
Before we begin...

Happy 50th Chapter to Photograph!

I never imagined I would get this far in this story but I'm so glad I did cause I enjoy writing this so much.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting this story, especially to those who have been here from the start. I love you all <3

I hope you all continue to enjoy the rest of this story!


───── ❝ A FUTURE FAR AWAY ❞ ─────

"Oi, Mikey, Draken, you guys are going to get hurt if you do that!"

You smiled up at the female, chuckling at her tired expression as she took a seat beside you, her arms crossed.

"Jeez, I swear those two never fail to do things that'll get them hurt." Emma huffed, glaring hard at the two boys who were currently trying some stunts out on their bikes.

You laughed as you handed her her drink, "It's like you're their mom or something."

Emma sighed, "It feels like that, honestly. Even though they're both older than me." With a pout, Emma sipped her drink. "You probably have it worse since Mikey keeps dragging you around everywhere. Honestly, I don't know what you see in my brother..."

You blushed at her comment and just chuckled, "He has a charm." You simply commented, eyes landing on your boyfriend who was laughing out loud. When he noticed you looking at him, he sent you a bright smile and waved. You waved back.

"But you know, I'm really glad you're dating Mikey." Emma brought up, and you turned your gaze toward her, "It means he has someone he can lean on. Both him and Draken..." You raised a brow at her and Emma chuckled.

"I mean, it's reassuring to know that when I'm not there, there will be someone who will take care of those two idiots." The blond quickly explained, eyes filled with care as she gazed at the boys.

Your eyes were filled with concern, "Emma-chan, what're you talking about? Why wouldn't you be here?"

Emma raised a brow at you before laughing, "Jeez [name]-chan, don't take it so morbidly! I'm just talking about if I went on a vacation or something. I don't want to be taking care of those two my entire life! I'm a young girl, y'know, I have a whole life ahead of me!"

You joined in on her laughter, suddenly feeling a weight off your chest. "What makes you think I wouldn't want to join you?"

"Eh, you're right!" Emma shrugged, "If those two blow things up if they're left alone, that's on them!"

Your laughter echoed through the street, catching Mikey and Draken's attention. "Eh, what're you two laughing about?" Mikey questioned as they approached you both. He slumped down next to you, instantly grabbing one of your hands in his own before leaning on your shoulder.

Draken cleared his throat as he sat down next to Emma.

"Nothing~ Just talking about how perfectly competent you and Kenny are!" You teased the blond, smiling at him as you did.

"Heuh?! Is that supposed to be sarcastic?!" Draken's eyes widened and he pointed an accusatory finger toward you, causing you to laugh.

As the three of you bickered, Emma sat in between silently. She perched her chin atop her hands as she leaned forward, hues focused on the setting sun. Although the space around her was anything but quiet, she enjoyed it. To her, it was a peaceful and perfect moment.

It was her serenity.

Shutting her eyes, Emma smiled and listened to you, Mikey and Draken bicker.  All of a sudden, she stretched her hands overhead and leaned back, lying down on the tatami flooring of their house. You, Draken and Mikey looked at her with worry but felt a bit better seeing the bright smile on her face.

"Ah, I wish moments like these would last forever!" Emma sighed, opening her eyes to look at the three of you.

Smiling, you also laid down and leaned your head against hers. Mikey and Draken followed suit, although hesitantly.

"Yeah, me too!"

You stood frozen in your spot, your breathing rapid as you stared at your friend's body.


You felt weak and your legs buckling underneath you, but despite this, you forced yourself to sprint toward the girl. When you neared her, you fell to your knees beside her.

Takemichi was in tears as he held Emma in his arms, muttering things you didn't care to understand. Instead, you grabbed one of Emma's hands within your own and squeezed them, "Emma-chan, please wake up." You cried with a shaky voice, tears already spilling from your eyes. You pressed her hand to your lips as you tried your best to provide warmth to her body.

"Takemicchi... [name]-chin... what happened here?"

At the sound of his voice, your heart dropped. You turned your head to see Mikey standing not too far away, his eyes wide as he stared at the unconscious girl on the ground. Behind him, Inui looked shocked.

Meanwhile, Izana could only keep his eyes on you. Oh how he wanted to wipe the tears from your eyes, but he couldn't. Not yet, at least. So amidst the chaos, he turned on his heels and quietly left.

"Manjiro..." Your voice wavered as you stared at the male, too hard to keep stable due to the tears flowing from your eyes.

Mikey didn't speak and only trudged his way towards you with heavy feet, his eyes never leaving Emma.

"Mikey-kun..." Takemichi cried, "I- I'm so sorry! A bike came and hit Emma and... and... it was Kisaki..." Takemichi was unable to continue as tears took over him. He stared down at Emma's figure in his arms.

She looked so peaceful.

Mikey didn't hear any of the words Takemichi uttered. As soon as he reached the three of you, he fell to his knees in front of her, his face filled with shock and despair.


You tried to wipe away the tears from your eyes but every single one was replaced with more. "We— we have to hurry and get her to the hospital!" And although you meant your words, something in the back of your mind said it was futile. You watched helplessly as Takemichi helped Emma onto Mikey's back.

The hospital was too far away. You would never make it in time.

Is this how it ended for Emma?

Just a while ago she was walking happily with you with the brightest smile on her face. Why did she have to get involved? She was innocent!

