
───── ❝ TONKATSU ❞ ─────

now looking at you, he can see why


Tears fell from your eyes as you stared at the girl. "Aiko-chan... please don't go..."

The raven-haired girl could only smile sadly as she stared back at you, a hand gripping the cloth on her chest. "I'm sorry, [name]-chan... I have to." You could feel your chest drop at her words, waiting for her to continue. The light from your open doorway hid her unknown expression in a silhouette, "Besides..."


Aiko chuckled, "You kinda did this to yourself."

"Aiko-chan, please!" You screeched an ungodly sound as you wrapped your arms around the shorter girl's shoulders and clung to her tightly.

"You shouldn't have told him you were going to cook! You know that's one thing you can't do!" Aiko scolded, shrugging you off her shoulders.

You pouted as crocodile tears fell from your eyes, "Yeah, but I was so caught in the moment..." Mumbling, you squished the tips of your index fingers together, "Besides, he was saying that I should come over to his place instead, and you know I can't do that either!"

Aiko stared at you before sighing. "I have work and errands to do, you know this." It was then that the ravenette's stern expression turned to one full of gentleness and care, "If I could, I would help you. Tell you what, after my shift and once I got all my errands done, I'll see if I have time and I can try and cook you guys up something."

"B-but what if Mitsuya and his siblings get here before that?!" You freaked out.

"Well, that's why I brought you... this!" Aiko rummaged through her bag before pulling out a book and handing it over to you.

Raising a brow, you tilted your head as you read the title, "Cooking for dummies...?" Your pouted and narrowed your eyes at the girl in front of you who only smiled back innocently, "Are you mocking me?"

With a genuinely surprised face, Aiko shook her head, "What, no, of course not! I used that too when I first started cooking. It's good 'cause it uses pretty common ingredients one would find in the kitchen and the process to making the recipes aren't too hard! Wait... y-you do have ingredients in your kitchen, right?"

You glared harder at the girl as you gasped, "Of course I do, I went grocery shopping a few days ago! Who do you think I am?!" Your outburst caused the raven haired girl to laugh out loud.

"Yes, yes~" Aiko agreed before her eyes landed on something behind you and her face went to one of shock. "Oh gosh, I have to leave now or else I'm going to be late for work." Smiling happily, Aiko gave your head a pat, "Good luck, [name]-chan! You'll do great! Bye bye!"

And with those final words, your last hope of cooking an edible lunch for the Mitsuya siblings jogged away from your apartment door and down the stairs. When Aiko was out of sight, you sighed and closed the door behind you before making your way to the kitchen. As you slipped on an apron and tied the strings behind your back, you mocked your best friends words, cursing her under your breath for leaving you in your time of need.

You flopped the book down on your counter and began flipping through the pages. After quickly skimming through some recipes, you smiled wearily, "Okay... these don't seem so bad. I can do this, right?" You questioned no one in particular before nodidng your head and pumping your fists, "Oh, I can definitely do this!"


"I can't do this..." You croaked, a feeling of defeat washing over you as you stared at your mess of a kitchen, "I was just trying to make tonkatsu, how did it come to this?!" Your eyes peered over to the counter where a mess of all the right, and wrong, ingredients were displayed.

A few hours had passed since you began and the only thing you had managed to make that was edible was a fresh pan of cinnamon roles. "What am I gonna do..." You cried out to yourself, feeling hopeless. Glancing over at the clock, your heart dropped even more, "11:53... Mitsuya and his siblings are going to be here any minute and I don't have anything to present to them." You grumbled, planting your forehead on the dirty counter, "This was a mistake..."

You're so useless.

Your glare hardened as those words rang through your head, and before you knew it, you shot up to stand. No. No, I'm not. I can do this.

With your new found determination, you walked over to your sink and stared at the heaps of dishes and pans that had now piled up from al your 'cooking'. You swiftly opened the drawer and grabbed your washing gloves but as you were about to slip them on, you heard a loud knock on your door, instantly making you freeze.

Your eyes widened as you stood frozen in place. That can't be them... can it? You let a while pass as you stood in the same spot. Maybe they just got the wrong door...? But it didn't take long until the knocks was heard again and your heart sank. Plopping the gloves on the edge of your sink, you wwalked to the entrance of your kitchen before looking back at the mess.

Begrudgingly, you made your way to the front door and took a peek at the peep hole only to confirm your worst fears. Mitsuya stood in front of the door, hands both occupied by smaller one's on either side of his. From behind the door, you can hear him gently hushing the smaller humans next to him.

