Giving The Villain a Second Chance IV

"Because I love you. If it isn't you, I don't want anyone."

He sat there for a few minutes, just staring at her. She was never one to squirm in silence, so she sits there as well, refusing to look away from his eyes. She had been honest and had no reason to be embarrassed about it. He was her fiance, after all.

There was a chance he would call off the engagement right then and ruin her reputation, but she had already prepared for that. She had 181 plans for if this one didn't work. No matter what, she would not give up on helping Eric, even if she had to do it from a distance.

The sun began to set as they stared at eachother in silence. The only indication they were alive at all was their chests rising and falling in unison.

"Do you have any idea what those words mean?" he finally asks.

"I do. I want you to know it is the truth." She says. She leans back in her chair.

"How can you love me?" he asks, running a hand through his hair. "I'm cursed-"

She cuts him off with a laugh. "Don't tell me even you believe those fool's lies?"

"Your brother left you to rot with that man for years while he took his time negotiating your freedom, please. He could've gotten you out the very day he found out where you were and implanted a spy to get him secrets to blackmail the duke into keeping the peace between kingdoms or any number of other things but he left you there, knowing what that man was doing. You may have forgiven him, but I never will."

"He did the best he could-"

"No, he didn't. But I wish he had." she stands then. "We should get back, its almost dark."

He finally seems to take notice of the darkening sky then. "Yes, you're right. I hadn't noticed so much time had passed."

He stands offering his arm to her. She gladly accepts, and they walk back through the gardens together, arms intertwined.

Her mind wanders back to their conversation earlier, and she winces, remembering her words. 

She had gone too far. She hadn't meant to say so much, but seeing him almost believing those awful things people said about him triggered some primal anger. The words had come from her before she had even noticed she'd spoken.

"I didn't mean to overstep today with my words," she breaks the silence. "I apologize for my-"

"There is no need to apologize for speaking honestly with me."

She looks up at him. A dark shadow covers his face, hiding his expression from her. She looks at his silhouette. His black hair looked so soft. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to kiss him, running her hands through his hair. She feels a blush rise on her cheeks at the thought.

She thinks back to the game of chess earlier, if you can all it that. He had been so nervous and distracted.

"Thank you," she looks back at him. "I had a nice time today."

It was his turn to look at her then. "I did as well. Would you like to have a rematch sometime soon?"

"Anytime," she says with a smile.


She had spent the next week laying out her plans. She looks down at the paper before her.

1) Find a way for Eric to show off his skills in such a way that no one can deny his ability and make new rumors to smother the old ones.

She knew that soon a war would break out with the southern kingdom because of a trade route being taken over by pirates. Both kingdoms blame the other, without proper investigation and thousands end up dying because of it.

So, her plan was to talk to Eric about it their next meeting, whenever that might end up being.

She hears a knock on the door. She stashes the paper away before telling them to "come in."

She stands there in shock as Eric enters her chambers. Her maid winks before running off down the hall, leaving them alone together.

"I hope you don't mind the intrusion. I was in the region for some business and I thought I might stop by," he says.

"I'm glad you did," she says, her smile wide. She looks him up and down. "You look more handsome than usual."

"And you look more beautiful that all the jewels put together," he says with a smile, offering his arm. She blushes hard. He was never like this in the novel, probably because he was supposed to be the villain. It was unexpected, but not unwanted. She was enjoying herself immensely.

"You're making me blush," she says, accepting his arm. "How about I show you the greenhouse?"

"Wherever you want to go, I will follow." She giggles and playfully shoves him with her hip. He laughs and returns the gesture. Was she actually flirting with Eric? Was he flirting back?

"Do you have any plans for the next few weeks?" He asks her as they make their way down the main hall.

"I had wanted to go to the southern kingdom to find some new fabrics for my boutique, but I heard rumors that pirates had taken up camp along the way between the kingdoms, so I think I'll have to wait a while."

"Pirates?" he asks. "I haven't heard anything about that."

"It might be because I am friends with some merchants that sell fabrics and designs from the southern kingdom. I always like to have first pick. I hear about those kinds of things from them. One of the silk merchants said he'd be raising his prices significantly because of the danger and theft."

"Maybe we should send someone to investigate," he says. "That way you can safely travel back and forth as you please."

"You would do that for me?"

"Not just for you," he says with a smile, "but yes, I would."

"Maybe you could join me the next time I go?"

"It would be my pleasure."

To be continued...

February 22, 2024
