Memorial Revelations

Here! I tried to place in Trizra in this chapter, along with Jackrabbit/Frostbunny interaction ^^ Let's see if I keep this promise XD

Also, Jack and his sister's appearance here are a little different from the one in the movie. Jack will have his chocolate brown hair, but his eyes are sapphire blue eyes while his sister, whom I named Sasha, will have dark brown hair, laced with midnight blue on top, and golden brown eyes.

If you ask why, you'll know why. Better watch both SWR and ROTG for things to make sense.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN RISE OF THE GUARDIANS AND STAR WARS REBELS. If I did, gayness will mostly happen.

Enjoy! XD


"Pin him down, Phil!"

"Get the swords from him, Bunny!"

"I'm gettin' them! I'm gettin' them! Sandy, knock him out!"

A struggle here, flipping couches there, and North was finally knocked out with the dream sand.

The Yetis, the elves, the fairies and other four guardians stood in front of him, looking exhausted. Aster and Jack had the blades North was holding while Tooth had the bottle of vodka, which was nearly empty. Sandy was hovering between them, a hand of dream sand ready in case the Guardian of Wonder was going to fight the effect of the first hit.

"Okay..." Tooth sighed in relief. "Okay! That was... um..."

"Interesting," Jack chuckled.

"Definitely," Aster groaned. "Note to self; NEVA' give North any weapons for Christmas,"

"And let's take vodka off the Drink List, alright, Phil?" Tooth turned to the Yeti.

Phil agreed immediately, obviously not liking what had just happened, and grabbed the bottle from the fairy spirit's hand before stomping off. Sandy took a closer look at the Russian and kept the dream sand.

["He isn't going to wake up until tomorrow,"] he signed. ["Tooth and I will get him to bed. Aster, Jack, get the weapons in his weaponry,"]

"Aye, aye, mate," Aster nodded and headed off into the hallway as Tooth and her fairies helped the other carry the large man.

"Wait, North has a weaponry?" Jack asked in surprise, following the Pooka down the hall.

"He doesn't always keep his blades in his belt, ya know," Aster chuckled at the boy's reaction.

"I KNOW that, Cottontail," Jack rolled his eyes. "I just didn't think that he'd have a WHOLE room full of weapons,"

"I have a weaponry myself. Full of boomerangs, along with some other weapons that I don't normally use, but eh," Aster shrugged.

Jack smiled but soon realized that they were walking beside each other, give or take an inch from each other. He gulped and forced himself not to let out another frosty blush as they walked, unable to keep his hands from clenching out of nervousness.

He wanted to say something, anything, that would NOT come out as nervous stutters or make it obvious on how he felt about the Pooka, but it was almost IMPOSSIBLE.

Ask if he could hang out in the Warren the next day? Nah, too obvious. Ask how the other was doing? Nope, the Winter spirit still couldn't control his words whenever he was alone with Bunny. He needed something more... subtle to say.

Thankfully, they had reached the weaponry before he could try to say anything else. Aster stepped forward and opened the door. (Yes, no security, no nothing)

"Here's North's weaponry, Frostbite,"

"Woah..." Jack's eyes widened as they stepped inside.

The place was full of swords and other blades and weapons. The metal and special ones hung around the walls like trophies while others like the wooden ones were stashed in a weapon rack.

Aster places the blade he was holding on an empty spot on the wall. Jack followed and did the same thing then they left the weaponry without another word.

They headed back to the main room, where Phil and the other Yetis were busy cleaning up the mess from earlier. The elves should have been helping, but they were causing more trouble than help, so they were shooed away from the room.

Tooth and Sandy were nowhere to be seen, neither were Tooth's fairies, so the pair assumed that they were still getting North to bed.

"Guess the party's over then, huh?" Jack chortled.

"Guess so," Aster merely gave a shrug before turning to leave. "See ya around, Snowflake. Thanks for the presents,"

Jack watched as the Pooka prepared to leave, lifting a foot up to conjure up a tunnel. Before the Winter spirit could stop himself, he grabbed the rabbit's arm.

"Hey, Bunny!"

"Hmm?" Aster looked back at the boy with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?"

"I, uh, got no plans tomorrow," Jack felt himself blush as he spoke. "C-Can I come over to the Warren to help you paint some eggs?"

Aster stared at him strangely, causing the boy to internally curse at his stupid stutters and obvious choice of words.

'So much for subtle...'

"You? Paint eggs? In the Warren?" Aster narrowed his eyes at him. "What's the catch?"

'Should there ALWAYS be a catch?!' Jack pouted and couldn't help but feel hurt at the accusation, but he let the feeling go and let his sassy side take over to help him out. "Come on, Kangaroo, I just wanna hang out with you! Afraid that I'll freeze the golems AGAIN?"

"As a matta' a fact, yes." Aster growled before sighing. "Look, Frostbite, you can come to visit, but NO FREEZIN' ANYTHIN'. Got it?"

"Loud and clear, 'Roo!" Jack grinned at his achievement. 'Well, better this than nothing.'

"Good," Aster huffed then he tapped his foot on the ground and disappeared into his tunnel without another word.


It was late night, and Jack couldn't sleep a wink.

