Superman FF (Because why not?) II

He ended up carrying her back to his apartment.

"You seem quite out of it," he says. "Did you drink?"

"I think I was drugged," she replies with a pout.

He stops walking, looking down at her, jaw clenched. "How? When?"

"Well, what I remember is that I was at my friend's birthday party. It was at this shitty club in the bad part of town. I was dancing and enjoying myself but got thirsty. I don't drink, so I wanted a bottle of water. That's when a few guys came up to me and started trying to hit on me. I say try because they were really bad at it, like laughably bad," she giggles. "Anyway, one of them offered me a bottle of water. I stupidly took it. Then poof, next thing I know I'm here, being carried away by superman." She giggles.

"Don't call me that," he warns. "Someone might hear you."

"The only one with super hearing is you, buddy," she jokes, booping his nose.

"If they were here I'd-"

"You'd probably scare them just with your mere presence. Those sad excuses for men would melt under your gaze, and I'm not talking about your laser beam eye thingy. You can be quite intimidating when you want to be."

"How do you know so much about me if you're from another world?"

"Your a comic book hero," she explains. "Everyone knows who superman is," she says. "You had movies made off of you, a TV show. Kids all over the world dress up as you for Halloween every year."

"Comic book hero? TV show? Movies? Halloween?" he asks. "I was that well known?"

"Yep," she says. "I also know you have a thing for Lowis Lane." she wiggles her eyebrows at him.

"Lowis-" he frowns. "I used to."

She looks up at him, curious. "Used to?"

"She cheated on me," he explains. "Then left me for him."

"With who? Who could be better than you-you absolute Greek God of a man?" She gestures up and down at Clark.

"Lex Luther," he says, and her jaw drops.

"That's fucked up," she says. "What the fuck is-how could she-" she stutters. "You know what? Fuck her. You deserve better. You deserve someone who will love you and care about you and treat you like a king."

He laughs and his laugh sounds like a little bit of heaven. She wanted to hear more of it.

"You know," she says suddenly. "I just love s'mores."

He looks back down at her, confused and amused. "Did you just say s'mores?"

"Yes," she nods. "I love them. Once, when I was little, I ate so many I was sick for a week. I've been too scared to have another since, even though it's my favorite food. Isn't that weird?"

"No," he says. "Not necessarily."

"Bless your heart. Clark, baby, you are too kind. I know I'm weird and you know I'm weird, but I appreciate you not calling me that."

"What scares you about it?" he asks, ignoring her silliness.

"I'm afraid if I eat them again, I won't be able to stop and I'll eat my body weight in s'mores. What if I die by s'more? That would be a horrible legacy. S'mores would be tainted forever because of my mistake," she says, her eyes wide at just the thought. He laughs at the absurdity of her words.

"You can just let yourself only have one, you know," he says with a smile.

"I can have really bad self control at times," she admits with a blush.

He just shakes his head with a smile as they enter the apartment building.

"Hey Clark," she asks as they enter the elevator. "Did you sneak a peek at my goods earlier?"

"What? No, or course not," he says, seriously. "You've had your clothes on all night and I promise I have no intention of taking advantage of you."

"I know," she says. "But I also know you have x-ray vision and could take a peek if you wanted to. Also, ouch. Am I that undesirable?"

The elevator doors open and they exit, heading down the hall.

"I don't use my powers in such ways," he says with a sigh, "and you are a beautiful woman. Even if I was interested in pursuing you, I would wait until you're sober to make any moves on you."

"Your a good man, Clark," she says, patting his shoulder.

"You know what, I give you permission to sneak a peak one time," she holds up her pointer finger to prove her point. "You deserve it for being such a good boy." She pats his head.

He rolls his eyes as he searches for his keys in his pocket.

"Here you go," she says with a smile, holding up his keys in front of his face.

"How did you do that?" he asks, taking the keys from her.

"I may have taken them earlier when you caught me." She smiles innocently. "Bad habits die hard."

"You stole my keys?" he asks with a raised brow.

"I gave them back," she argues. "Just think of it as me keeping them warm for you." She winks.

He ignores her, putting the key into the door.

He closes the door behind them as they enter his apartment. He sets her down on the couch.

"Please don't take anything else."

"I make no promises," she says, leaning against the back of the couch. "If you're not careful, I might just steal your heart." She winks, shooting her finger guns at him. "That I don't know if I could give back as easily as the keys."

He shakes his head at her in disbelief. "How do you come up with the things you say?"

"You just bring them out of me," she shrugs.

"Let me get you some food and water." He says as he heads into the kitchen to do just that.

"No s'mores," she yells after him.

"No s'mores," he agrees.

To be continued...

March 5, 2024
