'

Gia took this as a 'yes' and got up on her feet. She took Sophie in her arms then she walked towards the boy.

"Lead the way, Jam-Jam," she said with a smile.

"Um... okay..." Jamie gave her a weird look before walking off to the meeting point.


"Hey, Cottontail!"

"Rack off, ya bloody show pony," Aster rolled his eyes as he popped out of his tunnel. "Got caught up with the coldness of the tunnels,"

"And you told me to 'never race a rabbit'," Jack smirked. "Guess I'll keep racing you then... during winters, of course,"

"Knew you couldn't handle racin' in the heat," Aster snickered.

"Either I get so sick that I faint into a coma, or I beat the Summer spirits to a cave and hibernate until the end of Summer," Jack sighed. "All the seasons are great and all, but I think the Summer spirits are trying to kill me on purpose,"

"The Fall an' Spring spirits don't have a problem with you, that's for sure," Aster assured him. "The Summer ones just hate ya 'cause you're a Guardian, an' they hate the cold,"

"Ah, yes, that must be it," Jack groaned.

Aster chuckled, but before he could say any more, one of his ears shot up at the sound of footsteps. He then turned to see a familiar boy appear from the park.

"Jack! Bunny!"

"Jamie!" Jack patted the kid's head playfully. "You're here!"


The trio turned to see a teenage girl holding Sophia in her arms. The blonde jumped out immediately and ran to the Pooka, who smiled and had his arms wide open for her embrace.

"Hey there, my little ankle bita'," Aster cuddled the little girl.

"Bunny! You came before Easter!" Sophie cheered.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" Aster smiled and ruffled the girl's hair through her Winter hat. "Missed me much?"

"Uh-Huh!" Sophie nodded enthusiastically.

Jack chuckled at the sight then he turned to see the teenage girl smiling over at them. She noticed him looking and blinked in surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Where are my manners?!" She then gave a quick bow. "I am Garaia Fernil, But you can call me Gia. You two must be the guardians Jack Frost and E. Aster Bunnymund,"

Both spirits were dumbstruck for a moment before the Pooka let out a growl, setting Sophie down. He then stomped towards the teen, who didn't even flinch as she was approached threateningly.

Jack could see the daggers in the Spring spirit's eyes and sighed. He stretched an arm in front of him, shaking his head.

"Bunny, let ME handle this,"

"Tsk, fine," Aster huffed, crossing his arms. "but if she tries anythin', I'll be ready with a boomerang,"

"Aw, CUTE!" Gia squealed as she watched two interact. "When are you two getting together?"

"WHAT?!" The two guardians exclaimed, with the Pooka scowling and Frost boy blushing deeply.

"Oh, not yet then? Okie then," Gia giggled at the reaction. "So, I know why you two are here—"

"Then you can explain why in bloody hells are you workin' for Pitch!" Aster roared out.

Sophie gasped and ran to her big brother, a little afraid of the Guardian of Hope's short temper. Jamie hugged her and pulled her to the side to not be in the way of any missed hits.

"Working for Pitch? That's crazy!" Gia laughed. "I don't work WITH him either. We're just old pals, and I'm just the demon he kicked out of his lair after I told him that his little crush is alive, even after 300 years!"

"Then... how did you know who we were before you met us?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"I've been to the Pooka home world before it was destroyed," Gia shrugged. "I've seen and met a lot of Pooka warriors, your parents and clan included, Aster! And you were SUCH a cutie pie as a little baby Pooka..."

"Sh-Shut up!" Aster hissed.

"Ooh~ I wanna get a pic of that," Jack snickered, earning a glare from the Spring spirit.

"Don't you dare." Aster narrowed his eyes at him with a snarl.

"Maybe later, Jack," Gia waved off the topic. "Besides, I'm sure you'd LOVE to know that I'm BEST FRIENDS with your male mother Ezra, and that I've seen you and your sister when you were just little cutie babies! What's more is that I was the one who helped your mother during both labors!"

"You... WHAT?!" Jack's jaw dropped at the info. "How?! Wha?!"

"I'd love to continue this, but maybe not here," Gia suggested. "People will think I'm crazier than I am already if they see me talking to spirits that they can't see!"

"Fine." Aster harrumphed. "We'll head to Santoff Clausen," He then turned to the children. "You two betta' run off before your parents worry about ya,"

"NO." Gia's voice went serious as her eyes widened. "I am their babysitter. I'm responsible for whatever happens to them,"

"I... guess that's fair," Jack turned away to avoid looking at the teen girl claiming to know his mother.

"But they'll be travelin' with me in the tunnels," Aster insisted, lifting the two carry on his back. "It's safer,"

"Fair enough," Gia clapped her hands, her mood switching back to happy.

Her bangles soon glistened a bright glow of purple, and her appearance changed in an instant. Her skin turned to golden fur, her human features transformed into those of a cat. A demonic cat tail appeared from her skirt while two bat wings sprouted from her back. She removed her hat, releasing her now-long and spiky hair.

"Alright, I'm ready to go!" She gingerly fluttered her wings before soaring up into clouds. "Race you slowpokes there!"



"Captain Palleon," a blue-skinned man spoke, his voice laced with stern and command as he stepped forward towards the huge window of the ship. "status update of the condition of the Chimera,"

"Still badly damaged, sir," the captain of the ship, Captain Palleon, reported. "but the shuttles had been fixed up and are ready for departure,"

"Good." The man nodded, his eyes still on the view of the planet below them. "Get ready the troopers. Lock in to Tristan Wren's last location,"

"As you wish, Grand Admiral Thrawn,"


Dun-Dun-DUN! And Thrawn made an appearance! Omg, YES! I can't wait for his role in this story!

See ya guys soon!
