27. Her visitor

Next day ~

Mia was sitting on her bed while studying. It's been a while since she last studied. Just then , a soft knock could be heard from the other side of the door . Who could it be ?

Mia got up and went to look at her "visitor".

Sam was about to knock again when she opened the door. As soon as they made eye contact , Sam looked down shyly while scratching his neck.

Mia folded her hands while narrowing her eyes.

"What are you doing here ? "

Sam looked up upon hearing her voice.

"I ummm... actually I-"

Mia interrupted him. "You know you can tell me anything you want. "

She raised her eyebrows saying it as a matter-of-fact.

He was currently sitting in the couch. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Heads off to Mia for having enough patience to not beat the ...... out of this boy in front of her.

He looked at Mia and again looked down.

Sam did not know what's happening to him. He just wanted to meet Ryujin and apologise to her since the last time they talked was not that satisfying....

Ahh leave it!

He just can't gather enough courage to say anything in front of Mia . It's as if she puts a spell on him each time he makes eye contact with her.

' Now I really gotta say something or else my savage girl would surely kick me out of her room. '

"I-I gotta go o-out "

Mia laughed upon hearing him. "Then , why are you so nervous ? If you want to go so go. Not like I would stop you. "

Sam pouted, "Atleast , you should have told me to take care..."

"Uh huh , take careee! "

Sam rolled his eyes and began to tap his shoes on the floor.

Mia looked at him confusingly. "What happened ? "

"Ain't I your boyfriend ? "

She nodded , still in confusion.

"Then why are you not loving and caring about me. "

He crossed his hands looking away .

Mia made him look at her and hugged him. Sam widened his eyes in shock.


Mia broke the hug and looked at him. "Be careful , okay ? Try to come as soon as you can , I will miss you. And think of me too!"

Sam's face turned red as he looked down. He has never seen this caring side of her.

Mia laughed, " You were the one who told me to care about you and when I did that , then you began to blush , huh ? Look at your face now. It's looking like a tomato. "

Sam cleared his throat and scratched his neck. "It's because you haven't turned on the air conditioner. It's so hot in here , ugh!"

Mia chuckled while nodding.

Sam said bye to her and ran out quickly.

Mia shook her head while smiling.
