9. Nightmare

" Sam! "

Sam was sobbing uncontrollably. Mia saw him laying on the bed while shivering and just mumbling some coherent words. She shook him a little and started to call his name.

He just won't stop sobbing , she went closer to him in order to understand what was he mumbling.

Sam : Why would u ever do this to m-me? W-was I not good enough ?

Mia frowned upon hearing that. 'What is he talking about ? Who did what ? Why won't he be good enough ? He's surely the perfect person alive...'

She came out of her state of trance upon hearing his sobbing. She shook him gently in order to wake him up but seems like he was not gonna wake up anytime soon.

She went closer to him and sat in his side. Sam immediately engulfed her in a hug. His cries were long gone but some soft sobbing voices still could be heard. She felt bad for him. But , what could she possibly do if she don't have any idea about what's happening to him....

" Mia ?"

Mia flinched upon hearing his raspy voice suddenly. She looked at him and saw him blinking his eyes rapidly with a frown on his face. He was looking at her as if he wanted to make sure that it's the reality.

Mia smiled at him softly and said " Yeah. Are you okay , Sam ?"

Sam immediately held her tight and asked with a pained expression. " W-why did you left me , Mia ? After everything I did for you , was I still not worth i--it ?"

Mia looked at him who was already staring at her waiting for an answer.

Mia : What did I do , hm ?

Sam looked at her with tear filled eyes and said ,"Mia , y-you love someone else and left me for him...?"

Mia immediately shook her head," No Sam. I think you had a nightmare or something, I would never ever leave you. Don't worry. Everything's fine okay ?"

She hugged him while comforting him with her sweet words.
