25. Emotional damage

He didn't say anything and instead hugged her tightly.

Meanwhile Mia was beyond confused. 'What happened to him ?'

It was only when she felt her shirt getting wet , did she realised that he has been crying. She broke the hug almost instantly and cupped his cheeks.

"What happened Sam ? Why are you crying ??"

Sam looked down and said in a low voice. "I couldn't find you in the mall , so I got scared and I t-thought that..."

Mia made him look at her and asked softly. "What did you thought , hm ?"

Sam wiped his tears and said in a voice which was barely audible. "I...I thought that I lost you."

Mia smiled a little and held his hand. "I didn't know that you'd be so worried. I just thought to put the bags in the car. Sorry. I ain't going anywhere. I am right here in front of you. "

Sam showed her a small smile and looked at her. "Sorry for annoying you..."

Mia shook her head. "You didn't annoy me. I know you care about me that's why you were worried. It's my fault . I should have informed you before going out. "

"Let's forget it , okay ?"

Sam nodded and went to sit in the driver seat. As he was about to start driving. Mia held his hand. He looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

"Are you feeling better now or should I drive ? "

His heart melted hearing it. Mia could really make him feel so many things without even knowing herself. He grinned at her and said. "Yes I'm okay . I can drive ."

Mia nodded and he started driving.

Sam was glancing at Mia from time to time while driving. After some time Mia caught him looking at her . Sam immediately looked away pretending to focus on driving.

"You really should focus on driving instead of pretending to do so. "

Sam looked at her innocently. "What did I do , Mia ?"

Mia narrowed her eyes while looking at him. "You know exactly what I am talking about...."

Sam widened his eyes upon hearing her.

"Don't you ?"

Sam cleared his throat and looked away.

Mia chuckled and leaned on her seat while looking outside from window.
