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I squint my eyes, pulling the covers up to my eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." Tom mumbles with a raspy voice.

"Good morning." I reply, rubbing my eyes.

I'm wrapped up in Tom's arms, I don't even want to get up. I wish we could stay like this forever.

"What do you want to do today?" Tom questions me.

"Whatever you want to do." I reply, half asleep still.

"I don't wanna get out of bed, my head hurts so bad." Tom replies, gripping his hold on me.

"Yeah," I chuckle lightly, "I wonder how Hailey is."

"I wonder what her and Georg got up to last night."

"Don't make me even try and think about it."

We both chuckle, and my eyes get heavy again then my phone rings.

It's Jessica.


"What?" I growl.

"It's only me, can I borrow your red dress?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"How are things? I know you miss your one and only little sister."

"Things are great, I've forgotten about you until now."

"I'm glad things are working out for you, you deserve it."

"Woah? Jessica Stark being nice?"

"Shut up, text me later."



"Who was that?" Tom asks.

"Just my sister."

"Oh the drunk one, I remember her."

"Hah, yeah."

"Okay, I'm gonna have a shower. You gonna be okay?"

"Not before me you're not." I giggle, shooting myself up and out of bed, I run towards the bathroom, opening the door and shutting it behind me.

"Hey, no fair!" Tom raises his voice from the other side of the door.

"Snooze you lose!" I reply, turning on the shower.

I hear Tom chuckle and sigh, turning on the tv.

I let the hit water drip down my skin, washing my hair. I rub the hotel shampoo in my hair, it smells like roses. I wash the top half of my body while I let the shampoo sit in. I wash out the shampoo and rubbing in conditioner to the ends of my hair, washing the rest of my body.

God, I needed this shower.

I turn it off, stepping out and wrapping a big towel around my body.

"SOFIA! SOFIA HELP ME!" Tom cries from the other side of the door.

Without hesitation, I immediately run out of the bathroom to see Tom on the floor.

"What?! Are you okay?!" I yell.

Tom starts laughing, looking up at me.

"You care about me." He states. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"That was not funny? You see my face? Not funny." I reply.

"No, you know you care about me." He insists, standing up and walking towards me. He lifts up my chin, smiling at me.

"You're right." I mumble, looking into his eyes.

He kisses my cheek lightly, looking me up and down then walks into the bathroom.

I look down, smiling. I walk over to the bed and sit down, watching whatever Tom was previously watching.

I grab my phone that's sitting on the bedside table and flip it over, texting Jessica.

"You wanted me to text you?"

"Have you seen the photos of you?"

I immediately shoot up.

"What? No, what photos?"

"I'll send you them."



I sit my phone down, biting my nails anxiously.


I contemplate picking up my phone again, but I do it anyway.

I gasp in shock, scrolling up looking at the headline.



Brunette girl, spotted with Tokio Hotel, mostly spotted with Tom Kaulitz. Pictures down below. We don't have a name or age yet, but we will update you all.


I throw my phone across the room, staring at the wall when I hear the shower turn off. Tom walks out of the bathroom, smiling but then stops when he sees my phone on the floor.

"What?" He asks, with a puzzled look on his face. He picks up my phone, staring at the screen. He looks up at me, at my phone, at me again.

"Don't stress," he starts, "You look so beautiful in these pictures." He says, walking over to me and giving me my phone. I smile, looking at it again.

"You don't care?" I question Tom who's sat next to me in a Towel.

"If you're stressed about it, don't be. It will blow over soon. Let them think whatever they think. We are just two people who have their privacy." He says, putting his arm around me gently.

"Thank you." I reply, smiling up at him.

"For what?" He asks me.

"For being here." I reply, looking away.

"Don't thank me, Sof. I love you."

I look up at him and smile.

"I love you too." I reply, resting my head on his shoulder.

My cheeks go red so I just look away again, getting up.

"I'm gonna go get ready." I state, grabbing my stuff and walking towards the bathroom.

I open my bag, looking at my clothes. I doubt we will be doing much today, so I don't really wanna dress up. Plus, my head is pounding.

"No." I mumble, throwing a top across the bathroom.

"Ew." I mumble again, throwing a skirt behind me.

"Yes." I state, holding up a white shirt and black skirt. I model it in the mirror and pose, acting proud.

I use my claw clip, clipping my towel together so it doesn't fall down.

There's a mini hotel hair dryer on the side, so I plug it in and turn it on, brushing my hair at the same time while drying it.

I dance while doing this, smiling.

I can't help it. I'm so happy with life, everything is turning out so well. My bestfriend is here, I'm getting along well with the band and I found someone who makes me happy. Someone who I truly love.

My hair wasn't that wet so it didn't take that long to dry. I switch off the hair dryer and put on my clothes.


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I take out my makeup bag, taking out some mascara, lip liner and blush. When I finish my makeup, I dig at the bottom of my bag for jewelry. I take out a few rings and bracelets, paired with a little necklace.

I brush out my hair, deciding to leave it down today but I put a hairband on my wrist just incase. Lastly, I spray on my perfume. I walk out of the bathroom to see Tom already changed.

"You look good." I state, walking over to him.

"Oh yeah? You too." He replies, putting his arms out. I throw myself into his arms and we sit like this for a while.

Toms phone buzzes off, but it's on my bedside table.

"Can you grab that for me?" He asks, looking at me.

I nod and smile, reaching over to grab his phone and passing it to him. I reposition myself how I was before.

"Oh it's Bill, he wants to know when we are meeting."

"Ugh, can't we stay like this?" I groan, getting up.

"Hey, ten more minutes won't hurt." He states, pulling me back down. I giggle and lay back on his chest.

"I'll tell him we'll meet him at his room in a few." He says, texting away.

"Okay." I reply.

My phone buzzes again, and I groan thinking it's Jessica, but it's Hailey.


I sit up, staring at the message scratching my head.

Me and Hailey have code numbers, and three hundred means "We need to talk." I look at Tom, smiling awkwardly.

"What?" He asks, tilting his head.

"I need to go see Hailey, text me whenever you leave to see Bill." I say, grabbing my stuff and walking out the hotel door.

I fastly run down the hallway, awkwardly smiling at whoever is walking past.

I bang on Hailey's door, tapping my foot while I wait for it to open.

The door swings open, and Hailey's standing there.

"What?!" I ask. She shoves her phone in my face, with the same pictures Jessica sent me.

I drop down to the floor dramatically, sighing.

"I know." I state, looking at the ceiling.

"I thought it was something bad, you idiot. You could have used fifteen instead or three hundred!" I scoff, allowing Hailey to pull me up.

"Okay well, fifteen means 'Come see me.' and who knew if you was gonna come straight away, I know what you're like." She says, pushing me into her hotel room.

Georg smiles and waves at me.

"You good?" Georg questions me, sitting on the bed.

"Yeah. I'm good, you?" I reply, smiling. He nods his head at me, getting up.

"I'm gonna go see Tom, see you Sofia." He says, opening the door, but then he turns around, looking at Hailey.

"Bye, bye Hailey." He says, smiling.

"Miss you already!" Hailey yells as Georg shuts the door.

"And what was that about, Hailey?" I say, sarcastically.

"You don't wanna know." She states, laughing.

"I know what you guys did." I stare at her in disgust, sticking out my tongue.

"You're telling me you and Tom did nothing?"

"I told him I love him." I say, smiling. Hailey jumps up, and starts dancing around, but then pauses dramatically, throwing her hands in front of her.

"He said he loved you back, right?" She asks, narrowing her eyebrows.

"Uhuh!" I say, nodding my head.

Hailey pulls me up, and continues dancing.


