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It had been an hour or since Tom and I got back to the hotel when I remember I need to go show Bill the photos. I remove myself from Tom's arms and get up.

"Where are you going?" Tom groans.

"I need to go show Bill the photos, remember?" I remind him.

"Ohh okay, let me come." He says, throwing himself out of bed.

"Let's go then."

I grab my camera and we walk out our hotel room.


"Wakey, wakey my one and only brother!" Tom laughs, knocking on Bills door.

"Shut up." Bill mumbles as he swings the door open.

"Can we come in?" I ask, smiling.

"Yeah, of course."

"I've got the camera to show you the pictures!" I state, waving the camera around in his face.

"Ahh! Let me see!" Bill says excitedly. He grabs the camera from my hand and starts to flick through the photos.

Me and Tom sit on the end of the bed, Tom tries to reach over Bills shoulders to look at the photos.

"Hey, Mr. impatient. Wait till your turn."

"Fine." Tom scoffs.

"Bill, you got anything to drink?" I question him, standing up.

"Yeah, on the side over there." He replies but doesn't look up or anything.

I look around, noticing the can of coke on the side. I grab it, opening it and sitting back down.

"What do you think?" I ask Bill as I take a sip of my coke.

"They're fucking amazing! Tom, look." Bill says, passing Tom the camera.

Toms face lights up as he starts flicking through the photos. As I watch him smile, I start smiling too.

God, his smile is so contagious.

"These are amazing, sof. I'm so proud of you." Tom states, throwing his arm around me and pulling me in.

"Thank you!" I reply, letting myself sink into Tom.

"We're gonna have to print these for sure." Bill adds on, grabbing the camera from Tom.

"Where's the others?" Tom asks.

"I think Gustav is asleep, I'm not sure about Hailey and Georg." Bill replies, turning on the tv.

"Bill, we went shopping!" I state.

"Couple activities." Bill mumbles, smiling at Tom and I.

"Yeah, okay." Tom says sarcastically, nudging his twin in the leg.

"I wanna see what you bought. How about we meet everyone in your room?" Bill asks, standing up.

"Yeah, okay. Sounds like a plan." I agree, looking at Tom waiting for his answer.

"Fine by me!" Tom confirms.

"Okay, I'll gather everyone." Bill nods his head.

Tom and I stand up and walk out Bills room, heading back to ours.

"You think Georg and Hailey are becoming like... a 'thing'?" Tom asks me while he opens our hotel room.

I shrug my shoulders and look up at him.

"Honestly, I don't know. I'd like to know myself." I reply.

"Georg spoke to me a little about it, he didn't say much though." Tom adds, sitting himself down.

I place my camera down and sit next to Tom.

"You excited for the next tour?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's usually the same anyway. It's still fun though." Tom replies. I smile at him and lay down.

"I'm excited to see you in the crowd again." Tom states, laying down beside me. I turn over and kiss him on the cheek when there's a bang on the door. I get up and open it.

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"Hey kid!" Georg says, rubbing his knuckles on Sofias head.

"Gustav didn't answer the door, I'm pretty sure he's asleep." Bill says, welcoming himself in.

"I missed you!" Hailey states, hugging Sofia.

"I saw you like two hours ago." Sofia replies, smiling.

Sofia shuts the door behind them and sits back down.

"Let me and Georg see the photos." Hailey says, reaching over for the camera. Sofia passes it to her and smiles.

"Let's see what you guys bought, I've been curious ever since you told me." Bill announces. Sofia heads over to the bags in the corner of the room and picks them up. Sofia takes out the black dress Tom bought her and holds it up.

"I will be borrowing that." Hailey demands, then fixating her look back to the photos.

"That's gonna look so good on you!" Bill states, grabbing the dress and admiring it.

"It looked amazing on her in the fitting room." Tom butts himself in the conversation.

"You should wear it to the next concert!" Bill adds on again.

"I don't wanna ruin it." Sofia shrugs.

"It won't get ruined." Georg announces.

"Eh." Sofia mumbles, folding it back up in the bag.

Everyone turns to Tom, waiting for him to show off what he bought.

"What?" Tom asks, looking around at the five people infront of him.

"We all know you can't wait to show us what you bought." Bill says sarcastically. Without another word, Tom throws himself up with a smile and everyone laughs.

"Okay, so I bought some more jeans." He states, holding them in front of his legs.

"Another pair?" Bill remarks.

"Shut up, as if you don't already have enough makeup." Tom scoffs.

"At least I use my makeup, half the jeans you've wasted your money on you don't even wear." Bill scoffs back.

"He has a point." Georg agrees.

"Anyway, then I got this top. Look at the blue and the black." Tom points out happily.

"Ew." Hailey mumbles.

Tom grabs a pillow and throws it at Hailey, who walks over to Tom and nudges him in the shoulder.

"That all you got?" Tom challenges Hailey.

"I wouldn't." Sofia mumbles.

Tom flashes Sofia a look and before you know it Hailey tackles Tom to the floor.

"You bitch." Tom grunts as he gets up.

"Yeah, okay." Hailey laughs.

"I tried warning you." Sofia states, shrugging her shoulders.

"Pft." Tom clicks his tongue.

"I'll get you back when you're least expecting it." Tom insists, moving himself away from Hailey.

"Okay, I'm gonna start gathering my stuff for tonight," Bill starts, "See you guys later."

"Bye Bill!" Sofia waves as she watches him walk out.

"Us too." Georg says, smirking at Hailey as he tugs her arm.

Both Tom and Sofia wave the duo goodbye, and then collapse into the bed.

"What's the time?" Tom questions Sofia.

"I'll look," She says as she reaches for her phone, "It's nearly six."

"Come here." Tom says, grabbing Sofia gently.

Sofia falls into his arms, and they both start falling asleep.

"Hey Tom?" Sofia mumbles softly.

"Hm?" Tom mumbles back.

"What are we?" Sofia asks but with a serious tone.

"What do you mean?" Tom sits up in confusion.

"Like are we a thing? What's going on between us?" Sofia sits up too, fixating her look on Tom.

Tom takes in a deep breath and smiles.

"We are whatever you want us to be." Tom replies.

"Well, I don't want to rush you." Sofia says, kicking her feet back and forth.

Sofia looks up at Tom, and Tom looks at Sofia.

The eyes never lie.

When Tom looks at Sofia, you can see a million feelings spark in his eyes; happiness, love, thankfulness. The way he touches her and smiles at her, you'd think that was Tom's first love. In some way it practically is. Sofia practically bought a whole new world to Tom.

Sofias had quite a few boyfriends before but none of them make her feel like Tom do. You can tell she's happy she didn't give up on him and she went with it. When Tom touches her, her cheeks go red and it's almost like she doesn't know how to react. Who would have known love can make someone feel like a silly teenager again?

"I mean, hopefully this gives you an answer." Tom says, as he reaches in to Sofia.

Sofia looks at him confused, but then her face returns to normal as Tom's lips intertwine the hers. It's long and passionate, like their communicating but through their lips.

Tom pulls away, putting his head on Sofias.

"I'm ready." He smiles.

"Me too." She replies.



