Gifts And Presents

I've been obsessed with ROTG and SWR for a while now. Don't kill me for this! I've been wanting to make a Tristan X Ezra story that isn't a one-shot, plus this just popped out of my mind this morning. No Trizra yet, but you'll soon see it ^^ Well, hopefully


Btw, this takes place at 2014, since in my country, the movie came out 2012. I'm sticking to that timeline :)

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN RISE OF THE GUARDIANS AND STAR WARS REBELS. If I did, gayness will mostly happen.


2 years.

It had been 2 years since he and the other Guardians stopped Pitch Black, the Nightmare King. 2 years since he was chosen to be a Guardian, the Guardian of Fun.

2 years since he saw his memories in his memory box.

Jack Frost, Spirit of Winter, sat on the tree near the lake he awoken in. He looked up at the moon above him, a sigh escaping his lips.

He really wished he kept the box. It was technically HIS, but at the same time, it wasn't. Queen Toothiana, the Tooth Fairy and the Guardian of Memories, owned the teeth she collected and owned the memories inside them too. He couldn't just TAKE the box, so he just gave it to the teeth-obsessed fairy queen as soon as they made it to the Pole 2 years ago.

"I really wish I kept it, though," he thought out loud, leaning against the branch of the frozen tree before staring up at the moon, whose man had given him his name 302 years ago. "Why did you have to take them away? Why? Just... why?"

By then, he had closed his eyes and leaned more on the branch, tears threatening to roll down his cheeks as he let out a shaky breath.

It wasn't the cold. He was used to it, being a Winter spirit and all. It wasn't the feeling of loneliness. The Guardians were family to him already.

But... that was the problem. He was the fifth guardian, and it somewhat felt... familiar to him. Like he had felt someone close to him that had the same experience. A relative? Maybe. His parents? Perhaps. His sister? Hmm...

He was so focused on his thoughts that he was unable to hear a tunnel open up below him. He was unable to hear a certain Pooka come out and land on the snow below, shivering at the cold, Winter air that hit his fur. What Jack DID hear was someone knocking on his tree. Hard.


"Oi, Frostbite!"

Jack snapped his eyes opened in surprise at the voice. He straightened himself up and looked down to see himself face to face with a certain Aussie-accented Pooka.

"Oh, hey, Kangaroo!" He greeted with a chuckle. "What's up?"

"Don't call me Kangaroo, Frost," E. Aster Bunnymund, the Easter Bunny and the Guardian of Hope, scowled at the Winter spirit, crossing his arms. "Also, did you forget already, mate?"

"Uh... is there something I needed to remember?" Jack leaned over to the Spring spirit, scratching his head in confusion.

"North's 'Christmas Party', two days after Christmas," Bunny, or Aster, rolled his eyes. "It starts in a few minutes,"

"Oh, MIM, I forgot!" Jack grabbed his staff that had been hanging on the nearby branch and quickly jumped up.

As soon as he did, the branch he had been sitting on suddenly snapped from the tree. He wasn't able to call the Wind to help him when he felt himself falling.


The Winter spirit felt his cheeks frost up a blush and his stomach flutter the moment he heard his fellow guardian called him by his REAL name. Before he could react, however, long, furry arms wrapped around him and grabbed him down to safety.

Jack gasped and looked up to see Aster staring down at him with worry. The boy took advantage of the situation and grinned.

"What's up, Cottontail?"

"Argh, you little..." Aster snarled and dropped the kid in the snow. "Come on, you bloody show pony. North's waitin' up on us,"

"Right," Jack hissed at the pain before letting the Wind help him up. He then smirked at the Pooka. "Race to the Pole?"

"Oh, you're on, mate," Aster grinned and prepared to make another tunnel. "Last one there is a rotten egg,"

"Then that'll be you!" Jack proceeded to fly off, the Wind helping him soar through the midnight sky.

"HEY!" Aster roared out as he raised a fist up at the cheeky spirit. "THAT'S CHEATIN'!"

"IT'S NOT!" Jack laughed before flying off into the clouds.

He was soon so high that he could hardly see Bunny, or Burgess, but he didn't really care. Up there, with the clouds and the Wind, he felt his sadness glide into the air and away from his mind and heart. He let the breeze blow away his frozen tears as he glided down and around.

