31. Missed you

She laughed and broke the hug. " What happened Sam ? "

Sam shook his head , " Nothing , I just missed you. "

Mia chuckled and took him inside the house.

Sam came inside and sat at the couch huffing a puff of air in exhaustion. Mia chuckled at him. He half opened his eyes and it was the moment when he noticed that there is someone else other than both of them.

Ryujin looked at him and faked a smile. Sam also faked a smile upon noticing Mia looking at them with a curious gaze.

Sam gestured Mia to come closer. Mia frowned but still did as he told her to.

He whispered , " Why is your bestie here ? "

" It's because I wanted to talk about her relationship. "

He slightly groaned but he knew that he cannot do anything about it.

" I am going to bath , will be back in an eternity. "

Mia looked at him weirdly before continuing her conversation with Ryujin.

Sam glanced at Mia for the last time and went upstairs.

Mia : So , when will you tell mom about it ? Does aunty know ?

Ryujin : Yes she do and about your mom....well , Lucas is not yet ready to tell her.

Mia : That's certainly a huge red flag!

Ryujin chuckled and looked away , a bit upset.

Mia swung her hand around Ryujin , " Don't worry , what matters is that you both like each other. It's victory in itself. "

Ryujin smiled and got up , "I gotta go now , bye bye. "

Mia nodded and bid her goodbye before going to Sam's room.