It can't be helped... With a heavy heart, you slowly opened the door and peeked over only to see Mitsuya's bright smile staring at you, "Ah, [surname], I thought we were at the wrong door!" He looked over at the two girls who you could only assume was his younger sisters. While the shorter one with space buns stared at you with a wide smile, you noticed the taller of the two hiding behind Mitsuya and peeking over at you, her tiny hands cluching on the fabric of her brother's pants. "Luna, Mana, say hi."

"Wah! Hello, onee-chan! I am Mana!" The one with spacebuns announced, her hand flying to the air as she looked up at you with bright eyes.

"G-good afternoon..." Luna mumbled, her grip on her brother tightening, "I-I'm Mitsuya Luna..."

As his younger sister spoke, Mitsuya couldn't help but chuckle as he pat her head, "Oi, what's wrong with you? You're not usually this shy..." Instead of answering, Luna simply covered her face using her brother, causing the both of you to chuckle. Mitsuya looked over at you and his mouth formed into an 'o' shape, "Were you still cooking? I'm sorry we came a bit earlier than expected, these two were so excited to meet you."

You raised a brow at his concerned words before realizing you were still in your very much dirty apron. With a red face, you laughed nervously and took a step out of your apartment, gently closing the door behind you. "About that... how about I treat you guys out instead?"

Mitsuya, although looking confused, still sent you a polite expression, "All of a sudden? I don't know... I would hate for you to spend money on us."

"N-no, really! I insist..." You chuckled nervously.

"But it seems like you've already cooked something?" Mitsuya responded with a raise of a brow, "I'd hate for your effort to go to waste."

You opened your mouth to say something, but felt yourself stuttering under Mitsuya's gaze. Meanwhile, Mana and Luna exchanged curious glances as they looked up between you and their older brother. Giving a nod, Mana suddenly burst out, "I wanna stay at onee-chan's place!" Without warning, the little girl ran up and wrapped her tiny arms around you.

You felt yourself being flustered by the sudden contact, "E-eh, are you-"

"Pweaaaseee, onee-chan?" Mana stared up at you with her round, bright eyes as her lips pout.

"Mana, we shouldn't force [surname]-nee-san if she doesn't-"

"Okay fine!" You gave in, falling to your kness and wrapping your arms around Mana in a tight hug.  After a while, you pulled away and looked up at Mitsuya with a shy pout. Noticing his suddenly wide eyes and agaped mouth, you looked away, "It's just... it's a mess in there right now and... I- Ihaven'tcookedanyhtingedibleyet."

What you were wishing for Mitsuya to not hear, he was able to understand clearly. He credited having to deal with whiny younger sisters for that. Although he was surprised at first, Mitsuya sent a gentle smile your way and let out a chuckle, "Is that what you're worried about?"

Pouting, you hugged Mana once again and hid your face in her fluffy her, something the little girl was throughly enjoying. "It's embarassing... After all, I did invite you guys over."

"Yes, but it was my idea for us to meet up like this." Mitsuya let out a nervous chuckle as his eyes darted around, "To be honest, I felt terrible having to put the responsibility on you like that. How about we work together instead?" With a smile that could rival the gods, Mitsuya lent a hand out to you.

It didn't take long for the heat to rise to your face and you instantly tore your gaze away from the shining boy as you felt your heart beat a million miles per second. You let go of Mana and placed a hand on to Mitsuya's outstretched one. As he pulled you up to your feet, you refused to look at the lilac-haired boy, but he fortunately didn't seem to mind as his attention was now on his younger siblings. "Luna, Mana, we're going to cook together again, okay?"

The faces of the two young girls instantly lit up as they cheered before rushing inside your apartment. "A-ah, wait, you can't just-" Realizing they weren't going to hear him, Mitsuya sighed and sent an apologetic smile your way, "Sorry about them, they get excited sometimes."

You chuckled and shook your head, "It's okay, I understand." You smiled at the boy, "Shall we?" You gestured inside your apartment, to which Mitsuya nodded in response. Letting him go first, the two of you made your way inside, hand-in-hand.


"Mana, you're making a mess!" You heard Luna complain. Chuckling, you turned to see the two younger Mitsuya sibling's bickering as they worked together to dip the raw porkchops between the egg, flour and bread crumbs.  "Let me do it!"

"No! Stay at your station!" Mana bickered back, shoving Luna with her hips as she suddenly dropped the porkchop she was holding onto the flour, getting it all over their faces.

