Questions, Answers... And More?

I NEED TO INPUT MORE TRIZRA MOMENTS IN THIS T^T But on the plus side; Jackrabbit/Frostbunny interaction was heightening XD

Also... OC TIME! It's only ONE, promise!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN RISE OF THE GUARDIANS AND STAR WARS REBELS. If I did, gayness will mostly happen.


The old shack was worn out, parts of the ceiling, roof and walls wrecked with acid rain, storms and any other natural phenomena. The furniture were all mucky, dusty and broken. From the stuffy couch to the now three-legged table, it looked like no one had ever lived in there for centuries.

Well, no one HAD ever lived there in about THREE centuries, so that explained why the place was a wreck.

Jack hovered over the place before finally settling in on the floor. It was a little rough and dirty, but since no one really cleaned the place up, it was no surprise.

He dragged his fingers over the wooden table, the feeling of nostalgia chilling down his spine. He let out a sigh and let go then he turned and entered the rooms, looking around and about.

There were three bedrooms; one fairly big and could be considered the Master Bedroom while the other two were nearly as big as a normal bedroom. One was decorated with old wooden fairies pinned to the wall while the other was full of old wooden bunnies.

Jack didn't need to guess whose room belonged to who. His sister would most likely be the fairy fan. He, on the other hand, was an obvious fan of the Easter Bunny as a kid.

His parents, however—

Jack felt his throat dry up as he gripped the door frame of the large bedroom. He let out a shaky breath, his hands trembling.

His parents. They were both males. One was his father, and one was his male mother.

How was this possible? Males couldn't reproduce like females can. Had he and his sister been adopted? How come the other male was his 'mother'? He never got a good look on his male mother, but he kinda looked like his father with his brown hair. Maybe he and his sister were his father's children only? No, he was too close to his male mother for the other man to be a step, plus he and his sister were 6 years apart. In the memory, he and his male mother had been there before his sister was born.

How was it possible then?

He fell to his knees before he could stop himself. He inhaled a sharp breath, choking on it briefly then he pushed himself back on his feet. He let his staff help him to stand properly, letting out a shaky sigh.

"Why can't things be easy?" He muttered, shaking his head.

He let the Wind help him up from the floor then he turned to leave when he saw a piece of paper fly from underneath the small an old drawer. He picked it up and looked down at the picture.

He wish he hadn't.

Immediately, he crumpled it and stuffed it in his pocket before dashing out of the house, unable to see the pair of silver-golden eyes that had been spying on him the whole night...


A cold breeze entered the Warren, and Aster shivered.

He had woken up early to watch over and paint his eggs. He was out in the field of the Warren, with the two huge, Sentinel Egg Golems, the colorful river stream and the little googies running around to prepare for the upcoming Easter the following year. (2015)

Of course, Aster had been waiting for Jack to arrive. The Winter spirit may be annoying and can be a bit of a brat, but he was the only one that could de-stress the Pooka and make him smile and relax for a long time period. Not that the rabbit would admit how he felt around the youngest guardian.

"Oh bloody hell." Aster hissed the moment he realized that he had painted the egg a frosty white, in the shape of a flake.

It was no surprise that he could paint what he felt and what he thought. It was natural from an artist like himself, but it wasn't 'the best' whenever it exposed his hidden feelings, just like his attraction for a certain Winter spirit.

Speaking of the devil...

"Hey, Frostbite,"

"Hey there, Kangaroo," Aster felt his ear twitch at the tone of the other's voice.

Something didn't feel right.

The Pooka turned to see Jack enter, the temperature of the place instantly dropping at his presence. The young spirit had a small, forced smile on his face as he landed on the clear spot in front of the Spring spirit.

An awkward moment of silence came in between them. The Winter spirit seemed a little out-of-it as he sat down, setting his staff down on the ground before giving the other guardian a wider, now-tired smile.

"How's your day?"

"Uh, good, I guess," Aster narrowed his eyes at the boy. "How 'bout you? You look a little..."

"...exhausted?" Jack let out a forced chuckle. "Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night, but I'm fine. Pass me a brush, Cottontail. I wanna paint too!"

"... right," Aster wasn't convinced by the Winter spirit's answer, but he passed him the brush anyway, along with some paint bottles. "As long as you don't freeze the googies then you can color 'em anyway ya want,"

"M'kay!" Jack dipped the brush in a bottle of paint and took one of the eggs in his cupped hand.

Aster stared as the other painted, his hand subconsciously painting the egg in his hand while he kept an eye on the frosted child. He observed how the boy painted with different colors, washing the brush after each color and dipping it in another paint bottle. The movements were slow, which wasn't much of a surprise, considering what the other spirit just told him about not being able to sleep much the previous night, but it was far different from the look on the boy's face.