Flying around. It always made him feel so free, even if it was just the Wind carrying him around. He didn't know why, but in his heart, he wanted to fly, soar up past the moon...

All the way to space.

It was something that Bunny had told him a few months ago when they had gotten closer. The Pooka was an alien, after all, the last of his race. Manny, Mother Nature and Father Time were the ones who saved him, placed him on Earth to protect the children and give them hope, but Aster still remembered. He still remembered his home... his planet... his family...

Jack jerked out of his thoughts the moment the Wind nearly let go off him.

"Woah!" The Winter spirit waved his arms around in panic. "Wind, help!"

He was falling down pretty fast. He placed his hands over his eyes, waiting for what will happen next when a gust of wind blew him back up into the clouds. He gasped and removed his hands with a pout.

"You sure took your precious time to answer," he whined. "I could've died! Again!"

"(You whine too much.)" the Wind responded through a whisper.

"It's true, though," Jack scoffed. "Let's just keep going to the Pole before Bunny beats me. And HELL NO, am I going to let him hover THAT over my head up to next century!"


"Ah, Perfect!" Nicholas St. North, Santa Claus and the Guardian of Wonder, cheered as he and the Yetis set up the Christmas tree.

"And here's the star!" Toothiana flew up to the top of the decorated pine tree, placing a bright, plastic star ornament on it. "It's beautiful, North!"

"Thank you, Tooth!" North beamed at the compliment, quite proud of sharing his holiday with his fellow guardians, no matter how late it was. "I cannot wait for party! Had Sandy, Bunny and Jack arrived yet?"

A bright glow entered the room, and the two turned to see Sanderson Mansnoozie, the Sandman and the Guardian of Dreams, enter with a bright smile. Tooth laughed at their friend's glowing entrance.

"THERE is our star!" She grinned.

"Sandy! Good to see you, friend!" North addressed the Guardian of Dreams with a beaming smile.

["Good to see you too,"] Sandy signed with joy before sand figures of a rabbit and a boy appeared on his head, along with a question mark. ["Where are Aster and Jack?"]

"They haven't arrived yet," Tooth answered.

"Don't worry about them!" North let out a hearty laugh. "Bunny might... dislike the fact that Christmas is better than Easter, but he always comes to parties!"

["Ahem, 'mostly' comes,"] Sandy corrected.

"Sandy's right, North," Tooth agreed with a nod. "There WERE a few times Aster didn't attend your parties,"

"Da, those were only some parties!" North didn't budge, being in too much of a good mood. "He attends MOST parties, and I'm sure he will attend this one!"

"He says that every year... at every party..." Tooth whispered to the Guardian of Dreams.

["He doesn't really care if Aster says no,"] Sandy signed with a face-palm. ["but he DOES care if he makes tunnels in the workshop,"]

As if on cue, a tunnel opened up below them, and Aster popped out with a grin.

"Bunny! You came!" North, still too jolly to pay attention to the tunnel, ran to the Pooka and squeezed him into a bone-crushing hug. "How are you, old friend?"

"Fine!" Aster gasped for air at the hug. "I just need to breathe! Let go, mate!"

North half-heartedly obliged but still managed to pat the Pooka on the back, causing him to nearly fall over. "Aw, come on, Aster! Cheer up! Iz Christmas!"

"Two days AFTA' Christmas, mate," Aster rubbed the spot the Russian heavily patted with a hiss. "An' for your information, Easter's still betta' than Christmas,"

"Iz not!" North harrumphed, crossing his arms.

"Is too!"

"Iz not!"

"Is too!"

"There they go again," Tooth sighed as she and Sandy watched the argument. "At least we know ONE person who can ruin North's Christmas spirit..."

Sandy shook his head then he flew up to the two and forcefully separating them with his sand whips. The two stumbled back on surprise as the Sandman pointed to each of them to apprehend them.

["No fighting, both of you!"] he signed, glaring at them sternly as several sand figures appeared on his head. ["We're here to celebrate, not fight,"]

"Sorry, mate, but North started it," Aster huffed.

"Did not!" North frowned for a minute before bellowing out a jolly laugh. "Oh, who am I kidding? We do this every year, da? Every year, and we never get tired of it!"