"Now, now, you don't want to make a bigger mess in [surname]-nee-san's house, do you?" Mitsuya intervened, grabbing a damp paper towel he already prepared and wiping the faces of his two sister's clean. After hearing what their brother had to say, the two girl's straightenend up and quieted down, mumbling a 'yes sir'.

As you notice Mitsuya start to turn towards you, you instantly turned back to your task at hand: preparing the shredded cabbage. Unfortunately, a shredder was the one thing you didn't have (amongst other things you did not know about) and so you had to dice the cabbage into tiny, fine pieces by hand. With your already amazing knife skills, you just knew how this was going to go.

"How's it going here, [surname]?" Mitsuya questioned, popping up beside you.

You flinched at his sudden, yet expected, appearance, and fumbled around with the knife in your hand. "Oh you know... going..." Your eyes drifted down to the still intact cabbage that was under your hand and the one slice you managed to make. You chuckled nervously and tried to play the embarassment off, "I- I'm really just not that good with a knife, so bare with me..."

Mitsuya looked at the terribly dangerous way your hands were positioned. You stole a glance at his straight face - if he was apalled by the way you were cutting the cabbage, he sure wasn't letting you know it. What a gentleman... You internally thanked.

The lilac-haired boy simply smiled, "May I?" He asked, looking at you.

Nodding your head, you were about to let go of the knife and step to the side to give Mitsuya some room, when you suddenly felt a presence behind you and two arms going around either side of you. With your eyes wide, you stared at Mitsuya's hands which were now on top of yours, guiding you as you cut the cabbage into fine pieces.

Your senses were all over the place. You didn't have to look at a mirror to see how wide your eyes were and you were sure Mitsuya could feel your heart beating at rocket speeds with him pressed up against you. You could hear the boy talking, probably telling you tips about how to properly cut the cabbage, but it was all a muffled slur as your mind was going haywire. You felt your hands moving and at that point, you didn't know if it was you controlling them or it was Mitsuya moving you because you simply felt like you had no control.

Taking your eyes away from your hands and gazed up, sneaking a peek on the lilac-haired boy. And you instantly regret it. His face was closer to you than you would have preferred, but you did not know whether you liked it or not. From the close proximity, you were able to appreciate every single feature on his face that made Mitsuya the attractive boy he is. This only sent your heart to the stars and you instantly looked back at the task at hand.


"It's not too hard, really." Just as quick as it arrived, Mitsuya's presence around you disappeared and he then took a step back, leaning on the counter beside you, "You just have to be careful to keep moving your fingers back. Go on, try it." You blinked at the now half-cut cabbage, before looking up at Mitsuya with a distressed stare. Raising a brow, he tilted his head in confusion. "Are you okay, [surname]? Your face is red..." It didn't take long for the realization to set in Mitsuya's face and you noticed his pale cheeks obtaining a red hue as well as he turned his head away.

"O-oh, I'm sorry about that!" He apologized, still refusing to make eye contact in his distressed state, "It's just, that's how I teach Mana and Luna... I should have been more appropriate."

You shook your head violently and kept your eyes on the cabbage. "N-no, it's okay..." Was all you could muster out before a silence enveloped the two of you.

Mitsuya fidgeted where he stood before finally mustering up the courage to look back at you. He held back a chuckle as he looked at your determined expression as you slowly cut the vegetable at your hands. You looked lovely as you did so, strands of hair falling to your front but you didn't mind them. You were lovely too, in the inside. Mitsuya smiled, "No wonder Mikey is so fond of you..."

"Luna, stop it!" As his younger sister's voice reached his ears, Mitsuya's eyes widened and he instnatly made his way back to Mana and Luna just before they started throwing flour at each other.


"Ah~ That was so yummy!" Luna exclaimed, setting her chopsticks down on her empty and dirty plate before leaning back on her chair beside you.

"And the cinnamon roles you made were delicious too, onee-chan!" Mana agreed, roughly rubbing her face with a paper towel.

You chuckled at her antics before grabbing all the dirty plates off the table and and heading towards the sink. Mitsuya watched as you made your way to the sink before looking at his sisters, "Mana, Luna, let's help [surname] clean so we can head on home, okay?"

"But I'm so tired and full!" Mana complained, patting her slightly bloated belly. Mitsuya could only chuckle nervously at the young girl.

"Come on Mana, we don't want to overstay." Mitsuya insisted, getting up from his seat and making his way next to you. Mitsuya grabbed the sponge as you were sorting out the dishes and you instantly grabbed it away from him, "[surname]?"

