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"What are we doing today?" I question my dancing bestfriend.

"I don't know, I don't think any of us wanna do much because of last night." She replies, finally sitting down.

"Yeah, I know you get the worst hangovers." I joke, laughing.

"Don't make me remind you of the time you threw up all over your crush." Hailey announces.

I roll my eyes and nudge her in the shoulder.

"You're so funny!" I sarcastically say, dragging on the y.

"I am hungry though." Hailey says, patting her stomach.

"Wanna go get something to eat then?" I question her, standing up. She nods at me and we walk out the hotel room. I pause, taking out my phone and texting Tom to let him know.


"Me and Hailey are going to get food, you guys coming?"

"Be down in the lobby in five."


Me and Hailey arrive at the lobby, waiting for the boys.

"Tom you're so annoying." Gustav announces, coming round the corner of the lobby.

"No, you're the one who pushed me into the wall, you bitch." Tom replies.

"Listen, I already have a pounding headache, so both of you shut the fuck up." Bill raises his voice, throwing his hands in the air.

"Oh hi!" Bill adds on, walking up to me and Hailey, hugging us.

"You okay?" Tom questions me as he hugs me. I hug him back and nod.

"What was up with Hailey?" He adds on again.

"Oh, don't worry about it." I say, pulling away.

"Okay, let's go." Georg demands, walking out the lobby.

Gustav and Hailey chase after Georg, while me, Tom and Bill walk behind them.

"Sof, when we are back I wanna look at the pictures from last night." Bill states with a smile.

"Okay!" I reply.

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The fact that Sofia has bought a side out of me that I never thought I'd see is beyond crazy. I'm not mad about it though. I'm grateful for her, so grateful. She came into my life at the very right moment, even seeing her smile makes me happy. I'm so happy to say I love her.

As I think about this, I put my arm around her. I feel her hand grabbing mine, with her head resting on my shoulder as we continue to walk.

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"Oh look! There's a restaurant." Gustav points out.

"Finally, I'm starving." Hailey grumbles.

"Yeah." Sofia agrees.

The group of six walk into the restaurant and wait for a waitress.

"Hello, do you have a reservation? We are quiet today so we have alot of space." A young lady speaks.

"No we don't, a table for six if that's okay?" Georg speaks.

"Of course! Right this way."

The group follow the waitress to a booth.

"I'll be back in a few minutes for your drinks." The waitress smiles, then walks off.

"Let me sit in the corner." Gustav demands.

"No, move now." Georg replies, pushing Gustav out the way.

"Oh my bloody hell, you're such a cunt." Gustav announces, throwing himself down.

"Thanks!" Georg smirks.

"You do realize there's two corners?" Sofia adds.

Gustav looks at one corner, then the other, awkwardly smiles and sits down in the other corner.

"Yeah, I knew that." Gustav mumbles. The group laugh and start scanning their eyes on the menu.

"Imagine having a salad." Hailey states.

"K, I won't have a salad then." Bill scoffs back sarcastically.

"You never eat salads anyway." Tom says, laughing.

"When you were ten you used to believe that eating carrots would give you super vision, shut up." Bill replies, kicking Tom's leg under the table.

"That's so cute." Sofia says sarcastically, patting Tom on the head.

"Pfft, yeah okay." Tom laughs.

Hailey starts banging her head on the table, causing it to shake. Sofia puts her hand underneath Hailey's head.

"Stop, what are you doing?!" Sofia questions Hailey.

"My head hurts so bad!" Hailey yelps.

"That's what you get for drinking that much." Sofia scoffs.

Hailey sticks her middle finger up at Sofia when they get approached by the waitress.

"Are you all ready to order?"

They nod, and start ordering their drinks.

"And for you, sir?" The waitress asks Gustav.

"A slushy." He says, smiling.

"Seriously?" Tom asks.

"Yeah, dude." Gustav replies, frowning his eyebrows.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." The waitress says, walking off.

"I'm a grown man, can I not order what I want?" Gustav scoffs.

"Exactly, a grown man." Tom replies.

"Leave him alone." Bill joins in.

"Yeah, leave me alone." Gustav says, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, whatever." Tom rolls his eyes, laughing.

"Here are your drinks!" The waitress says, placing them down.

"Are you ready to order your food?"

"I think so." Bill confirms, looking at the group of five sat around him.


The food arrives, and everyone starts to eat.

"Wait." Tom says, pausing everyone.

He grabs a napkin, placing it in and around Sofias top.

"If you spilt food down you once more, I'd have to start feeding you myself." Tom announces.