"Yeah, we do," Aster chuckled then he looked around. "Where's the little Frostbite?"

"Jack? I thought YOU were supposed to get him," Tooth pointed out.

"We were racin' here," Aster explained with a grin. "Guess I won then,"

"No fair!" The doors burst open, and a blast of coldness entered the room as Jack flew in with the Wind. "I got caught up with something! NO way would you have won,"

"Sure, Snowflake, sure," Aster rolled his eyes as the youngest spirit landed in front of him. "Keep tellin' yourself that,"

"Well," North clasped his hands together happily. "since we are all here now, iz time for party!"


Jack had been to North's Christmas Party before, but it seemed to be changing themes every year.

Last year, the theme was angels.

Everything had been angel-shaped. From the cookies to the tree ornaments, the room had been full of angels. Tooth and her fairies had heavily adored it, as did Sandy. Bunny, as usual, had shrugged it off. Jack had thought it was neat.

This year, the theme was stars, and as Jack could have guessed, the room was full of stars. The cookies, the decorations, most of the tree ornaments... even the candies and marshmallows were shaped like stars!

Jack still thought it was cool as he took a sip of the hot chocolate that North had given him. Sandy was having eggnog, Tooth was having tea, Bunny was having cocktail, and North was having vodka.

The Winter spirit smiled softly as he watched the three interact while Sandy laughed quietly. He himself was laughing at the tales North was sharing about the things he saw while delivering presents for the children during Christmas Eve. Bunny was teasing, and Tooth was giggling with her fairies.

"...and when I checked house, little boy had set up trap for me!" North bellowed with laughter. "I quickly gave presents, grabbed plate of cookies and left. When little boy came downstairs, he was shocked to see presents there AND plate of cookies gone!"

Another round of laughter came. Jack was careful not to spit out his drink as he joined the others in laughing their asses out. Bunny wasn't as careful and spat out what the cocktail he was sipping onto the carpet while Tooth dropped her cup of tea and laughed so hard that she was holding her stomach.

"Ah, that was best fast delivery I had ever made," North wiped a joyful tear from his eye. "Unfortunately for little boy, he will be in naughty list for setting trap with no permission from parents! Ha! The thought already made me laugh!"

"That's a big difference Christmas and Easter, mate," Aster snickered. "Pretty rare to find traps for this Easter Bunny. I move around the world quicker than you can on your sleigh,"

"Oh, iz that challenge, my friend?" North raised an eyebrow at the Pooka. "That can be arranged,"

"Oh, it's on, mate," Aster grinned. "Tomorrow afternoon. I'm already ahead of schedule, so I've got plenty of time,"

"Alright, but what iz condition, hmm?" North questioned.

"If I win, you'll have to admit that Easter is more important Christmas. AGAIN," Aster smirked.

"Ah, I see," North rubbed his hands together with a smug grin. "And if I win, YOU admit that Christmas more important. Deal?"

"It's a deal, mate," The two shook hands, sealing the agreement.

"Oh boy, here they go again," Jack shared a chuckle to the other two guardians.

["Tomorrow will surely be a show,"] Sandy let out a silent giggle.

Tooth, on the other hand, had finally recovered from laughing too hard and set a hand on her chest, inhaling and exhaling as carefully as she could. As soon as she was calm enough, she glanced over at the rivaling duo and shook her head.

"That's enough, you two!" she called out. "It's time for gift exchange!"

"Yes! Secret Santa!" North happily grabbed a wrapped present from behind him and handed it to the golden guardian floating beside the fairy. "Merry Christmas, Sandy!"

Sandy gasped and opened the box to reveal a silver pouch. An exclamation mark made of sand appeared on top of his head before signing a 'thank you' to the Russian.

"Your welcome!" North clapped his hands, his mood turning completely jolly in seconds. "Now iz your turn!"

Sandy nodded and placed some of his dream sand in the pounce then he set it aside and took out a small gift. He turned and handed it to the fairy guardian.

["Merry Christmas, Tooth!"] he signed.

"For me? Thanks, Sandy!" Tooth gratefully took the present to unwrap it. "A rainbow crown! Aw, I love it!"

["Your welcome,"] Sandy smiled.

