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───── ❝ HER ❞ ─────

You have to save her, Takemichi




Takemichi woke up with a scream, waving his arms around everywhere. Sweat was dripping down from his forehead as he looked around at his surroundings. Tears were falling from his eyes when he realized where he was.

"Takemichi-kun!" The now raven-haired boy glared at the voice coming towards him.

It took Takemichi every ounce of will within him to not tackle the boy to the ground, "What were you doing there, Naoto?!"

Tachibana Naota raised a brow at the older man in front of him, "What are you talking about?"

Takemichi pouted and explained his whole fiasco to Naoto, only to get a hit on the head from the police officer. After getting another lecture from Naoto about his time travelling abilities, Takemichi took this as his moment to tell him about his findings.

"A-anyways, Mikey may be a delinquent but he's a really good guy!" Takemichi tried to reason.

"What? So you didn't kill him?"

Takemichi took a step back. "K-kill...?"

Naoto glared at the man in front of him. "You're saying that the guy who killed my sister is a good person?! Did he put one over you in the past?!

"No, he didn't!"

"That 'Mikey' you talk about from the past is no longer the same one now." Naoto told him, "This Mikey is so involved in various crimes and that not even the police can handle him!" With a hand to his chest, Naoto glared down at the ground. "If I could... I would kill him with my own two hands."

Takemichi held his breath as he watched Naoto. With a sigh, he walked over to the couch and sat down. "I want to talk to Mikey-kun..."

"Are you crazy? It's too dangerous!"

"Mikey-kun is someone we can trust." The ravenette stated with a shake of his head, "I want to hear it from Mikey-kun himself why Toman had changed..." With a determined glint in his eye, Takemichi locked eyes with Naoto. "Help me find Mikey-kun, Naoto."

Naoto looked down at the older male in front of him before letting out a sigh, "Alright, fine..." Before making his way to the computer, he sent a soft smile towards Takemichi's way, "I don't know what happened in the past but you've matured a lot, Takemichi-kun. You're no longer weak."

Oh Takemichi let this get to his head. "Wait, did you just call me cool? Does that mean I'm cool now? Hey, hey-"

"Anyways, time to get to work."


An hour has passed and still Naoto and Takemichi have yet to find anything to help them. Takemichi groaned and leaned back on the couch, stretching his arms overhead. "Agh, I'm getting tired of this!"

"You mustn't lose focus, Takemichi-kun." Naoto reminded him, his gaze never leaving the laptop in front of him. "If you keep acting like that, we'll never - Huh... what's this?"

Takemichi instantly got up and headed over to look at Naoto's laptop, "What's what?"

"A new file... this wasn't here before your time leap..." Naoto clicked on the file and instantly, both their eyes widened.



The two boys looked at each other with wide eyes upon seeing the picture of the [h/c]-haired girl on the file. "N-Naoto... why is she..."

"This can't be..."Naoto mumbled, "[name]-san was never part of the Toman case before your timeleap" He snapped his head towards Takemichi, an unreadable expression on his face, "What happened back in the past that changed things?"

Takemichi could only stare at your picture. "I... I don't know." His mind suddenly flashed to all the times he noticed you interacting with the two leaders of Toman, "But I have noticed that she seems to have some sort of connection with Mikey and Draken. I think it existed even before my time-leap." His eyes widened, "Maybe we can contact her to get to Mikey?!"

Naoto listened closely to what Takemichi was saying as he scanned your file closely. His grip around his mouse tightened as he reached a certain section. "As easy as that would make our job, it seems that it would be impossible to accomplish."

"What? Why..." Takemichi questioned.

"[surname] [name]-san was found in abandoned apartment..." Naoto gulped as he continued to read your file. "She... she had committed suicide via bullet to the head."

Takemichi brought a hand up to his mouth in surprise upon hearing what Naoto just said. "Are... are you kidding?"

Naoto clenched his fist on the table. "Takemichi-kun, I wish I was." He barely managed to get out a mumble as he thought of the image. His heart ached.

"What else does it say?"

"There are no more details regarding what's happened to her..." Naoto told him, trying to find any more answers regarding your passing. "In fact, there are barely any details about her life at all..." He then turned to Takemichi, "However, I will not be surprised if Toman had anything to do with this, considering what you just said about her previous relations with the gang."

