8. Heartbreak πŸ’”


My phone rang , who would call me this late ? Never mind , I'mma just see who called me in the morning. At this moment , I really couldn't care less. Lemme just sleep.

Ring ring ~

It again rang. I groaned 'Who the heck is calling me at this time !?!! Can I just kill whoever is it !!?!' Ugh I picked up the call without looking at the caller ID.

Sam : It better be something worth giving up my sleep for..... Who the hell are you !?!! Who do you think you're !? Do you wanna get killed by-

?? : You think Mia loves you ?

Sam : Huh ? Why would it concern you !? Just keep your mouth shu-

?? : I'm sending you some pics and videos. I guess you should know what is your girlfriend doing behind your back , isn't it ?

Sam : B-but who are y-you ?

The call ended....

Just then a ding sound came from my phone. I stared at the unknown number who has sent me some pics just now.

Is it the same person who called me ? Should I see what did he sent me ? What could Mia possibly do ? This might be a scam , they just wanna trick me....Just leave it Sam.

My sleep was long gone , thanks to the person who called me. I was just blankly staring at the ceiling.

But , I couldn't hold back the urge to click that unknown chat and so , you see, I ended up clicking that chat.... What I see broke my heart to the core. There were some pics of my baby with an unknown guy. She is looking very happy in those photos. Almost as if they're best friends or maybe more than that. Tear drops started to roll down my cheeks. My heart clenched. It was almost as if what I'm seeing is hurting me physically. I can't bare the pain I was feeling at that moment. And as if that wasn't enough . I saw a video and clicked on it too.

In the video ~

Mia : Hey baby.

The same guy turned around and waved at her.

He: Hii babe , what's up ?

They hugged each other. Tears were streaming down my face one by one.The more I try to wipe them away , the more it build up in my eyes.

I breakdown completely after I saw them both kissing...Is it really true ? Can my baby really do that ? I-I never imagined that it could actually happen ? I don't wanna live anymore. I never felt so pain like I'm feeling today. The sadness I felt in my whole life was not anything as compared to what I'm feeling right now.

I started sobbing non-stop. The pain doesn't seem to heal but instead it was growing each passing second. I could've tried everything in order to get her. B-but how can I , when she's already someone else's girlfriend ? She's in love with someone else ? I can't bare that. The pain is just too much. It's too painful.

I started to cry frantically , I tried to be silent but couldn't do that. My mind can't help but think why would she ever do that. I know she never loved me and infact she didn't even liked if I come close to her. But , now that I think about it , I can't help but to think..... Was I not good enough for her ? Was she in love with him this whole time ? Maybe that's why she never wanted to come close to me. Maybe that's why she said that she don't like me and can never like me.

Just then I heard the voice I didn't think I would ever hear after all this...

" Sam...."

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Hello my dear ives πŸ’—

How are you all ? Did you liked the story so far ??
