I'd Rather Have You

"You died. I watched you died," the man says stumbling back from her.

"Well, what can I say, me and Death aren't exactly on the best of terms right now so I'm back." She says spinning the long wavy danger in her right hand.

"I thought you were left handed," the man says obviously stalling.

"Ambidextrous," she explains with a shrug. "Now let's cut the chit chat. I have things to do."

"Hello?" Jasmine waves a hand in front of her face. "Earth to Sarah?"

"Sorry," she says. "What you said just reminded me of someone-"

"A past lover maybe?" Her friend nudges her arm with her elbow.

"Just a bad man that got what was coming for him." It was true. Her friend didn't know anymore than that. Besides, she promised herself she would be good in this life.

"Boring," Jasmine said standing up from the table they sat at together in the small, local cafe. "I need to go, I've got a date with that cutie from the office."

"The one you've been crushing on for four years now?" She asks raising her eyebrow at her friend.

Jasmine nods with a smirk.

"Good for you," she congratulates. "Looks like playing the long game payed off."

"It did indeed," Jasmine says before grabbing her things and turning to leave.

"See you," she says with a wave.

Sarah waves back.

Her phone rings a few seconds later. She picks it up, opens it and places it up to her ear, "Hello?"

"I know what kind of monster you-" she hangs up with a sigh.

That's the 5th call like that this week. Death really needs to learn how to prank call.

She walks out the cafe and into the busy streets. The buds on the trees have began to bloom releasing a beautiful scent. She loved this time of year, it felt magical.

"Sarah!" She turns in the direction of the voice. It takes her a moment to recognize him.

"Luke?" She asks herself in disbelief. "He's supposed to be in the States."

He runs up to her and takes a second doubled over infront of her to catch his breath.

"Luke what are you doing here?" She asks the man before her.

"Good to see you too," he jokingly replies.

She shoves him. "When did you get back?"

"A few days ago," he says. "Actually, I was just thinking about you this morning."

"Yeah right," she says walking back in the direction of her apartment. "The great Luke Kim thinking of someone as low as I-"

"Please stop," he wines, walking beside her. "I'm still just your friend Luke."

"You're never been just a friend," the words escape her without her permission. "Sorry, bad joke." She manages to save it.

"No," he stops, looking at her. She stops too to face him.


"That's not a joke," he says stepping closer. "Please tell me that wasn't a joke."

"Even if it was, what would change?"

"Everything," he says tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"It can't," she says.

"I don't care. I've wanted you for a decade. You expect me to just let that go?"

"We can't," she explains turning.

"Why?" He says gently taking her hand in his stopping her. "Because you killed me in our previous life?"

She turns at his words, her eyes wide. "What?"

"I don't care," he says. "besides I deserved it."

"How do you?" I got my memories that summer I told everyone I was sick, it took me a while to figure out how you were but I didn't care. By that time I was already in love with you."

"Wow," she says flabbergasted.

"So," he says gently pulling her into his arms. "About that date?"

"No." She tries to pull away.

"Why not?" He asks gently holding her to him.

"You may be okay with our past but that doesn't mean I am."


"No, don't Sarah me." She shrugs off his touch and heads back home where she promptly breaks down into tears.

It was true that in their previous life their were both objectively horrible people. She was a killer with her own moral code. He was a priest who took the church's truths for laws and acted against anyone who dared disobey them.

They've both killed. They've both tortured people for what they believed, so why was it so hard for her to forgive him. Not even him, but the previous him?

Maybe it wasn't him she needed to forgive.

She spend that night alone with her thoughts. It was a scary place to be, but she knew it was necessary.

The next day she stood at Lukes doorstep, an absurd about of beef in the bag she held in her left hand. She rang the doorbell quickly, before she could back out.

She hears a scrambling behind the door and a muffled "just a minute."

She waits and eventually a half naked Luke with messy hair opened the door. He looks down at the unmarked white bag with a frown.

"I take it you didn't come here to tell me you changed your mind," he sighs, opening his door for her.

She walks in and after he shuts the door she turns to face him, "actually, that's exactly why I'm here."

He looks at her in shock. A second later his knees give out and he's on the ground.

"What?" He asks, still sitting on the ground in shock.

"I realized last night that It wasn't you it was me."

"Then what's the bag?" he asks reaching out a hand. She helps him up.

"A peace offering," she replies handing him the bag.

"You didn't-"

"You know I did," she says with a smile.

He reaches out and pulls her in to his arms. "How do you feel about steak for dinner?"

"I'd rather have you," she flirts.

He sputters at her words, a blush creeping over his face.

"That could be arranged," he replies, trying to cover his red face from her.

The End.

February 12, 2024
