Succubus & Angel Soulmates

There he was, an angel, standing by the pool talking to his friends. It was much too casual of an environment to see such a man, but there he stood. Ethereal in everyway.

Azrael was wearing black slacks and a white button-up shirt. He had four buttons undone, showing off his muscular chest. He had rolled up the sleeves, showing off his equally muscular forearms. The shirt was tucked into his pants in a way that showed off his perfect body ratio. His broad shoulders and muscular frame contrasted by his small waist. He was tall and intimidating in a heavenly sort of way.

He looked like heaven in a man. She thought. Made sense as he was a literal angel.

His huge, white, feathered wings came from his back and only helped to make him look that much more unreal. His tanned skin almost glowed gold under the sunlight. Then there was the halo that hung above his head. It was a gold light that was only really visible in darker spaces, but Lara could see it thanks to her sensitive eyes.

His long hair framed his face perfectly. His long lashes making his dark blue eyes that much more striking. His thick, plump lips were curled up into a smile, as they almost always seemed to be. His features were sharp and strong, but beautiful.

Lara looked down at herself and frowned. His waist was definitely smaller than her own and she was pretty sure his eyelashes were longer than hers, too. She let out a sigh of frustration. She refused to let her insecurities get to her today. This is going to be a good day.

She pushed up her sunglasses on her nose and shifted her weight from one foot to another. Her high platform heels she'd gotten from a stripper supply store were well worn but still in good shape. She usually hid them under long skirts or dresses, but today they were on full display. She was 4'10 without them. With them on, she was almost a full foot taller, at 5'8. She never left her bed without them.

You're too curvy for your own good, her sister used to say. She had a small waist for her size but still had a belly. Her shoulders were almost as broad as her hips were wide. Her hips had these little indents that made her figure less pleasing to the eye, or to her eyes, at least. But as her sister used to say, yes, the same sister: Flat here, gesturing to her hips, so you're not here, pointing to her butt.

She was not flat, not at all. Chest or butt. She often delt with back pain from her large breasts and has yet to find a pair of jeans she hasn't had to cinch to hell or tailor to fit her.

She was all round and soft except for her face. She has prominent cheekbones and a strong jaw. Her lips are large but come to sharp points at her Cupid's bow. Her eyebrows are arched and angled without plucking and her eyes resembled that of a hawk. They were a hazel that could never make up their mind. Some days they were such a dark brown they looked almost black, some days such a light green that they almost looked white and everything in between.

Her friend had lent her her swimsuit. The bikini was a flower print and far too small for her figure, showing off far more than she would normally be comfortable with, not that she had a choice. It was that or nothing, and that wasn't an option. It was one of those string bikinis that you tied on the hips, back and neck. That's the only reason she was able to make it work at all.

Normally, she would never wear something so revealing but today she didn't care. Today was likely one of the last days she'd have where she'd be able to enjoy the summer with her friends.

She was already feeling the final effects of the disease. Hanahaki. She'd rejected herself, sealing their fate. It was okay though, she was surprised she even made it to 24. She thought she'd die far before she hit 20. She feels like she's already been living on borrowed time.

She'd avoided rejecting her soulmate to his face. He didn't deserve to deal with the disease and she knew he'd reject her. They were too different and as bad as she knew it was to question god, she had to on his choice of soulmate for him.

Afterall, she was a killer. Worse, she was a succubus. She had never done any of the horrible things they tell of in legends. She was actually a virgin. But she did have to put that negative energy somewhere so she hunted pedophiles and rapists and tortured and killed them to her hearts delight. She figured at least it was a net positive for the world.

It was rare but you could reject your soulmate without them getting the disease if they never realized you were their soulmate. She'd made sure he'd never even consider it. That he'd never know.

She walked over to the other side of the pool to sit down under an umbrella, but Troy had a different idea. He was an incubus, a pain in her ass, and to say he was a playboy was being far too kind.

She hit the surface of the pool hard and screamed, which wasn't smart because her lungs quickly filled with water.

Did she mention she couldn't swim?

She tried to get her feet under her and push up to the surface, but she kept getting pulled back down. She looked down at her feet and saw two young sirens holding them and laughing.

They thought she was playing with them. I guess I am. Playing the game of life and death.

She was panicking now. What was she going to do? She tried to kick them off, but the water slowed her movements too much. Black creeped into the edges of her vision.

She cried out again. Had no one seen him push her in? Where was Troy?

She screamed once more as her vision went black.

To be continued...

March 26, 2024
