Unexpected Inheritance

"Suzanne Blair, you have inherited a literal castle. How are you not just saying thank you?"

"There is a catch," she replies to her childhood friend, Julia. "There is always a catch."

"Well, it sounds like this time there's not," Julia says.

Suzanne looks at her friend, still unsure.

It all sounds too good to be true and you know what they say, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

Julia interrupts her thoughts, "I know you helped the lady out sometimes, but how did you even meet her, anyway?"

"I helped her load her groceries into her car one day. She got my number and invited me over for pie as a thank you," Suzanne explained. "When she got sick, I offered to help bring her groceries and make her food on my days off. She lived in such a small apartment. I had no idea she was so wealthy."

"I still think you should go and check it out," Julia stands from where she sat on the side of Suzanne's bed. "She gave it to you for a reason."

"I don't know," Suzanne looks at the document on her desk. "I just feel unworthy of it all. Why me?"

"I think you mean why not you?" Julia places a hand on her shoulder, "What have you got to lose?"

That was how she ended up in front of a huge castle a few miles outside of a small town in the European countryside.

She stands there staring up at the large structure when a man comes out to greet her. He's an older man, looking exactly like what you'd imagine a butler to look like.

"How may I help you, young lady?" He asks as he approaches her, glancing at her bag.

"Hello," she greets awkwardly, not used to the mans formally. "My name is Suzanne Blair and I-"

"Oh goodness," he says, taking a bow. "I sincerely apologize for not recognizing you sooner. My name is Rupert Howell. I am the caretaker of this property." He stands back up straight and reaches out for her suitcase. "Allow me to take that for you, mistress."

"You don't have to call me that," she tells him, following him inside the castle.

She steps inside and stops taking in the incredible interior, which is somehow more grand than the exterior. She didn't think that was possible, but she was proven wrong.

"Is this really all Ms. Williams?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am," he says. "I would like to introduce you to your personal butler," he says, leading the way.

"I really don't need a butler," she says, stumbling over her words.

He seems to ignore her as they walk through a few grand rooms and halls before finally ending up in a large bedroom.

"It was in Ms. Williams' final note. She chose him personally." He says, opening the door before she can reply.

In the large bedroom stands a beast of a man. He stands beside the bed fluffing the pillows. It takes him a moment to notice their presence and walking over to meet them. He's at least 6'6 and 250+ lbs. His face is clean shaving but already has a shadow forming. His clothes are tailored to perfection, much like Rupert's, but it can't hide the bulk of muscle underneath. His face is handsome and strong. He looks like a handsome bouncer. He was very intimidating.

"This is my son, Melvyn Howell. He will be your personal butler."

"Pleasure to be of service," he says, taking her hand and pressing a light kiss to her knuckles.

"Same here." She says. "But I really cannot accept this." They look at her strangely. "I mean, I don't need a butler or a castle. I don't even know what to do with all this. The largest space I've lived in was a 10x10 ft apartment, including the kitchens and bathroom."

"We can help with anything you need," Rupert explains. "He is trained to assist you in any way necessarily."

"Just think of me as an assistant, consultant, or adviser. I am trained in all those areas and many more, such as physical and cyber security. I am also well versed in finances and the businesses of the inheritance."

"Impressive, but I feel I don't deserve all this," she tries to explain. "I am an ordinary college kid with nothing to my name but what is packed in that bag," she points at the bag Rupert carried in for her, "This is overwhelming."

Then the migraine hits her, she'd had a headache since that morning but it just got infinitely worse. She holds her head in her hands and stumbles. Her vision was suddenly blurry. She feels arms under her own, helping to support her.

"What is the matter?" Rupert asks.

"Migraine," is all she manages to get out.

"Father, will you go make up a salve to help with the pain? I will help her to the bed."

"I'm really fine," she tries to protest. "It is quite normal. It happens all the time."

"That isn't normal at all," Melvyn says.

She tries to protest further, but before she can, she is whisked off her feet by Melvyn. He carries her over to the large bed, gently placing her down stop the soft sheets, "may I offer my skills in the form of a massage?"

"Is that another one of your many skills?" she tries to joke, her head throbbing.

"It can." He replies completely serious. "Some headaches are caused or worsened by tension in muscles. I am certified-"

"Of course you are," she sighs. Looking at the large man, who is looking back at her expectantly. "Fine, how should I sit?"

He helps her sit up so that her back is to him and the moment his rough hands touch her, she lets out an unwanted moan. She claps her hand over her mouth, embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, I just-"

"Do not worry yourself, it is completely normal." His hands move with ease and the perfect amount of pressure. She bites her lip to hold back any other words.

After a few minutes, her migraine has subsided slightly, the fact that helped at all amazes her.

"Thank you," she says genuinely.

The End. (Or maybe just a beginning to a story I'll one day continue...)

February 9, 2024
