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Gustav and Bill follow behind tom while carrying Jessica and Sofia's bags, while Georg carries Jessica.

Sofia grabs the room key and quickly catches up with them as they all step into the elevator. Tom dashes in, and continuously taps the button to close the elevator door on Sofia.

Sofia throws her hands in between the doors in and steps in.

"You don't have to be such a jerk you know, I seriously don't know how you get all these women." Sofia snaps while wiggling in between Bill and Gustav.

"Don't blame me because you broke my guitar." Tom scoffs back.

"Tom, you don't have to be so stuck up about it. It's not the end of the world." Bill adds in, defending Sofia.

"Seriously? You're defending her? You don't even know her. You met her five minutes ago in the middle of a Hotel." Tom quickly snaps back at his twin.

Jessica stumbles in the middle of the group and puts her fingers to Tom's lips and shushes him.

"Shhhh, why argue when you can party?" Jessica slurs her words but she still manages to giggle.

Tom chuckles a little but then the elevator stops and the doors open.

"This is us," Sofia says, "Come on, Jessica." She says, while she struggles trying to grab the bags. She puts one bag on her left shoulder and the other on her right. Sofia takes Jessica's arm and links it in with hers.

Tom scratches his head.

"Look, give me the bags, I'll help you." Tom says, "I'll meet you guys later." He proceeds to add on.

Bill, Georg and Gustav all shoot each other a look and nod while Sofia stares at Tom and shrugs.

"Mk." Sofia mumbles.

Sofia sighs, passing Tom the bags while still linking with her sister.

Tom waves to the three boys who are still in the elevator as the door closes and starts carrying the bags to the room.

"What room are you in again?" Tom questions.
Sofia slips her room key out of her pocket, "Uh, 302."

Tom just nods and proceeds to walk. Jessica keeps mumbling words but it was hard to make out what she was trying to say.

Tom looks back at Sofia and pauses, waiting for her to catch up with him.

"What?" Sofia asks.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being so rude."

"Damn right you are." Sofia says, snickering.

Tom raises an eyebrow and chuckles lightly at her response.


"Well, here we are I guess." Tom says, dropping the bags outside Sofias door.

"Yep." Sofia says.

"Yeah." Tom says as he begins walking away.

Sofia shakes her head and raises her voice gently, "Hey!"

Tom comes to a pause and turns around, waiting for Sofia to finish her sentence.

"Thanks for the help." Sofia says, smiling.

"It's whatever." Tom adds, turning back around.

"Dick." Sofia mutters.

Tom chuckles and replies, "Oh, why thank you, Sof." He doesn't turn around at all, he just continues walking but Sofia could hear his light chuckles as he walks away.

Sofia flushes up and gasps but the sort of gasp only she can hear.

"Sof?" She thought to herself while opening the hotel room.

Sofia practically drags Jessica into the room, plopping her down on the bed and Jessica instantly passes out. Sofia goes back out to grabs the bags, and kicking the door shut with her foot.

Sofia changes into her pjs, brushes her teeth and puts her hair into a low ponytail.

She flicks off the lights and gets into bed.

2:52 AM.

Sofia kicks her feet at the end of the bed and sighs. She quietly gets up, and grabs her phone from the table where a little tv sits. She flips it open and sighs.

"Seriously," she thinks to herself, "I've been laying there for an hour and I still can't sleep? I need some fresh air." She grabs her camera and cautiously unlocks the hotel door, taking one last look towards her sister who's still passed out on the bed. She sighs in relief and steps outside the hotel room, holding onto the handle so the door doesn't slam.

Sofia takes a quick look left and right and starts tiptoeing to the elevator.

She steps inside, looking at what the different floors are. She roams her fingers around the different buttons.

"Hm, the roof has a pool?" She asks herself. She presses the roof button and looks around the elevator as it starts moving.

The elevator comes to a stop and she steps outside, following the directions to the pool.

She finds her way, taking her shoes off and dipping her feet in the water when she decides to flip open her phone and try and call her bestfriend, Hailey.

*๐˜™๐˜๐˜•๐˜Ž... ๐˜™๐˜๐˜•๐˜Ž... ๐˜™๐˜๐˜•๐˜Ž...*
*๐˜™๐˜๐˜•๐˜Ž... ๐˜™๐˜๐˜•๐˜Ž... ๐˜™๐˜๐˜•๐˜Ž...*

"Hey, hails."

"Oh hey, girl. Are you okay?" Hailey asks, concerned.

Hailey Revesta, who's also nineteen. Sofias best friend for three years. She's been with Sofia through thick and thin. She's always jumping into defend Sofia and would never miss a party. She's good at advice, but is never afraid to speak the truth. The only downside about her is that she has the brain of a blonde.

"No. I took my sister to a concert and it's all just blown back up in my face."

There's a massive sigh on the other end of the phone and rustling of sheets, meaning Hailey sat up.

"What happened?"

"Let's see, I broke one of the band members guitars, who I also kinda have the hots for and now the band is at my hotel."

There's suddenly a loud burst of laughter on the other side of the phone.

"Hah! You're so clumsy. That's made my day... well, night? Wait, what time is it?"

Before Sofia could answer, someone opens the door to the rooftop.

"Shit, I have to go. I'll call you later." Sofia mutters, hitting the decline button and flipping her back phone over.

*๐˜‰๐˜Œ๐˜Œ๐˜— ๐˜‰๐˜Œ๐˜Œ๐˜— ๐˜‰๐˜Œ๐˜Œ๐˜—*


"Oh, is someone up here?"

Sofia sighs in relief.

"Bill Kaulitz." She thinks to herself with a smile.

"Yeah, just me." Sofia whispers back.

"Sofia! I thought it was some random stranger, I got scared for a second." Bill says, giggling.

Bill makes his way over to Sofia and sits down next to her by the pool.

Sofia turns to look at Bill.

"What are you doing out here at this time? Don't you have another concert tomorrow or something?" Sofia questions him.

"I could ask you the same thing, it's a little over three am now, but no. We have three more days till our next one."

Sofia nods, picking up her camera.

Bill shoots a look towards her camera and smiles.

"Can I see?" Bill asks.

"Yeah! Sure." Sofia says, handing him the camera while giving him a brief smile.

As Bill flicks through, he smiles in amazement.

"These are amazing, Sofia. Do you have a job as a photographer?" Bill questions her, still flicking through her camera.

"No, I wish I did, I love photography. I've always wanted to be a photographer." Sofia says, sighing.

"I've got such a good idea." Bill states, setting Sofias camera down gently next to her.
