The Isle of Dragons and The Land of Giants XIII

Knox and Liliana stand side by side, looking down at the Isles, from where they stand on a small terrace. The water was lit with floating lights. Large and small platforms floated on the water as well, with rope bridges that connected them to the islands. People flooded the markets and platforms below, cheering, dancing and singing. The atmosphere was that of excitement for what the future had in store.

There are colorful banners hanging on ropes that Fredor had tied far above the Festival that go from one island to another. He walked along the rope with Katie and lit the strings of fabric that had been infused with magic to burn for the week. Sparks flew from the fabric in a blue hue. Katie came up with the idea.

On the mountains sit the Giants that play the music and dance. Knox had been surprised by how kind the Giants were. He'd met them the day his people sailed to The Land of Giants. They had welcomed his people and helped them build homes and set up businesses. The Gold's also helped the Giants with tasks they struggle with due to their size. Now the Giants Smiled happily at the people below.

A lot had changed since the Golds joined the kingdom. The Isles became a huge market for merchants and trade. Though most of the Gold's live in The Land of Giants now, the ones that stayed in the Isle made it colorful and lively. Tonight, the islands are filled with food dealers and merchants selling all sorts of goods for the celebration.

The Golds wanted to hold this festival to celebrate, it would last a week. James had led the planning for the festival.

Knox stood there now, looking out at their kingdom with pride. The same excitement that the people below felt also filled him. Hope.

He looks, at that moment, to Liliana.

"Its hard to believe I can finally call you my wife." Knox wraps his arms around her from behind. She melts into his embrace on instinct.

"I can't believe you're my king."

They stand there like that for a while, just enjoying the moment before she turns and faces her husband. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses her, holding none of his hunger back, finally able to let all of his love flow out of himself into her.

"Wait," she says breathlessly, gently pressing a hand to his chest. "Shouldn't we go enjoy our festival?" Her face is filled with lust, which contrasts her words.

"Yes," he kisses her. "We should enjoy it fully," another kiss, "together," kiss, "alone."

She laughs and pulls him along to her chambers. He looks at her, the long white silk dress hugging her curves, embroidered with red roses. The crown on her head that matched his own. It felt unreal.

But it was real. This was all real. Maybe God did favor him.


He lay beside his wife. She was fast asleep, resting her head on his chest. He was so incredibly happy. He married the woman he loved. He was on good terms with his family. His people were settling down in the Land of Giants. All seemed to be good, getting even better.

He thought back to a few weeks ago, when they had brought the Golds to the Land of Giants. Who welcomed them and helped them build homes. James had stayed to help them get back on their feet and start the new settlement. Knox was incredibly proud of him. He had taken the role seriously and had worked hard to make sure his people were thriving.

James had finally found their parents. They had gotten separated from James in the madness of their escape. He had brought them back with him for the marriage ceremony, coronation, and festival.

He wasn't sure how they'd react to seeing him again after everything, but they had welcomed him with open arms and apologized. He had spent the day with them and introduced them to Liliana at dinner. They all got along well. He finally felt like a family. With James and his parents there with him, and Liliana. He felt loved. He felt finally where he was supposed to be.

"Knox," Liliana called out to him from where she lay on his chest. "I want to go to the festival and dance."

"Are you sure? We could stay here and dance under the sheets," he winks.

She chuckles. "There will be plenty of time for that. I want to enjoy the festival."

"As you wish." He couldn't turn down the chance to dance with her at the festival.


"James," Fate steps up beside Knox's brother. "May I have this dance?"

She wasn't much for dancing, but tonight she wanted to make up for the last 1000 years.

"This is the first time a woman has asked me to dance." He speaks with a look of shock and intrigue on his face.

"Are you turning me down?" She asks with a smirk.

"Never," he reaches out his hand with a smile. She places her hand in his and they dance.

She had had an eye on him for a long time now. He wasn't much, but he had potential. She had always seen it. Her father hadn't understood. He was too focused on Knox to look at James, but she saw it. Lately, James had done a fine job of proving her right.

He was also quite handsome. Much more handsome than his brother. And at this moment, with an arm wrapped around her as they spun through the other couples, she felt herself become wrapped up in the moment and in him. She'd let herself, for the first time, want someone.

After a few dances, he finally asks. "How do you know my name?"

"The real question is, how could I not know your name, James?" She sees his face flush at her words. She can't help but smile. Teasing him could quickly become her new hobby. "Your the more handsome of the Gold princes. I could help but know who you are." She turns twice with the music before he pulls her back into him to swing around.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he says mindlessly, "and you called me handsome?"

"I prefer to tell the truth," she smiles. "Lies are complex and tedious things."

"Who are you?" He asks, a hint of wonder and reverence to his voice.

The song ends. She pulls his face down to her and whispers into his ear. "I am the First Princess, Fate."

She feels his body tense. She chuckles.

He stares at her in awe and shock. "I just danced with Fate?" He asks himself in disbelief.

She gives him a peck on the cheek and he makes a noise that sounds like a squeak. She laughs.

"I look foreward to the man you'll become." She winks and walks away through the crowd.

As she walks away, stears to the left to meet a cute little girl.

"Katie," the girl turns around to face Fate. "I have a gift for you." Katie steps back, not trusting her.

"Do I know you?"

"Not yet." She smiles. "I'm a friend of the Queen."

Katie smiles and steps closer. "You're pretty."

"Thank you," she bends down to the girl's level. "You are pretty too."

"Thank you."

"Here," Fate closes her eyes, seeing the crown in her lands that she'd made for the young girl with the flowers she'd picked with Liliana. She opens her eyes and places the flower crown on Katie's head. "From one princess to another."


They have been dancing for hours now. Liliana's feet hurt and her head was spinning, but the smile wouldn't leave her face.

She looked up at Knox, who was grinning. She was smiling herself. She was happy. She hadn't realized it till now, but this is what she'd always wanted.

The song had stopped for a moment and they stood waiting for the next to begin.

"May I have this dance?"

They turn and standing behind them is The First King.

"Knox, you will be The Great King." Knox smiles.

"Don't you mean a great king?"

The man just smiles at Knox before asking, "Do you mind, Great King, if I ask for a dance with your wife?"

"Go ahead."

The man turns to Liliana. "May I have this dance?"

"Yes," she says, and the music picks up. It was an old song she hadn't heard since the days before the Elder War.

She looks to The First King amused, knowing this was his doing. The drums hit, and she's jumping back, moving her feet to the drums as they hit in a fast pattern. The old man mirrors her movement. It was an old dance that dated all those who came to the floors to dance. They jump and spin in such a way that they weave between eachother perfectly. It was her favorite dance as a girl, Fate had taught her it.

"The Old Queen," He comments, during a slower part. "The name no longer suits you."

"Then what name would?" she asks, weaving through his and a Dragon's arms.

"The Queen of All Ages." He says as they spin apart. She spins back only to be greeted by Fate who smiles and continues the dance in her father's place.

"Good to see you payed attention to me for once and learned something," she teases as they spin hand in hand.

"It's a miracle I still remember it," they laugh.

"Liliana, I have a feeling this night will be one you'll never forget."

The End.

January 1, 2024
