xi . fire

TW this chapter contains themes of child abuse at the start.

A gay wedding was never something Tiana's parents would let her go to. Along with the addictions and child abuse, they were also homophobes. Shocker, right? So, when Cam and Mitch invited Tiana to their wedding, she told her parents that Cam was short for Camila. They didn't question her. They barely did.

The night before the wedding, Tiana's parents had been drinking pretty heavily. She reminded them about the wedding, which they'd previously agreed to, but they clearly forgot.

"What wedding?" Her mom slurred, "I haven't heard about no wedding."

"Alex's aunt and uncle," Tiana told her, "Mitchell and Camila. You said I could go, mom. I have the voicemail of you giving me permission, listen!"

"She doesn't need to hear a voicemail to know that she said no," Tiana's father piped up, "Now you get back up those stairs and don't mention this fake wedding of yours again. You think we don't see through your tricks? We know this is all some ploy so you can go to a party."

"Dad, if I was going to a party I'd just tell you. It's a wedding. Why would I come up with such a stupid lie?"

"Are you calling me and your mother stupid?"

"What? That's not what I said!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me!"

"But you're not listen-"


Right in the face.

Then it kept going. Until her shoulders, arms, legs and face were all bruised. Her father hadn't gotten this bad in a while. Every blow brought her back to middle school, when her dad beat her because she forgot to hand in a homework assignment.

With her dad, it wasn't a certain level of things that got him going. Sometimes, she'd be caught sneaking out, skipping school, and he'd give her no more than a telling off. Sometimes she could be two minutes late to school and get a full on beating. It wasn't about what she did, it was about how her dad was feeling when she did it. Right now, he clearly wasn't very happy.

Tiana sat in her mirror, using foundation to cover up the bruise on her face. Her parents had forgotten about the argument last night, so she was still allowed.

She covered every exposed bruise in foundation. Her legs, her arm, her face. It wasn't comfortable, but it was better than people seeing them. At this point, after the trouble it had caused, she wasn't in the mood to go to a wedding, but she didn't wanna let Mitch and Cam down on their big day. Plus, she loved weddings.

After an uncomfortable cab ride with a particularly weird cab driver, Tiana finally arrived at the venue. A few people seemed to be stressed, but she found Luke and Manny.

"That's a nice dress," Manny said as she approached the two.

"Thanks, so's yours," Tiana joked. Luke stood, staring. "Earth to Luke?"

"Sorry, hi. You look good," Luke said, slightly stuttering over his words.

"Thanks. So do you."

"We should start sitting down," Manny said, "They'll be walking down the aisle any minute."

The three went and took their seats. Tiana looked around, admiring the venue. "I wanna get married here," she said.

"Who'd marry you?" Luke asked.

"A lot of people would love to marry me. While I'm up there getting married to my super rich, super sexy husband, you'll be sat in the back row praying to meet someone at the after party."

"You'd put me, your best friend, in the back row? That's cold."

"You're colder, you just said I'm not gonna get married."

"I didn't say that, I just implied it."

"Same thing!"

"Guys, shut up," Manny said.

Luke and Tiana turned around to see Mitch and Cam stood at the end of the aisle. Lily was walking down it in her Belle dress, tossing flowers onto the ground.

Everyone stood up, ready for the two grooms to walk down the isle, when a bunch of firefighters came running down.

"Attention!" One said, "Attention, please! The fire has jumped the freeway. I'm really sorry, folks. I'm gonna have to evacuate everyone immediately."

"Fire?" Tiana asked.

"Wildfire," Manny replied.

"Oh my god, what? Fire is like, my biggest fear."

"We have firefighters."


Luke intertwined his fingers with Tiana's, squeezing her hand.

"You'll be fine," he said.

"If you're evacuating the whole area, can't you just do us last?" Mitchel asked.

"I don't think you realise how close you are to actual flames," the firefighter said. Upon hearing this, Tiana squeezed Luke's hand a little tighter.

"Hello. Pepper Saltzman," the wedding planner stepped forward, holding his hand out, "Big supporter of yours. Have all your calendars."

"We've waited ten years. Can we please have an hour?" Cam said.

"I can give you thirty minutes," the firefighter said.

"We can make that work!" Pepper said, "The wedding will go on, just in a slightly pared-down version. Claire, you're up front, flower girl strewing, grooms, come with me. Ooh, ah, they look so handsome! Quartet, quartet, quartet! And cue Sal. Start after your limerick."

The two men ran down the aisle to their very pregnant minister.

"Her water broke!" Cam yelled.

"Oh my god," Tiana whispered. She didn't know whether she'd rather witness a live birth or be engulfed by the flames which were inevitably going to reach the venue.

"No!" Sal yelled, "No, it did not! I am barely pregnant! Thank you all for being here on this joyous occasion. There once was a homo named Tucker-"

"Sal, stop," Mitchell said, "No, you're going into labour!"

"Also, just stop," Cameron said. Sal and her boyfriend walked away, off to the hospital. "This is a disaster! We have no one to marry us."

"Dearly beloved," Phil said, "That is a problem." Apparently he was also an ordained minister. If there was ever a day where Tiana lost every single brain cell she had left fit was this one, and it was only going to get more confusing.

"Phil, you're a lifesaver. Thank you."

"No thanks necessary. Cameron, marrying you would make me the happiest man on earth."

"Everyone, attention please!" Pepper said, running back to the front, "I've been informed by the fire chief that we need to leave immediately! The winds have shifted!"

"But we have thirty minutes!" Cam said.

"A fellow wedding facilitator has informed me a beautiful space just became available. To the shuttles."

"But we don't know a thing about this place," Mitchell said.

"Oh, my mistake. Uh, let's go over it. It's a quaint, rustic spot, though it's chief selling point is it's not about to become a kiln!"

"To the shuttles."

"See?" Luke said, "No more fire."

"Right," Tiana said. Instead of actual shuttles, school buses were waiting outside to take them to the next venue.

Luke, Manny and Tiana all headed to the buses. Manny stood next to Alex, while Luke and Tiana talked to Phil. The men carrying the arbor stood right behind the two.

"Hey, so you're, like, the minister?" Luke said.

"Kinda," Phil said, "When they lost Sal, the situation was a no-brainer, which made them think of me."

"Isn't there a lot you have to remember to marry people?" Tiana asked.

"Not really. They all follow the same basic pattern. We're gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony. Do you take them to be your lawfully wedded spouse? And the first person says..."

"I do?" Luke said.

"Right, then I ask the second person 'Do you take them to be your lawfully wedded spouse?' You know the drill, right?"

"I do," Tiana said.

"Then I say 'By the powers vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you legally wed. Bingo, bango, bongo, you're married."

"Awesome," Luke said.

"Really awesome," Alex laughed, pointing her phone camera towards the two.

"Phil knew what he was doing," Manny said.

Tiana stood there, confused. "Wait, what?"