"Well, thanks!" Sofia giggles and continues to eat her food.

"I've been waiting for this." Hailey states.

"We can tell, you wouldn't shut up about food since last night." Georg replies.

"I wonder what else she wouldn't shut up about." Tom jokes, nudging Georg in the shoulder.

"Yeah, whatever." Georg laughs.

"Tom, mind your own business, yeah?" Hailey adds.

"Rather not." Tom mumbles.

The table is surrounded by smiles and laughs. Everyone is happy with how things are working out, friendships and relationships have formed. What could go wrong? In this current moment, no one believes that anything could go wrong, and that's all that matters.

They all finish their food, pay the bill and leave. The group gather outside of the restaurant.

"So, what now?" Sofia questions the group.

"Honestly, I wanna go back to the hotel for a while. We don't have anything planned, we have to leave later tonight though." Bill says.

"Okay, let's go." Hailey says, while walking back to the hotel.

๐—ฆ๐—ข๐—™๐—œ๐—”๐—ฆ ๐—ฃ๐—ข๐—ฉ

Me and Tom arrive back into our hotel room, and we both collapse on the bed in each others arms.

"Thank you." Tom mumbles.

I look up at him in confusion.

"Thank you for what, Tom?"

"Thank you for helping me find myself. Thank you for teaching me what love is and what it feels like."

"Don't thank me. Despite the wall you had built up around yourself, you deserve to be loved."

I take in a deep breath, looking at Tom.

"Don't be afraid to let me love you."

๐—ง๐—ข๐— ๐—ฆ ๐—ฃ๐—ข๐—ฉ

I feel my eyes begin to water, not because I'm sad. It's because I've never felt so loved before.

I grab her gently, kissing her forehead. Sofia locks her hand in with mine, and kisses me on the cheek. She takes her finger, and wipes away my tears. She flashes me a soft smile and hugs me.

"You're my blessing." I say, hugging her back.

"I love you." Sofia says.

"I love you too." I reply.

"Do you wanna go shopping?" She asks me, still holding my hand. I smile at her, and nod.

"Just five more minutes." I state, gripping my hold on her. I hear her muffled giggle and I smile.

๐—ฆ๐—ข๐—™๐—œ๐—”๐—ฆ ๐—ฃ๐—ข๐—ฉ
2:39 PM

"Argh, what's the time?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"Hi beautiful, you fell asleep. I didn't want to wake you." Tom replies, looking at me smiling.

"Can we go shopping now?" I ask, hopping up.

"Yeah, let's go." He replies, getting himself out of bed. He walks over to me, holding my waist.


We arrive into the town, we start by browsing and window shopping until I spot a black dress in the window. I stop Tom, and signal to go inside.


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"Hello, do you need some help?" A young lady questions me.

"Yeah, I'd like to try on that black dress in the window?" I reply, pointing at the dress.

"Of course! Follow the signs to the fitting rooms and I'll be back with the dress in a few sizes." She says, smiling then walking off.

"Come on!" I state, tugging Tom by the arm.

"Okay I'm coming!" He replies.

"Here you go. Let me know if you need anything else." The worker says, handing me the dress.

"Thank you." I reply, taking the dress and walking into a room.

"I'll wait here." Tom states.

I take off my top and black skirt, putting on the black dress in my size. I model it in the mirror, smiling. I step out of the fitting room, posing.

"That looks beautiful on you, sof." Tom mumbles, scanning me up and down. My cheeks go a little rosy and I smile at him.

"I'll buy it for you." Tom says, standing up and grabbing my waist.

"No, it's okay. I'll come back for it." I reply, looking up at him.

"No, please let me buy it for you." Tom pouts.

"No." I insist.


"Fine." I give in.

I smile, walking back into the fitting room and get changed again. I grab the dress, handing all the other ones to the lady. Tom and I head over to the cashier.

I feel bad for letting Tom pay for me, but the dress is nice.

"Do you need a bag?" The cashier asks.

"Yeah, please." Tom replies.

I look away from the price, I don't even wanna know how much it costs.

"Thanks." Tom says, nodding his head at the cashier. Tom hands me the bag, and I reach up and kiss his cheek.

"You didn't have to buy that for me." I state, walking out the shop.

"I know, but I wanted too." He replies, holding my hand.

We continue walking around, we walked into a few other shops but nothing caught our attention. Tom bought a pair of jeans and a few tops.

"I'm pretty much shopped out, wanna head back?" Tom asks, looking at me.

"Yeah, let's go." I reply.


