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The band head back onto the stage for the rest of the performance and the crowd starts cheering and screaming like wild.

Sofia is walking around so much that sheย  manages to bump into Jessica.

"Omg! Hey. Where have you been Suzi?" Jessica slurs, jumping and down. Sofia rolls her eyes and pulls Jessica outside, away from the crowd and the music.

"Jessica, why would you get drunk? Now I have to spend my night taking care of you!" Sofia scolds her little sister who's touching the ground and rolling about in it.

"And my name isn't suzi, it's Sofia. I would've have thought you'd know that by now."

Jessica sarcastically puts her hand over her mouth and giggles. Sofia sighs, and puts Jessica's body weight onto her, practically carrying her to the car.

"Hey, Suz-Sofia where are we going?"

"The hotel, enough has happened for one night."


Sofia gets out the car, leaving her little sister who's already passed out in there so she can go and pay for the hotel. She walks to the boot and takes her mother's card out her bag.

There's a man at the desk, who's half asleep with half eaten donut down his top instead of actually in his mouth. Sofia stands in front of him awkwardly, waiting for him to say something.

"Uh? Hello?" Sofia mutters.

The man at the desk jumps and opens his eyes, he looks around for a few seconds, looks back at Sofia and blinks.

"Can I get a room for one night please?" Sofia asks with an awkward smile, twirling her hair.

The man logs onto his computer, and blinks at the bright light. He squints his eyes a couple times to adjust.

"For how many?"
"Two please."
"Two separate beds?"

The guy puts it through the records and Sofia pays. She squints in disgust of how overpriced this hotel is.

"Thank you, I'm just going to go grab my things and I'll be back for the room key." Sofia says, turning around and beginning to walk out when she pauses.

Tom Kaulitz and his band.

The four men are chattering away, they barely notice the woman who's standing in front of them.

Sofia flicks her hair in front of her face, with her head down and continues to walk out.

"Fuck sake." Sofia raises her voice and runs her hands over her face. She takes in a few deep breaths and continues walking to her car.

Sofia opens the passenger door, and Jessica falls out because she was resting on the car door.

"Well that wasn't nice." Jessica says, giggling.

"You need to snap back into reality for five minutes and help me carry the bags. I can't carry you and two bags." Sofia grunts, while trying to pick up her drunk little sister.

"Thank god our parents aren't here." Sofia mutters.

Jessica manages to get up and starts stumbling towards the boot. Sofia keeps her stable while she opens it and she picks both bags up, handing one to Jessica. Sofia throws Jessica's arm around her neck so Jessica has some support while walking. Sofia closes the boot and locks the car, putting her car key into her pocket.

The doors to the entrance of the hotel automatically open and the four boys are at the desk sorting out their bedrooms.

"Well, isn't this just fucking fantastic." Sofia thinks to herself, managing to keep herself barely standing with her drunk sister stumbling everywhere.

Jessica stumbles for a few seconds before moving her head forwards, looking at the four men in front of her.

Jessica gasps before opening her mouth, "Sofia look! It's Tokio Hotel!"

Sofia immediately goes to put her hand up towards her sisters mouth, but before she has a chance her drunk sister is already running but stumbling at the same time towards the band.

Jessica throws herself onto Georg.

"Woah there girl, how much have you had to drink tonight?" Georg chuckles, grabbing Jessica to keep her up right.

The four boys look behind them, spotting Sofia. Tom sighs and scratches his head in annoyance while Sofia chuckles and waves awkwardly.

"She broke my guitar, what is she doing here?" Tom states, turning to Bill.

Bill shoots Tom a look and walks over to Sofa.

"I suppose you've heard, I broke Tom's guitar." Sofia says, still awkwardly chuckling.

Bill immediately bursts out laughing, but still quiet so Tom can't hear.

"Yeah, I heard. You've been busy, I see? Breaking guitars and all and uh..." He points over towards Jessica.

"Hm. That's my Sister, Jessica. Someone slipped her a drink at your concert and that brings us to here." Sofia says, scraping her foot back and forth on the hotel floor.

"Well, do you need help with your bags?" Bill questions her and smiles.

Sofia nods and the duo walk back over to the front desk.

๐—ง๐—ข๐— ๐—ฆ ๐—ฃ๐—ข๐—ฉ

This has to be a joke, right? The girl who broke my guitar, who I also find attractive followed us to our hotel?

It's one in the morning, and Sofia still looks gorgeous. How does one do it?

I shake my head off for even believing I just thought that.

Bill and Sofia approach me and Gustav, and of course Georg who is chatting away with the drunk jumping girl.

"Couldn't get enough, hm? Broke my guitar and came back for more?" I say, sniggering.

"Don't be so cocky, me and my sister arrived here before you guys and as I say, it wasn't just my fault that your guitar got broken." Sofia snaps back at me and I immediately frown at her.

Bill looks thrown back but amused at the same time.

Gustav jokingly punches me in the shoulder and says, "That told you, didn't it?" I scoff and walk towards the elevator.