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked over to see Inui. He tried his best to send you a reassuring smile, but even he found it hard in this situation.

Everything ached as you walked. You couldn't even say a proper goodbye to her. She was taken away so quickly. So brutally. So suddenly—

Wait a second.

You perked up.

"Those..." More tears flowed from your eyes, "Those are sirens nearby." You looked over to Takemichi and Inui and they instantly got the message, running off to find the source.

Within a minute, the two came running back with exactly what you were hoping for right behind them.

An ambulance.

It came to a screeching halt next to you, Mikey and Emma and nurses instantly jumped out from the back with a gurney. Before asking questions, they instantly identified Emma and took her from Mikey's hold, lying her down.

"What happened here?" The head nurse questioned you and Mikey. You glanced over at the boy who's eyes were focused on Emma who was getting checked up by other nurses.

"U-uh, blunt force head injury." You stated. Before you could say anything more, the nurse nodded his head before rushing back to his team. Within a minute, they had rolled Emma back into the truck and got inside.

"I can take two of you." The head nurse stated, eyes moving between you, Mikey, Inui and Takemichi.

Without even exchanging words, you and Mikey climbed in.

"We'll meet you guys there," Inui stated, eyes locking on to yours and he sent you a smile. You did your best to send one back before shutting the ambulance doors.

Throughout the ride, you did your best to contain yourself. Your eyes focused on Emma as the nurses scurried about her. It was then that you felt a warmth on your hands and you looked over to Mikey. He was also focused on his sister, yet he still gave comforting squeezes to your hand. Feeling a stinging in your eyes, you scooted over to the boy for warmth and comfort. Just like you used to do, you hugged his arm and cuddled into him, your hold on his hand tightening.

My name is Sano Emma.

Emma's eyes squeezed tighter before she fluttered her eyes open. Weakly, she looked over at you and Mikey. "Mikey... [name]-chan..."

I'm the youngest of three... well, four siblings.

There are only two of us left at our house, though. Me and my big brother, Mikey.



You and Mikey lunged forward to get closer to the girl while still giving her space. Emma looked so frail and it made you shiver, but you felt a warmth in the form of Mikey's hands.

"What happened... where am I?" Emma's eyes slowly wandered around the ambulance, her mind barely able to take in what was happening.

I love Mikey with all my heart. He can be a bit stupid at times, but that doesn't change anything.

He's the best big brother I could ask for.

I was so happy when Mikey and [name]-chan started dating. They're perfect for each other! I just knew how much Mikey loved her.

"We— We're headed to the hospital, okay?" You whispered to her, "Just hang on."

"Ah... I see..." Emma's eyes landed on yours and Mikey's interlocked hands and beneath the oxygen mask that covered her mouth, she smiled.

She was glad. Despite everything you two have been through, she truly believed that you and Mikey belonged together.

At times, I'd get jealous though. I wish the man I love loved me as much as Mikey loved [name]-chan.

"Hey... [name]-chan, Mikey..." Emma spoke weakly, feeling how difficult it became to breathe. "If anything were to happen to me..."

"Oi, stop talking like that." Mikey sniffed, his eyes narrowing, "Nothing's going to happen to you. You're going to be fine."

Emma took in a deep breath before chuckling weakly, "Please tell Draken..."

"I love you, Draken."

You felt your breath hitch upon hearing Emma's words and suddenly that day when you were sick came running back to you.

"No. I'm not telling him that." Mikey instantly denied, "You'll have to get better quickly so you can tell him yourself, got that?"

I love him with my entire being. My whole heart.

But he never felt the same way.

Emma let out a weak chuckle. Everything about her seemed weak. Her breathing, her eyes. Her.

You felt your heart beat faster as you noticed Emma's eyes slowly shutting and you leaned closer to her, holding one of her hand's tightly within your own.

"Y— y'know, Emma-chan, Kenny probably wouldn't want me telling you this but he loves you back, y'know?" You told her, desperately trying to keep her with you. "He told me! That day I was sick, he told me how he truly felt and he loves you, Emma-chan! That's why..." Your voice cracked, "Please get better... So you and him..."

You couldn't take it anymore. Tears overtook you and you were no longer able to get any words out.

Emma's breathing was getting sparse. It became harder and harder for her to keep her eyes open, much less herself conscious.

But she heard your words, and with all the strength she had left, she smiled at you and Mikey.

"Really? I'm so glad..."

Emma's eyes shut, tears blinking out of them. You stared with wide eyes as the nurses pushed you and Mikey back as they worked on reviving Emma.

You truly are an amazing person. To lie just to make me feel better.

I know he doesn't love me, because the one he truly loves is you.

But maybe deep down he did have the same feelings for me. He's been giving me so much attention recently, after all.

Or maybe I'm just in denial.

Y'know, for a while now, I've been dreaming of a future. A future where you and Mikey are together. You're married and even have a kid of your own.

I was so happy when I saw you two holding hands. It gave me hope that maybe you would end up together again.

And you know what, me and Draken would be together too.

And our kids would play together and be the best of friends. We would all grow together as one big family.

Mikey and Draken would have a party with Takemichi-kun and the rest. We would play with our kids and occasionally yell at the guys for making too much noise.

But despite that, we would enjoy the noise because it was so lively.

It was our family.

That was the future that I wanted for us all.

The future that could've happened.


It seems so far away now.


( )┻━┻

i wanted to get this chapter out asap so i wasnt the only one suffering