He had no idea why he so was restless that night. Was it because of the adrenaline from the party earlier? Nah, it ended hours ago. Was it because he got his memory box back from Tooth? Eh, maybe. Was it because, in just a couple of hours, he was going to be hanging out with his friend/crush?! Most definitely.

Jack groaned, trying to adjust his sleeping position on the tree he was laying down on. It didn't really help, and he ended up on his back, with his hands behind his head as he looked up at the moon.

"I'll never sleep without something running through my mind now, will I?" He bitterly chuckled.

He soon sat up and stretched his arms, cracking his knuckles. He grabbed his staff and called on the Wind to fly to the frozen lake. He sat on the icy surface and set his staff beside him then he took out the memory box from his hoodie.

It had been 2 years since he held the box in his hands. A long time since he saw what was inside.

The memories were too quick for him before. He could remember seeing his friends, the village in Burgess, his little sister— the one whom he saved before his death— and nothing else. He couldn't remember seeing his— their parents, or any other relative for that matter.

Who said it won't happen again?

Jack let out a sigh and hovered a hand over the golden box. He took a deep breath, which hitched in hesitation before pressing the button to unleash a fragment of memories.


"Woah, where am I?" Jack looked around to find himself still on the lake, but it wasn't frozen, and he seemed to be floating in the water. "Burgess? Still? Why am I—"

"Jackson Ephraim Morgan-Overland, get back here!"

Jack grimaced at the yell. He turned around to find a 3-year old version of himself running through the grass beside the lake, his sapphire blue eyes beaming as his chocolate brown hair bounced under the sun. Little Jackson ran to the forest as he was chased after a 23-year old man.

"No, Daddy! I don't wanna!" Jackson laughed, moving towards the lake. "I'm not hungry! I wanna swim!"

"Jack, we will eat first, rest, THEN we'll go swimming," the man told the boy in a not-so-deep voice.

"NO! I'm not hungry!" Jackson pouted.

The man looked distraught, rambling his mind for an idea. Finally, one came to him, causing him to grin.

"Hey, Jack, are you SURE you don't want to eat what Mommy made?"

"Hmm..." Jackson tilted his head. "what DID Mommy make?"

"Fried pork chop with vegetable salad and some Jogan berry juice," the man's grin widened when a wide smile crept up on the little boy's face.

"YUM! I LOVE Jogan berry juice!" Jackson dashed back to their home.

"What's Jogan berry juice?" Jack wondered as he watched the father sigh and run after the child. "Well, whatever it may be, I seemed to love it when I was a human— woah! What the?!"

Suddenly, the memory swirled and shifted to another one. Jack held on to the wind to keep himself from falling. He blinked his eyes to find himself outside an old shack, in the middle of the night.

"Huh," was the only thing he could say as he approached the shack's window to peer inside.

He stared at the living room, where a now 4-year old Jackson sat on the floor, coloring on a piece of brown paper with paint made from mashed berries. The boy was talking himself, babbling non-stop with giggles as he colored in a picture of... a person? A baby? Jack couldn't clearly see it, but it was definitely a human.


"Daddy!" Jack looked up to where his younger self was looking up at and saw the same man— his human father, apparently— enter the room.

"It's time for bed, Jack," the man gently told the boy, kneeling down to meet his son's eye level.

"But... Mommy tucks me in at night," little Jackson whined.

Jack chuckled at the complain. He didn't really expect his younger, human self to react like that. He was a 'Mommy's boy', wasn't he?

"I know Mommy tucks you in every night, Jack, but right now, Mommy's sick," the man spoke to the child with a small smile.

"Mommy sick? I wanna see Mommy!" Jackson got up on his feet immediately.

Jack sighed. He had DEFINITELY been Mommy's boy.

"No, Jack, NO," the man grabbed the boy by the shoulders. "If you go to Mommy now, you'll get sick too. Do you want Mommy worrying over you being sick?"

"... no..." Jackson sighed and sat back down. "But... I don' want Mommy being sick!"

"I'll take care of Mommy, but I need you to go to bed first," the man scooped the child up in his arms then he took him to his (Jackson's) room. "I'm sure that by tomorrow morning, Mommy will be ALL better,"

Jack followed them, flying to the window of his old bedroom. The door swung open, and the father and son entered, with a now sleepy Jackson.

"Promise?" The boy yawned as he was set down on his bed.

"Promise," the man set the blanket on his son and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Jackson,"

"Love you too, Daddy,"

Jack felt his heart break as the man turned off the flame of the lamp and left the room. The Winter spirit watched his younger self let out another yawn before snuggling his blanket and pillow into slumber.

He had such a loving father about three centuries ago. A home that he could call his own, no matter how small it was.

It was all perfect.

"Why couldn't I have lived longer?" He hissed, trying to suppress the tears from falling.

As if on cue, the whole memory swirled and shifted again. Jack raised his hands up to balance himself as the scene changed.

"I hate when that happens," he mumbled to himself before looking around to find himself back in the daylight, but this time, it had a little cold breeze while flowers bloomed all over the grass. "Huh, guess it's Spring time,"

He turned to find the shack again, but just as he was walking to approach it, the door opened with a bang.


