2. Temporary home!

Time skip ~


I woke up in an oddly familiar room. I tried to recall what had happened or atleast where am I. Then , everything hit me at once. I came in Sam's house to talk about our friendship and how it's slowly suffocating me but turns out , he had other intentions. He stopped me and was trying to say something to me that I couldn't quite remember. And after that I blacked out.

"Don't tell me h-he drugged m-me...I-"

I gasped and covered my mouth while looking around me.

Mia : Oh damn ! How did I ended up here ? I'll see that bish. Just wait for sometime !!

I ran towards the door , my mind telling me that it must be locked. But when I turned the door knob , surprisingly it wasn't. I opened the door while grinning thinking about how dumb can he be to left it unlocked and now I'll go to my home now , hehe. But all my hopes came crashing down when I saw him standing while crossing his hands in front of his chest and looking at me while smirking. Can it be any worse , God ?

I just looked at him and he , at once , bursted laughing at me.

I swear I will kill him.


Sam : Hahaha, you seriously thought I'm dumb enough to let you go. Your face was worth looking.

He said while wiping his tears caused due to laughing so hard.

She rolled her eyes at him and said.

Mia : Yaah !!! Will u stop it now ? I'm hungry , I wanna go home.

Sam : Huh ? Okay then , go back to your room and I'mma bring your food in a minute.

Mia : Did you just ignored the part where I said I wanna go home ?

Sam : What does it have to do with you being hungry ??

Mia : It has got to do a lot with it. I do not trust you so eating in your house is just out of the question.

Sam : You seriously think I will put poison in your food !?

Mia : Maybe....

Sam : Oh really ? What about the times when you used to eat in my home as if you have been starving all your life and-

Mia : Just stop it. I won't eat anything made by you and that's final.

She said while stomping her foot.

Sam became serious and said, " And I'm telling you that you'll eat everything I'll make AND that's final.

He knew she's being stubborn and she won't listen to him if he talked to her softly. Sia pouted and rolled her eyes going to the room while stomping all the way.

Sam chuckled finding it cute.

Sam : Eyy Mia , don't walk like that you look like an elephant.

Mia groaned but didn't said anything.

Author's note (⁠◠⁠α΄₯⁠◕⁠ʋ⁠)

I was writing this story since forever... Didn't really liked the story's all parts.

Couldn't help but write this story again and again! Haha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