"You guys are guests here! Go on and relax." You told him, sending a smile his way, "I'll be fine here."

Mitsuya frowned at your words and shook his head, "No, I insist."

"Mitsuya, you already helped me cook the food that I was supposed to make for you guys!" You tried to argue, doing your best in keeping Mitsuya away from the sink. "In fact, you guys made it! I was just stuck on the cabbage most of the time!"

As the two of you were arguing, Mana and Luna exchanged glances once more before nodding their heads towards each other. As if they could read each other's minds, the two got up from their seat and made their way to stand on either side of you and Mitsuya. With mischievous little smirks on their faces, they both pushed to the side, sandwiching you and Mitsuya together.

"Onee-chan, let us help!" Mana insisted from beside you, her hands splashing the water running from the sink. 

Luna nodded, her head peeking form the other side of Mitsuya to look at you, "We want to!"

Mitsuya, who instantly caught on what his sisters were trying to do, chuckled nervously and fought against Luna's incessant pushing. He looked over at you and smiled, "See, [surname]? We really don't mind."

You pouted and looked over at him, feeling terrible for having your guests help you clean, "Well... if you insist... But I'll be washing the dishes!"

"I understand." Mitsuya then looked at Luna, "Come here." He took a step back, causing Luna to stumble but he managed to catch her in time. Before he even said anything else to her, Mitsuya grabbed Luna by the hand and led her to the counters to clean the mess there.

Meanwhile, you and Mana got going in washing the dishes. The little girl was insistent she helped you, so you allowed her to wash the soap out of everything that was safe for her to wash. As the two of you did, Mana kept telling you stories about her adventures with her older siblings, making extravagent hand gestures and occasionally getting water on the both of you.

"And then onii-chan told me we would build an entire castle from the ground up!" Mana continued, "Although I don't know how we're going to do that... He really has to be realistic sometimes."


In the background, you can hear Mitsuya and Luna having their own conversation and goofing around with each other. You took a peek at them and watched as Luna set some stray pieces of cabbage inside her brother's pocket. She would have gotten away with it too if she didn't end up giggling immensely and making Mitsuya suspicious. 

You turned your attention back to the plate you were currently cleaning and took in all the noise. You loved living by yourself, you did. But every once in a while, you did miss all the noise that a full house had and it made you want ot return to Yokohama. But you knew you couldn't go back there. You needed every piece of freedom you can get after all.

However, now taking in all the noise that the Mitsuya sibling's were creating, you couldn't help but smile. It made your house feel more like a home. Yes, you're washing more dishes and had to cook more and proper food, but you have company and that overrode all the negatives. It truly warmed your heart.

Smiling to yourself, you gazed back at Mitsuya and Luna who were just about done cleaning their area.

It's like a small little family...



Your eyes widened at your thoughts and you instantly turned your head back, feeling heat rise up to your face once again. No! Bad [name]! You scolded yourself, vigorously scrubbing the plate in your hands.

Mana raised a brow at you and tilted her head, wondering why you were being so mean to the plate. "Onee-chan?"

But you didn't hear her. You were trying to clean the plate like you were trying to clean your brain out of your wild thoughts. What you didn't realize however, was the pressure you were putting on the plate and before you knew it-

"Ah! Onee-chan!"

Your eyes widened as you stared at the now broken plate in your hands. Mitsuya and Luna came running to the two of you as they heard Mana yell out.

"Are you okay? Mana?" Mitsuya's gaze fell over to you, "[surname]?"

You slowly nodded your head before letting out a chuckle, "Y-yeah, it just slipped out of my hands..."

Mitsuya let out a sigh of relief and nodded, "As long as you're not hurt. Do you have newspaper to wrap it up with?" You nodded before pointing him towards the direction.

"Ah! Dog!" You and Mitsuya turned towards the younger kids who seemed to be standing over something. It seems that Mitsuya and Luna weren't the only ones who ran up to you after hearing Mana scream, as Pao was now standing in front of the two girls, her tail wagging happily.

"Doggy!" Mana shouted excitedly, kneeling down in front of Pao and petting her head.

"Her name is Pao!" You told the two, quickly finishing up the dishes with the help of Mitsuya. "Seems like she's finally woken up from her nap~"

"Nii-chan, can we play with Pao, please?!" Luna asked, running up to her brother and pulling on his arm.

Mitsuya smiled at the two with an uncertain look, "I don't know... It's getting late and [surname] might not be comfortable with that."