Jack winced at the loud voice as his 5-year old self dashed out of the house, wearing a homemade brown rabbit costume and holding a basket full of carrots.

"Jackson, wait for me!" The man rushed out after the boy, looking quite tired as he grabbed his hyperactive son by the arm before turning back to the house. "We'll be heading to the village for the hunt, Ezra!"

"Be back before lunch, Tristan!" A lighter voice of a male came from inside the house, and Jack was flabbergasted.

His mother was... a male?

"We will!" The man, Tristan, responded.

"Bye, Mommy!" Little Jackson waved his apparently-male mother goodbye then he pulled on his father's grip on him. "Come on, Daddy! I wanna see the Easter Bunny and prove to friends that it's really a bunny!"


Jack's jaw dropped as he followed the pair down the path through the forest. What did his younger self mean by 'proving the Easter Bunny was indeed a bunny'?

"Jackson," Tristan had a frown on his face as he spoke. "you can try all you want, but some people are just too closed-and-narrow-minded to believe the fact that the 'Easter Hare' is actually an Easter Bunny,"

"But I wanna meet him!" Jackson pleaded. "PLEASE, Daddy! I LOVE the Easter Bunny!"

Jack didn't know whether to be shocked or confused. Had he always loved Easter and Bunny? How long had he had this 'love' for the Pooka? He really wished he knew the answers to his questions.

Tristan didn't seem to think maliciously of it, since the boy was still a kid back then, and smiled. "Don't worry, Jack. We'll meet the Easter Bunny. In fact, he already met you when you were just a little baby,"

"He did?!" Jackson's eyes widened in amazement.

"HE DID?!" Jack gave the same reaction as he gasped. Why hadn't Bunny told him? Did he even remember him? Sure, it had been over three hundred years since this memory, but still!

"He did," Tristan nodded. "It was your first spring, and your Mommy and I wanted him to meet you. He became a great friend to us thanks to your Mommy,"

"WHAT?!" Jack was horrified. His mother and father were friends of Bunny's?! Could that memory get any stranger?!

"I wanna meet him again, Daddy!" Little Jackson jumped for joy.

"Okay, but we have to be quiet," Tristan hushed the child. "We don't want to disturb him in his work,"

"Okie," Jackson gave a quiet nod and let his father lead him off-path.

Jack followed them, not needing to be as quiet since he couldn't really disturb his own memories, as they went through the wild parts of the forest.

They soon made it to the trees near the village, where the egg hunt was going to be held. Parents and children were getting ready, each with empty baskets.

Tristan didn't go with them. He gently pulled on his son's sleeve and dragged him to a tree. He carried his son up in his arms then he looked around.

Jack could tell his younger self was confused about what was going on, but at least he knew who the man was looking for; Bunny.

Soon, two grayish-blue ears popped out from the trees, and down came the huge Aussie Pooka.

Jack blinked as he observed the Guardian of Hope from top to bottom. He didn't really look any different from the present time. Maybe a little more stressed out than now, but it was probably because he had less believers during the past.

"Woah..." the Winter spirit turned to his younger self with a smile so wide that he looked like he was going to explode.

"Hey, Tristan," the Pooka greeted with a smile then he went down to greet the child. "This little ankle biter must be little Jackson,"

"DADDY, EASTER BUNNY KNOWS MY NAME!" Little Jackson squealed.

"Yes, he does," Tristan chuckled before looking up at the Pooka. "Nice to see you again, Aster,"

'ASTER?!' Jack's jaw dropped again. He didn't even KNOW Bunny had another name besides, well, 'Bunny'.

"I got some time to kill before I gotta head over to hide more googies," Bunny— well, Aster— smiled down at the pair. "Where's Ezra?"

"Cleaning up the old shack, but he'll be here soon," Tristan then turned the boy towards Pooka. "Hey, Jack, isn't there something you want to give to the 'Easter Bunny'?"

"Oh yeah!" Jackson held up the basket of carrots. "I have carrots! You like carrots, Easter Bunny?"

"You can call me, Aster," Aster grinned and ruffled the child's hair then he gently took the basket. "And thanks for the carrots, little Jackie,"

Jackson giggled in excitement, waving his arms out frantically and joyfully. Tristan and Aster laughed at the boy's reaction.

Jack felt like his jaw was still wide open as he watched the three disappear into the forest. The surroundings swirled all over before the place faded into darkness.


Jack gasped, pulling his head back as if he had awoken from a dream. He stared down at the box in his hands, panting.

"Woah..." was all he could say before he shook his head out of trance.

He grabbed his staff with his free hand and called on the Wind to fly up from the frozen lake. He looked up and was surprised to see the sun about to rise.

"Guess that took longer than expected..." he sighed and rubbed his head, feeling a little dizzy from lack of sleep.

He placed the memory box back in his hoodie then he started heading towards his tree to get a good nap. As he did, something caught his eye. He halted to a stop and turned to it.

"Wait, is that... it can't be..." he flew towards what he saw and gasped at the sight.

"... my old home..."


Ah! Suspense! Not sure how many people are reading this, but I sure like this ^^ See ya next chapter!