"My turn then!" Tooth placed the crown on her head then she took out a thin box and gave it to the youngest guardian. "Merry Christmas, Jack!"

"Thanks, Tooth!" Jack took the gift and opened it, his jaw dropping at what the fairy spirit gave him. "I-Is this... n-no way..."

"Mm-hmm!" Tooth nodded in approval. "It's your memory box! I thought that since you weren't able to clearly see your memories 2 years ago because of Pitch, you'd like to... Jack?"

But the Winter Spirit wasn't listening. He couldn't listen. His focus was at the memory box in his hand, his other hand grazing the golden cover. His arms were trembling, and he looked like he was about to break, much to the concern of the other Guardians, who exchanged worried glances at one another.

"Jack?" North moved closer to the boy. "Are you alright?"

"Something wrong, Frostbite?" Aster's emerald eyes tried to meet the young spirit's icy blue ones and tried to read the boy's thoughts through his facial expression.

"Don't you like the gift?" Tooth's concern was laced around her motherly voice. "Is it a bad time?"

["What's wrong, Jack?"] Sandy signed with a three question marks on his head.

"It's... I..." Jack's voice shook, falling to stop the crystal tears from rolling down his cheeks. "I never thought I'd get my hands on this again..."

The answer stunned the four, but their expressions quickly changed to understanding. North sat back down, and Tooth let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to open it now, Jack?" the Russian asked.

"No, no, it's fine," Jack shook his head and removed his tears, placing the box in the pocket his hoodie. "I don't want to spoil the party. I can wait. Besides, it's my turn to give my present to a certain kangaroo,"

"Hey! I ain't a kangaroo, you bloody show pony!" Aster scowled.

"Whatever," Jack rolled his eyes playfully and took out a medium-sized box with a yellow bow. "Here you go, Cottontail. Merry Christmas!"

Aster accepted the box and removed the bow then he opened it, and his eyes widened in amusement. He dug a paw in and held one of the contents.

"A... carrot?"

"A STRESS carrot, Bunny," Jack cackled at the spring spirit's reaction. "It's like a stress ball but shaped like a carrot! It's when Easter's near, and you've got so much to do. It can help ya relax, you know. Also, I got you some Snowdrop seeds for your flower garden. You didn't have any, and I figured that it would be a great addition to your garden,"

"Ya never ceased to impress me, Snowflake," Bunny chuckled and placed the Stress Carrot back inside.

The words gave a small flutter in the Winter spirit's stomach, even as a wave of nostalgia hit his mind. Hadn't he heard that line before but from someone else to another someone else? How come it still felt familiar to him?

"Two presents in one? That's really sweet of you, Jack!" Tooth giggled.

Jack felt his cheeks frost up a blush as he glared at her. The fairy spirit didn't seem to notice as she kept eyeing him and the Pooka with an 'innocent' smile. Her fairies behind her all giggled with their queen, even Baby Tooth, who was on her shoulder as she grinned at the youngest guardian.

"Yeah, thanks, mate," Aster didn't bother to hide the small smile forming on his face, causing Jack's heart to warm up and flip in his chest, as the Guardian of Hope kept the gift and took out another, handing it North. "Here ya go, big guy,"

"Hmm?" North took the present and opened, beaming. "More blades! Yes!"

"Where in the world did you get weapons, Bunny?" Tooth glanced at the Pooka in disbelief as the Guardian of Wonder took out two katana blades. "And WHY?"

"Eh, couldn't think of anything else for him but cookies and blades," Aster shrugged. "And Hell No was I gettin' him more treats. He's got so much to last him a century!"

"Let's just make sure he doesn't drink anymore vodka," Jack shuddered, already thinking of the consequences of a drunk North holding blades.

["Agreed,"] Sandy quickly agreed, snatching the Russian's glass from the table and flying off on his cloud to place it in the kitchen.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!" North exclaimed as he pulled out and raised a WHOLE BOTTLE of vodka from beside his chair. "HERE IS TO THE END OF A GOOD YEAR!" (Omg, was 2014 ever THAT good? Well, better than 2020 XD)

"Crikey," Aster cringed at the sight of the bottle as Tooth face-palmed, and Jack shook his head with a chuckle.

This was going to be a LONG night.


First story of the ROTG. Please be nice on it!