Jack looked distracted, but at the same time, he seemed to be focusing on what he was painting. His eyes were distant while he stroked the egg, his hand visibly shaking as if he would drop the fragile thing.

As if he would fall over and faint because of lack of sleep.

"Frostbite, did you get ANY sleep AT ALL?"

"Huh?" Jack snapped out of his concentration to turn to the Spring spirit. "Um... maybe?"

Aster raised an eyebrow. "You didn't, did ya?"

"... maybe...?"

Aster huffed and let the egg leap out of his hand. He then stood up from his spot and walked towards the other, crossing his arms.

"Alright, what's wrong, Jackie?"

"What do you mean?" Jack looked up at him in confusion, causing the googie in his hand to leap out and run off after the first, with paint unfinished.

"You look like you're about to pass out, mate," Aster scoffed. "What happened last night?"

Jack blinked at him before staring at the ground. "... nothing..."

Aster was getting irritated. He clenched his fists and hissed, gritting his teeth at the boy, who still refused to look up at him. The Pooka took a deep breath and reached back to take out the Stress Carrot from the party. He gave it a squeeze and released a shaky breath as he felt his irritation slowly leave him.

At least the present had it's uses.

Aster sighed in relief and slowly kept the Stress Carrot. He then turned back to the Winter spirit and growled.

"Come on, Frostbite," he grabbed him by the shoulders and yanked him up.

"Wha— Hey!" Jack struggled in the Spring spirit's grip. "Let go!"

"I can't make ya tell me what's goin' on, but I can make ya sleep before you pass out," Aster snarled.

"Stop! Let go!" Jack scowled. "Why do you care, anyway?!"

"I care 'cause when North finds out that I'm lettin' ya stay up all night without a wink of sleep, he'll skin me alive!"

"Put me down, Cottontail! I'm fine, really!"

"Tell that to the bags under ya'r eyes," Aster scoffed.

"Bunny, let me go!" Jack tried to pull away. "Put me down!"

Aster ignored him as he dragged him through the field and towards his home in the Warren. He opened the door and carried the squirming boy through the living room. He set him down on the couch and made sure he sat still.

Jack harrumphed, crossing his arms as he pouted, staff still in his hand. His presence and attitude caused the room temperature to drop even more, causing the Pooka to shiver, but he ignored it and stared down at the other spirit.

"I'm not going to sleep," Jack stubbornly huffed before sighing and turning away to avoid eye contact. "Not that I can..."

"Then tell me what happened," Aster pulled on a chair and sat in front of the Winter spirit.

Jack pulled on his hoodie, putting his feet up to sit down more comfortably on the cushion beneath him. His staff laid against his arm while he twiddled with his fingers.

"I... I couldn't sleep last night,"

"That's obvious," Aster snorted.

"Yeah, well," Jack suddenly tensed up, biting his bottom lip. "since I couldn't sleep, I decided to peek into my memory box to see what else I missed from the brief preview from 2 years ago. I did, and I saw three memory fragments, each including my bonding time with my father, but each of them giving me more questions than answers,"

"How come?" Aster raised an eyebrow.

"Well, they gave three different scenarios that showed what I like and how my life used to be," Jack answered. "One was during summer, when I was 3. Turns out that I absolutely LOVED swimming. Couldn't even eat unless I swam first. What confused me, though, is when my younger self pointed out his— er, my... Or is it 'our'? Eh, never mind. Anyway, the memory gave away a favorite drink. Something called 'Jogan berry juice'? Do you know what a 'Jogan' even is?"

"Nope, not a clue," Aster shook his head. "I've seen an' tasted many fruits and veggies before, but Jogan? Don't think so,"

"That's what confused me, but it seemed that my parents and I knew the fruit and the juice so well," Jack sighed with a shrug. "The next memory fragment I saw was at night time. Turns out that I used to love painting with mashed berries on paper. My father tucked me in that night and told me that... that he loved me. It... It made me wonder... why I didn't I live long enough to see him... see him..."

Aster's eyebrows furrowed in concern the moment he heard a quiet sob coming from the boy. He advanced towards him, settling his paws on the frosted child's shoulder before moving them around, embracing him as much as he could.

Jack's eyes widened at the gesture, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he returned the hug, burying his face onto the Pooka's soft fur. He nuzzled against the warmth, something he always wanted despite being a spirit of Winter, and let out a shaky, slightly icy, breath before gently pulling away.

"S-Sorry," he spoke in a whisper.

"Nah, mate, it's fine," Aster patted his back and gave him a small smile. "I know how it feels to lose... you know,"

"R-Right, sorry," Jack pulled his head down, a frosty blush appearing on his cheeks. "As much as I'm grateful that Manny saved my life, and I'm now living as a immortal spirit, I wish he never too away my memories and made me invisible to everyone I used to know..."

"Like I said, it's okay," Aster let out a sigh. "Must've been rough for the past 300 years, huh?"