Instinctively, Mana and Luna turned their heads towards you with pleading eyes. You could only chuckle as you stared over at them. "Of course I'm okay with that. And I really don't mind you guys staying a little longer, I enjoy the company!"

So with happy cheers from the two girls, Mitsuya let out a defeated sigh before mouthing to you a 'thank you'.

The four of you made your way to the living room where you and Mitsuya sat together on the couch, watching the TV and chatting while Mana and Luna played and ran around with Pao, laughing. You truly felt sorry for your downstairs neighbours.

Eventually though, Mana sat down and cuddled into you. You smiled and wrapped an arm around her smaller body as she rested her head on your lap. You didn't think much of it as you heard her still laughing and chuckling everytime Pao came up to her, but you eventually noticed her quietness.

"Ah, this one is knocked out..." You mumbled, looking over at Mitsuya only to see Luna leaning on his shoulder, also asleep.

"Luna is too." Mitsuya mumbled. "They got up extra early cause they wanted dress up nicely for you. Besides, it is around the time for their nap time now. We should head on home."

Mitsuya was about to get up but you stopped him with a hand on his leg, "No no, no need to wake them up." You told the boy, yawning as you felt the children's tiredness seep in to you. "I don't mind really. Let them nap and then you three can leave when they're awake."

Mitsuya looked at you with his mouth agape before smiling gently, "Thank you, [surname]. You really are a kind person." You did nothing but smile in response before feeling sleep takeover you as well. It didn't take long before you too succumbed to sleep.

From beside you, Mitsuya gazed over to look at you. Your head hung forward in your sleeping state, and although most of your face was covered by strands of your hair, he still thought that you were simply stunning.

"[surname]-chin is really important to me. I would do anything to protect her."

Those words rang through his head, and initially, Mitsuya didn't understand why Mikey had to hold a meeting for simply that. Besides telling everyone the history you two had, Mikey went on and on about how you had to be protected. Mitsuya thought he understood - he felt that way towards his siblings, family, and all of Toman, but what he didn't understand was why it felt different.

Now looking at you, he can see why.

As gentle as possible, Mitsuya moved you closer to him and laid your head on his shoulder. Getting influenced by everyone sleeping around him, Mitsuya also fell asleep, his head leaning on yours.



In the quiet of the apartment, the door creaked open and behind peeked a certain raven haired girl. "[name]-chan?" Aiko whispered, looking around to find any traces of the [h/c]-haired girl. When she didn't find any, she opened the door fully and walked in, her face laced with concern.

Taking off her shoes, she failed to notice the extra pairs at the front in her hurry. It was then her eyes landed on a certain puppy that stood in the middle of the hallway, looking at her with her tongue hanging out her mouth. "Pao! Where's [name]-chan?"

As if she understood, Pao then led Aiko to the living room where [name] and the Mitsuya siblings slept together. At the sight, the raven-haired girl had to cover her mouth to keep herself from squealing at the sight in front of her.

When she had calmed down a tiny bit, she made her way to the kitchen and left a container in her bag. Quickly writing up a note, Aiko left it on the lid before making her way back to the front door. Before she did, she gave once last glance at you and Mitsuya, sleeping with your heads together.

"Looks like she had it all under control~" Aiko chuckled softly as she put on her shoes. Giving Pao a pat on the head, she made her way out of the apartment with a gentle click of the door.


You were the first one to wake up. Feeling something soft on your head, you gazed up and noticed Mitsuya leaning on to you. In a panic, your eyes darted around everyone. Oh how you wanted to just jump up and get yourself out of that situation, but you didn't want to wake the siblings up. 

Eventually, you managed to shimmy your way out without waking any of the three and made your way to the kitchen with a yawn. There, you saw a big container with a piece of paper on top.

I didn't have much time to make more so I made onigiri for you guys instead! There's plain, tuna mayo and kimchi. 

You let out a sound of intrigue as you opened the container and seeing all the onigiri inside. Grabbing a plain one, you began to munch on it as you continued reading the note.

btw I see the day went well~ Great job making those moves girl! I'm rooting for you! I think you guys look absolutely adorable together! ;)

-Aiko ♡

You nearly choked on the onigiri you were eating as you read the last part.

Damnit Aiko!


babe wake up, new update just dropped

on a more serious note, absolutely hate university - especially finals season. the amount of papers I had to write in a span of one week is insane.

but also ignore the fact I procrastinated the entire sem LOL

anyways, thought our husband material needed some love so here ya go :P


Who do you think needs more attention in this book? Besides Koko ofc o.o dw his arc is on the way!

Hope you guys enjoyed ^^
