It's Been a While; Not Long Enough

"Hey glory-hole," Kevin says, swinging an arm around her shoulder. "It's been a while. I almost missed you."

"Not long enough," she replies.

She grabs the hand attached to the arm he slung over her shoulder. She slips out from under his arm and twists it behind his back, forcing him to the ground. She kneels on his back, forcing his arm further back, making him groan.

"Names Gloria," she corrects. "Get it right." She twists his arm, making him scream.

"I see you two are back at it, as if no time has passed. Good to see some things never change." She looks up with a smirk.

"Hey Tony," she says. "You know me, putting rich bastards in their place."

"Why is it that that place always seems to be under you?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. Kevin chokes out a laugh from under her. She jerks his arm, making him stop.

"It just happens to work out that way," she shrugs, finally standing up, letting Kevin go.

"How have you been?" she says, giving her old friend a hug.

"About as good as I can be," he says, letting her go.

"Why don't you ask me how I've been?" she hears Kevin's whine from behind her.

"Because I don't care to know the answer and you relinquished any chance you had of me caring about you the moment you called me glory-hole."

"He what?" Tony interjects. "Dude, you're lucky she didn't kill you."

"I wouldn't kill him," she says. "For one thing, I wouldn't go to jail for a pathetic cuck like him. Another thing, I've become much calmer, no more violence-unless warranted." Tony laughs at her words, obviously not believing a word. She glares.

"Sure," Tony says with a chuckle. "We should probably head in-"

"I need to run to the bathroom first. I'll meet you in there," she says.

"Me too," Kevin says, running off down the hallway at full speed, almost slipping as he rounds the corner.

They laugh at the tall, lanky man.

"Idiot," she says, rolling her eyes.

"You still like him," Tony says.

"I hate you," she says, heading off in the direction of the restrooms.

"Why? Because I speak the truth?"

"I never should have told you shit," she says, giving him the finger as she turns the corner.

"Love you too," he yells after her, blowing a kiss.


She steps out of the bathroom. Leaning against the wall across from her is Kevin.

"I thought you'd be long gone, hunting for some hot girls to embarrass yourself in front of," she teases.

"No," he says, leading the way back to the ballroom. She walks beside him. "There is only one woman I'm interested in embarrassing myself in front of and I'd say I've done a splendid job so far today," he stops and looks at her, "I'm sorry. What I said earlier was-"

"I know it was a joke," she says. "You forget that I know your horrible sense of humor better than anyone." She continues walking. He follows her lead.

"Still, it was bad-"

"It was awful," she agrees, turns to look at the man. "If you ever call me that again, you'll wish I'd just killed you."

"Is that a promise?" he jokes. She punches his arm hard and giggles. He stumbles to the wall, holding his arm, his face red.

"I can't believe I'm saying this," she continues, ignoring the man beside her in pain, "but I actually missed you."

"Really?" he asks, suddenly more interested in her than the bruise likely forming on his arm.

She looks at him, "I did. My life is quite boring without you in it." She says genuinely.

"I was thinking the same thing," he said. "Last week I woke up, and I was so excited at the thought of coming here-not because I get to see everyone again, but because I get to see you, again."

"Careful there," she warns playfully. "That almost sounded like a confession." She jokes as they round a corner.

"What if it was?" he asks, his tone light but serious.

"I don't know," she says honestly. "It might change things," she looks at him. He was as handsome as ever. He finally grew into his long, awkward body. He walked much more sure of himself now, his head high, his suit tailored, not like the baggy ones he used to wear when they were younger that were both too big for his thin body and too small for his long limbs.

"Would you ever give us a chance?" he asks, looking at her. She suddenly felt self-conscious under his gaze in her blood red ballgown. She wasn't a fan of bright colors but loved this dress so much she refused to not buy it and wear it at least once.

"I like that color on you," he says, a breathiness to his voice.

She smiles at his words, unable to hide how it made her feel. All her old feelings for him she's hidden for so long were suddenly coming back.

"I like picnics," she says, making him stop walking. She continues, ignoring his reaction. "I also like bowling and arcades. I can be quite childish and competitive-"


"Date ideas," she says, turning back to face him, a smile on her face.

"Gloria," he tries to say something, but she doesn't let him.

"If you don't like those ideas, I'm open to suggestions-" she gets interrupted by him pulling her in for a kiss.

It's deep, intense and ends far too quickly. He pulls away.

"I've always liked you," he says. "This might just be the best day of my life." His eyes are cloudy, his cheeks rosy and his lips plump and pink.

"I did too," she says, and he looks at her, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Why else do you think I put up with your shenanigans?"

He pulls her back in for another kiss before she pulls back.

"What do you say we skip this stupid ball and go have some real fun?" she winks.

"I would like nothing more," he says with a wide smile. He grabs her hand and they run. To where? They don't know, but they are excited to find out.

The End.

February 17, 2024