"No way... [surname]-san? Killing herself?!" Takemichi couldn't believe his eyes. The two of you were never the closest - and you have expressed many times you could care less about him - but despite that, he still acknowledged the connection you two made. No matter how many rude comments you made about him, he could still feel how much you cared about him. Him and Hina.

Before he could inquire more about you, Naoto had already closed the file. "As much as I'd love to find more about [name]-san and bring her to justice, we simply do not have the time. We must find out more about Sano Manjiro and bring his reign of terror to an end."


"It's been years, Takemichi!" Atsushi Sendo, otherwise known as Akkun, wrapped an arm around Takemichi and pulled the boy closer to him in a friendly embrace.

After pulling themselves away from your file, Takemichi and Naoto discovered Akkun and figured he would be a good intermediate to Sano Manjiro. After a rather disgusting scavenger hunt through Takemichi's apartment, the raven haired boy managed to locate Akkun's phone number and get in contact.

That led them to where they were now.

The two middle school friends were laughing as they reminisced their past, looking up at the stars. "And Yamagishi-kun went and farted at the most crucial moment too!" Takemichi laughed out loud.

"I was looking so cool too..." Akkun chuckled with a shake of his head.

Takemichi raised a brow and lightly hit him on the shoulder, "Man, Akkun, you were so lame!" He looked back up at the stars, "But look at you now. It's been years... you've really made it for yourself. You own this hostess bar and even got all the expensive items! You're basically living the opposite life of me!"

As Takemichi rambled, he failed to notice the saddened expression on Akkun's face as he gazed at the ground below him.

"Takemichi..." Akkun interrupted, causing the airhead ravenette to stop talking. "You got pushed onto the tracks, didn't you? You wanna know something? The person who pushed you onto those tracks was me."

The blond froze upon hearing those words. He suddenly felt cold to the core as a shiver ran up his spine. "W-what..."

"But you got saved, didn't you? He saved you. Tachibana Naoto..." Akkun made his way closer to the railing. "This may sound crazy but, Takemichi... you can go back into the past, can't you?"

"Akkun, I don't know what you're -"

"Takemichi, tell me you can go back!" The plum-haired boy suddenly turned around and grabbed Takemichi by the arms, shaking him around. "I know you can! Otherwise, how would he have known that you were going to get pushed and save you in time? It's not crazy, right?!"

The blond stared in horror at the desperation in his old friends eyes as he violently shook him. Finally gathering the courage to pry him away, Takemichi pushed Akkun away. "You're the one acting crazy here, Akkun! You? Pushing me off the railing?! That's got to be a lie..." Takemichi stared with wide eyes at his past friend. "You wouldn't do something like that... The Akkun I know will do anything for his friends..."

The plum haired boy sighed before turning back around. He gave a sad smile as he stared at the city in front of him. "I wonder how it ended up like this... I'm one of Kisaki's soldier's now. I'm terrified of him..." Akkun wrapped his arms around himself. Takemichi was unable to say anything as he listened to what Akkun had to say. "Takemichi... Mikey started to change when Draken died."

Takemichi's eyes widened and he was sure he felt his heart skip a beat. "He- Draken died?!"

"He wasn't supposed to die, but he went and bit it." Akkun started, making his way up to stand on the railing. "There were a lot of things that shouldn't have happened but did. When Draken died, everyone could tell Mikey was just barely holding on." He put his hands in his pockets as he stared at the view in front of him. "But then she went missing, and he lost all control."

"She? Who went missing...?"

"Honestly, if she was still here, none of this would have happened." Akkun continued, ignoring Takemichi. "She wasn't supposed to die... not yet." He took a single step forward.

"Akkun... get down from there." Takemichi felt his entire body shaking, "It's dangerous."

"You have to save her, Takemichi." Akkun continued, "You have to make sure she lives. If she was still alive, everyone would be safe. None of this would have happened."

Takemichi could feel his heart beating out of his chest.

With the most genuine smile he could muster, Akkun turned around and looked at Takemichi. "Please save everyone..."

Takemichi couldn't move his body. Why?!

"Our crybaby hero..."










A/N: I should really be studying for my exam but here I am :P
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