"A little," Jack smiled a little, but it faltered as the last memory returned to him. "Hey, Bunny?"


"You never told me you had a first name other than Bunny,"

Aster was silent for a while, his left ear twitching in confusion until he finally realized what the other meant. The Pooka frowned.

"Who told you? Sandy? Tooth?"

"Actually... you told me," Jack swallowed.

"No, I didn't." Aster had to stop himself from growling. Even when they met at the Easter Sunday blizzard back at '68, he never told the Winter spirit that he had a first name.

"You did," Jack insisted after a hesitating breath. "More than 300 years ago..."

"When?" Aster narrowed his eyes at the boy. "Explain,"

Jack took a deep breath before beginning to explain. "I was 5 years old. My father took me to the village for an Easter Egg Hunt, but since I wanted to meet you so badly, we took a detour and ran to the forest to find you. My parents were friends of yours and had shown me to you when I was just a baby, but I didn't remember, so Father took me to meet you. I was so happy to meet you that I gave you a basket full of carrots, and in return, you told me to call you Aster,"

Aster carefully took in everything the other guardian told him. He racked his brain to recall the scene. It had been so long, and he had met thousands of kids in his life, but... the carrots. Many kids had seen him and tried to catch him while parents don't see him at all, and no kid had ever given him anything, except—

"No," The Spring spirit leaned closer towards the boy, hoping it wasn't who thought it was.

He looked over at him from top to bottom, glancing at the familiarity of his eyes and his facial features. Suddenly, a feeling of nostalgia came to him, sending him back towards his chair, in which he gripped tightly with one paw while the other helped him to balance himself and kept himself from falling over.


Jack looked up at the Pooka with both eyebrows raised. His mouth was agape in surprise.

"So... you remember me...?"

"L-Like... Jackson-Jackson?" Aster's eyes screamed with panic and shock. "As in... Tristan's-little-ankle-biter Jackson?!"

"Uh-Huh," Jack nodded with a smile and a small wave. "Hey, Aster,"

With that, the Pooka blacked out.


"Jamie, Sophie, behave for your new babysitter, alright?"

"Yes, Mom," Jamie Bennett nodded as his little sister, Sophie Bennett, stood beside him, holding his rabbit doll. "Who IS our new babysitter?"

"An old friend of our family," Mrs. Bennett smiled and opened the door.

Outside stood a young woman with peach skin, and long hair as dark as dark chocolate. She had an orange dress and long golden pants with black shoes. A bright smile beamed beneath her glasses as she had a yellow bangle in each wrist.

"Hi, Mrs. Bennett!" She greeted, immediately embracing the woman in her arms. "It's good to see you again! How are things?"

"Very fine, thank you," Mrs. Bennett returned the smile then she turned back to her kids. "Jamie, Sophie, this is Garaia Fernil, your new babysitter,"

Jamie blinked as he stared up at the stranger, who didn't look older than an average teenager. Garaia let go of the woman and gasped at the sight of the children.

"KIDDIES!" In a flash, she rushed to the duo and squeezed them into a hug. "Oh my GOSH! You two are SO cute! You two look SO like your ancestors!"

"Um... thank you?" Jamie stared at the teenager in confusion.

"New friend! Yay!" Sophie, on the other hand, hugged back, hanging her arms over their new babysitter's neck, even as she pulled away.

"Sophie, behave," Mrs. Bennett sighed, turning back to Garaia. "If there's anything you need, Garaia—"

"I'll be fine, Mrs. Bennett!" The teenager waved her off as she carried the girl in her arms. "Go, Go! Enjoy your night! I'll make sure they're in bed before bedtime!"

"Alright, I'll go," Mrs. Bennett nodded then she kissed her children goodbye before taking her leave.

Jamie watched his mother leave then he turned back to their babysitter to see her cuddling Sophie. His sister didn't seem to mind and giggled in response

"Lookie, I have Easter Bunny!" she cried out, holding out the rabbit doll to the other.

"You do, do you?" Garaia raised an eyebrow with a grin.

"Yes, Ms. Garaia," Jamie leaned over to her with a nod. "He's real, you know,"

"Oh, I know he is, Jamie," Garaia smiled down at him. "The Easter Bunny is very real. And don't call me 'Ms. Garaia'. Just call me... Aunt Gia,"

"Aunt Gia! Aunt Gia!" Sophie exclaimed. "Easter coming! Bunny coming!"

"Let's go prepare for his visit then!" Gia grinned. "I want to see the Easter Bunny too!"

'But... how?' Jamie narrowed his eyes at their new babysitter as she walked to the kitchen with his sister.


Ta-da! I introduce OC! Gia is actually me but in story form, so I'm basically joining the action! XD

And yes, Bunny fainting is part of my script ^^ I love the fainting part! Always love fainting parts XD
